Chapter 17-Old friends

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I woke up sitting in a white chair, and there was a group of people sitting around me. It took a moment for me to register to where I was, but then I looked around. There was 3 girls, and two boys, all dressed in white outfits, and they were spitting at a desk, a pile of papers in front of them. All of them were sitting in chairs around it, facing me, except for one girl with blonde hair, who was leaning on the edge of the table. The first boy looked around my age, with cropped black hair and a few freckles across his nose. He was sitting down, his elbows on his knees. Next to him was a shorter, rounder boy, with curly brown hair, and flushed cheeks.

"Hey, do you remember us?" A pretty girl with curly, long black hair asked. She had big bright blue eyes, dark tan skin and a hopeful smile. I looked around at everyone's faces, hoping it would trigger something and I would remember them. Nothing clicked in my brain. I had no idea who they were, except for seeing them in the room earlier.

"Um, no, I'm sorry...who are you?" I said quietly. I wanted to remember, I really did, but I couldn't. Their faces dropped and one girl that had been standing next to me walked over and slumped down in a chair.

"But Wicked..... They said she'd remember, why doesn't she remember us?" She said, looking at the other teens. Her grey eyes turned to look at me, confusion written across her face. A girl with straight brown hair rolled her green eyes at the girl.

"Hey, Maddie, chill. They said she'd remember when she died, not now. Those idiots have a plan for everything." She said calmly, like it didn't mean anything. I shuddered.

"Can we stop saying when I die, I'd rather not think about that." I said, trying not to let my voice crack.

"yeah, sure, I'd rather kill these WICKED employees anyways." The girl said.

"Maddie..." the boy with cropped, black haired boy warned. She sighed and tapped her fingernails on the arm of her chair. The younger boy giggled quietly to himself. I looked back at the girl that had the super curly black hair. She looked kind of shy, but she gave me a sad smile, and I felt reassured. I'm guessing she knows me, and I knew her. But I cant remember where, or why, because of the idiots who put me in the maze.

"Look, you don't.." the boy paused, "you don't remember us at all?" A black haired boy said. I looked over at him. He had dark brown eyes that looked sad. I shook my head and he sighed.

"Oh...okay." He leaned back in his chair again. His hair fell in his eyes and he brushed it out quickly. I looked around.
"Where am I? Where are my friends? Where's Newt?" I asked. I looked at the people around me. They looked at each other. The girl with the curly black hair crossed her arms over her chest. She opened her mouth to say something, closed it, then took a step forward before talking.
"He's.....I is he? Newt, I mean." She asked, taking a few steps toward me. I looked up at her and crossed my arms over my chest as well before looking up at the girl.
"Well, I would know if I was there, wouldn't I? But as far as I know, he could be dead. I have no idea how long I've been here at this point." I said, looking at everyone else. The girl nodded slowly and took a step back.
"I guess so." She let her hands fall to her sides and sat back down again, looking at one of the papers spread on the table in front of her.
"Look, Chancellor Paige would like us to explain that's happening to you, okay?" The blonde girl said. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Okay, explain please. I want answers." I said, folding my hands in my lap. The black haired boy nodded and leaned forward in his chair.
"Okay, so look. The trials are like a giant video-game, okay? You get put in those chairs, they put this thing in your brain, and until you've done what they want you to do, you cant remember your past." He paused and the blonde girl nodded. She patted his shoulder and continued explaining.
"Exactly. If you die, the computer basically renders the chip in your brain useless, and you get your memories back. We were told that you would have yours back now, but I guess that's not the case." I rubbed my temple, trying to think. A chip, in my brain? How did it get there? I ran a hand through my hair. There's no way all of that was a simulation in my head. It was so real, I almost died! I met my friends and I ran in the maze and all that other klunk. I nodded and the girl with straight brown hair continued.
"You should know from yesterday that you aren't going to be in the maze trials for long. You were put there to help the boys. The truth is, they were taking too long, 'cause those idiots are useless." The boy with black hair hit her on the back of the head and she rolled her eyes.
"Well, come on Shane, the girls in the simulation right now are way ahead of them. You can't argue with evidence." She said slyly, running a hand through her hair.
The boy sighed and rolled his eyes in frustration.
"Annnyyywaysss-" He said, dragging the word out for emphasis and shooting the girl a look. "Once you finish what they want you to do, they're taking you out of the simulation and wiping your friends memories. they're sending a girl named Teresa into the maze later on. They want the boys to believe that she's the first girl, so it seems more important, gives them a sense of urgency. And, it has other reasons, which you'll learn later." I nodded and looked at the floor, fiddling with a stray thread on my pants.
"So they'll forget me? All of them?" I asked quietly. They nodded solemnly. I fell back in my chair.
"Yeah. They'll make it so your friend doesn't remember you. Sounds awful, huh?" the brown haired girl said, leaning back in her chair and glaring at a camera on the wall. Crud, I said something wrong didnt I. Shuck. I guess they were my friends too. I looked around at all times of them, trying to sense something familiar, but I couldn't. I didn't remember them. I frowned at looked at the ground. Why did they have to take my memories at all? What did it accomplish? They're explaining everything to me now, so why would do that. What were they trying to hide from me?
"Hey, um. Why would they take my memories away? Ava said she needed to explain everything to me again. Why do that in the first place? Why not let me remember their plan?" I asked. The black haired girl looked at me.
"Good question. The chip in your brain, it's incredibly sensitive. They try to remove certain memories, ya know? Family, friends, life before the maze. But sometimes they remove too many memories. Or, not enough. Sometimes a memory here and there slips out, and sometimes memories that are supposed to return, don't. You were supposed to remember all of this a week ago, but you didn't. Ava had to bring you back here, give you a reminder." Everyone else nodded. I felt my face scrunch up in confusion. Why remove our memories at all? Why not just let us go through the maze remembering our families? I had a lightbulb click in my brain and I looked up, my eyes widening.
"Wait, bring me back....did she make the griever attack me? Did she hurt me on purpose? Make everyone see that, make them worry, and Minho could have gotten hurt running too? Did she do all that, just to talk to me?" I barely whispered. If that was the case I will find, and kill that woman. She does not get to do that to my friends, or me. I glared at the ground, my cheeks burning red. A girl spoke up, but i didnt look at her.
"Yeah...Ava thought it was the best way. The only way to bring someone out of the simulation is make them comatose, so their actual body can leave. And then, it has to be cleared, or else you'll remain in the simulation until you heal and can wake up. they monitor everything. They could put someone in a coma and leave them that way for months."
I shuddered, thinking of what that would be like. To live in darkness for that long? And the fact that they even have the ability to do that to someone makes my blood boil. I cracked my knuckles and leaned back in the chair, trying to calm myself down before I did something stupid. I thought of Newt, of Minho. I thought of Frypan and Alby, Gally and Josh. Even Clint and Jeff. I thought of running through the maze with Minho and gardening with Newt. I thought of my friends. I thought of the family I dont remember. I may never know if they're alive, but I know I loved them.

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