Chapter 38: Memories

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After my incident in the maze, I was able to keep running without a problem. I could actually run almost as well as I normally do. We finished up our route and I actually felt better after that. I don't know what caused me to get so weak all of a sudden, but it didnt happen again. The only problem was I still had this aching feeling in the pit of my stomach. A gnawing pain that twisted up my insides and made me feel like I was going to puke. Whatever it was, I didn't like it, not one bit. If this was WICKED's idea, I would have to have a chat with them.
"Hey, we're almost back to the glade. Why don't you go to the medjack hut. Or, at least go to bed, I'm pretty sure you need to get some sleep." Minho said, before we turned another corner. My head felt as empty as the hallways we ran through, but I nodded.
"Well, I need to draw out my map for today first." I pointed out. I didn't tell him about the fact that I couldn't remember a single turn. Let's just say that I was having a hard time focusing because of the pain in my stomach. Minho made a face and waved his hand dismissively.
"Nah, I got you. We ran the same route, we can go with only one copy of it." He ran a hand through his hair and made a face, looking up at the sky like he was thinking. "Yeah, uh...that'll work." He smiled down at me and we kept running, out footsteps echoing throughout the stone walls. I really didn't want to head back to the glade yet, and the last thing I wanted to do was take a nap.
"I still think I should draw my map," I explained. Minho shook his head.
"Nope. How are you going to run again in a few days if you're sick? You have the day off tomorrow anyways, so you should focus on getting better." He said, staring straight ahead and trying to remember the path we'd taken so far. He always did that, mumbling the turns we took under his breath. I don't know if anyone else ever notices, he does it so quietly, but i can tell.
"Yeah, maybe. I should go check on Newt though, his ribs are almost healed." I lied, making up any excuse possible. I really felt fine, and I didn't want to sleep. Plus, it wasn't totally wrong, Newt was doing better, but I still checked on him every day before dinner,
"I can do that." Minho said as we turned around the last corner, being met with the familiar scene of the glade. We slowed to a jog as our feet hit the grass. Minho kept repeating the sequence of the turns we had taken. He looked up at the clouds while he muttered the pattern under his breath. When he must have finished he sighed and turned back to me.
"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure I got the pattern right today if we're only keeping one copy of the route we took today." He ran a hand through his hair and smiled.
"Alright, go get some sleep. Or go to the medjacks and get some medicine to help out with whatever the shuck just happened." He said, grabbing his water bottle and chugging the last few sips. He flipped the cap back onto the bottle and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
"Go on, shoo." He said jokingly, swatting my arm and pushing me towards the homestead. Both of us started laughing a bit and I planted my feet in the dirt. I punched him in the shoulder and he stopped, still laughing.
"Okay, fine. I'll go take a nap. Just promise me that you tell Newt I'm fine, and you see how he's doing." I said, folding my arms over my chest. It was the only way I would agree to get some resort, and I think Minho knew that. He nodded and tucked his water bottle back into his backpack.
"You got it. I'll see ya around Em, and hopefully then you don't feel like fainting." He turned, waved over his shoulder, and jogged off towards the map room.
"Slinthead." I muttered under my breath as I trudged off to the homestead.
"Hey! Em, you gonna help me with dinner today?" I heard Frypan call across the glade. I turned towards the kitchen and saw him poking his head out of the door. I waved back to him.
"Uh, about that. Fry? I'm not feeling too good, so I'm going to get some sleep, okay?" I called back. Frypan cocked his head to the side and walked out of the kitchen into the sunlight.
"Are you alright?" He called back. I nodded and cupped my hands around my mouth to call back when a wave of dizziness washed over me. The pain in my stomach got so much worse and I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. I heard Fry call my name and come running towards me, but I waved my hand.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." I muttered. Frypan grabbed my elbow anyways and peered down at me.
"You don't look fine. You're pale. C'mon, let's get you back to your room. You don't look too hot." He said, and I agreed. I felt awful all of a sudden. What was happening to me? Fry helped me get to my room, and helped me stand up against the doorframe.
"Are you alright?" He asked, still holding onto my elbow.
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks Fry. You get back to the kitchen, I'll be...I'll be fine." I said, tucking my arms up to my chest. It was freezing in the homestead.
"Alright, well, If you need anything, you let me know, alright?" He said, looking me up and down one last time. I nodded and he turned, walking down the hallway and out of the homestead. I turned and opened the door, immediately heading towards my drawer and throwing it open. I tossed all of the clothes I could onto the bed and started throwing on my sweater. It helped, but I was still freezing, so I changed out of my shorts and into my jeans. It was a bit better, and I climbed into bed. The second I was laying down, it was like all the energy was drained from my body. I tucked the blankets up under my chin to stop the shivering, and tried to stay as warm as I could. I glanced up at the ceiling as I fell asleep, the inky dark splotches spreading across my vision until I was unconscious.

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