Chapter 45-Training

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"Gally, swing up with your knife. No, no, not like that. Gally we're doing this so if you ever meet a griever maybe you can protect yourself. Try again." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.
"Brian, what on earth are you doing? You cant kill a griever with a twig-Carl, Carl put the rock down, Rick isn't a griever." I shouted, clapping my hands in the air to get their attention. I swear that guys are clueless sometimes. I stood on a nearby log that had fallen on the ground, and cupped my hands around my mouth.
"Everyone put your weapons down, this isn't working." I shouted. The boys around me slowly stopped what they were doing and glanced up at me. The practice fighting came to a halt as the crowd quieted. I let out a sigh and throw my hands in the air.
"Go take a break, get some lunch." I said eventually. The boys all ran away to the kitchen hut and I plopped down in the grass putting my head in my hands.
"You okay? I take it training isn't going too well." I heard Alby's voice ring as he sat next to me.
"No, it's not. Earlier, I saw Dean try to bash out Marks head with a stick, and Sam tried to kick Jack in the head and failed miserably. Why are they so bad at fighting?" I sighed, and Alby let out a laugh.
"How much would you hate me if I told you I've tried to teach them before. They're unteachable in combat. At least the builders are." He chuckled. I nodded.
"You can say that again." I groaned. I saw the boys come flooding back out of the hut and stood up.
"Alright. Back to work. Thanks though Alby" I sighed and picked up a spear.

"Wow, that was really good Ron. Nice job Percy! You guys are doing great." I said, walking around the group. The boys had finally made progress. Half of them were using spears, and half of them were getting the hang of using knives. A few of them were still fumbling around, but for the most part everyone had learned basic survival techniques.
"Em?" I heard behind me. I whipped around to see Newt standing there.
"What the bloody hell is all of this?" He said, gesturing to the boys. I shrugged.
"teaching 'em to fight. I said. He looked at all of the boys before scratching his forehead.
"So they know how to fight."
"Why do they need to fight?"
"What if a griever gets into the glade? Do you want everyone running like their life depends on it instead of fighting?" I said, folding my arms over my chest. Newt smiled a bit and nodded.
"I guess it would be good for them to know. but we have you to protect us from the big bad grievers anyways." He said. I nodded, but felt my expression falter for a second.
"I might not always be around." I said. Newt frowned.
"Don't talk like that. Nothing is gonna happen to you, love." He said. I nodded.
"You don't know that."
"I do."
"You don't."
"Nothing is going to happen to you and I'll make sure of it." He said firmly. I nodded, and a silence followed.
"Fine. Even if I'm just in the maze I want you guys to know to fight." I said quietly. Newt nodded.
"Okay. I'll let you do your thing." He said, and turned to walk back to the gardens.
"Wait!" I said, grabbing his hand.
"Let me teach you." I said, letting go of his arm as he turned back around to face me.
Newt nodded and smiled, and I dragged him off to the weapons room.

"How about this one. This looks cool." Newt said, pulling out a dagger the size of his forearm.
"I don't know Newt. I was thinking something more practical for you. Something you can use in the gardens maybe." I said, rifling through a box of switchblades.
"What do you mean?" He asked, standing next to me and looking over my shoulder.
"Something you can use to cut vines? Or chop trees maybe?" I said. I brushed away from Newt and walked over to wall where we had an axe hanging off a hook. I pulled it off the wall.
"Maybe this?" I said, and he shrugged.
"I've used one of those before. I don't think I was too terrible at it." He said. I nodded, leading him outside. "Try it out. Try to chop down one of the branches off that tree." I said, pointing to one close by.
"Alright." Newt said, shaking his head and walking off. I watched as he tried to chop down a tree branch, and was nearly successful. That is, until he dropped the axe and it landed probably two inches from his foot.
"Okay, not that then." I said, turning to go back into the weapons room.
"So what's the plan?" He said. I walked quickly around the room. I was looking for something, but I couldn't remember where I had left it.
"What on earth are you looking for?" Newt said, running after me. I started searching through one of the bins in front of me until I found it. I pulled it out, the weapon still in the leather sheath.
"A machete?" Newt said. I nodded.
"Yeah. Try this." I said, handing it to him. He took it out of the leather covering and held it in his hand.
"It's heavy." He said. I nodded.
"It's supposed to be. More leverage." I said. Newt nodded and walked back over to the tree. He took one swing at the branch and it stuck in the wood. He yanked it back out and took two more swings. On the fourth hit, the branch cracked and fell to the ground.
"i think we found your weapon." i said, walking up to Newt and scuffing his hair. He rolled his eyes and looked down at the machete.
"I guess so." He said. He laughed a bit and we both walked back to the group of boys that were still training.

(A/N) I'm sorry guys, I havent updated in so long. I've been so busy and I'm having a hard time coming up with ideas for the story. To the few of you that still read and enjoy this story, I'm sorry. Anyways, I hope you guys are doing okay, and I'm just sorry. I don't know how much longer I'm going to continue writing this story.

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