Chapter 33-The banishing

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6 hours. That's how long its been since the meeting. 6 hours of Tyler sitting in the slammer, shouting insults at us while I worked in the gardens. 6. Long. Hours. Every 5 minutes or so he calms down a bit, and we think maybe he's finally calmed down, but then he suddenly gets a wave of energy and shouts insults louder than before. I've seen Gally punch him in the face three times, hoping to shut him up. It didn't do much, now Tyler just has a swollen lip and his words are a bit slurred. Every time he shouted something I had to take a deep breath and remind myself that it was only an hour until he was gone. Gone for good. The grievers would tear him to pieces, and when I go running at some point ill find what's left of him. Whatever happens, he won't touch any of us again. I was sure of it, I mean, nobody really survives a night in the maze, right? The only reason I survived is because Minho found me before the doors closed, but him? If someone finds him they'll turn the opposite way and run, or they'll turn and sock him in the jaw. Hopefully, they'd do that, at least.
"Em?" I heard someone call, and they waved their hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze, almost dropping my shovel in the process. Zart was standing in front of me, his hand still raised like he wasn't sure if i was actually focusing on him. I looked up at him and nodded.
"Oh, uh...sorry, I kinda...spaced out there. What's up?" I asked, leaning on my shovel for support. Zart dropped his hand to his waist and put it in his pocket.
"Alby wants you to meet him in the map room. He uh, said something about Tyler, so you should go see him." He said. I nodded and sighed, glancing down at the ground.
"Got it. I'll go take care of that I guess. Do me a favor, I was gonna go check in on Newt, but I cant now. Can you check in on him, and remind Jeff and Clint to give him some more pain medicine?" I asked. Zart looked at me blankly for a moment before blinking frantically and nodding.
"Oh, yeah, yeah..." He paused and cleared his throat. "Got it. I'll do that in a bit." He nodded quickly again and went back to gardening. Gosh he's weird. I shook my head and turned, dropping my shovel and heading towards the map room. I started walking across the grass when I stopped. Tyler wasnt shouting anymore. That could mean one of two things. Either he shouted so much that his voice is gone and now he's passed out on the floor of the slammer, or he has a reason to stop shouting. If he has a reason it most likely means he's not upset or sitting in the dirt. Hopefully its the first option. I was about to sprint over to the slammer to check and make sure he was still there, but soon enough his voice rang throughout the glade again.
"YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE. ALL OF YOU. YOU DON'T GET IT, SHE'S DANGEROUS." He shouted out. I rolled my eyes. I heard someone groan and shouted back.
"Shut up, klunk-for-brains! Nobody cares about your shucking threats!" I smiled and spent a minute trying to figure out who the voice was, but when I couldn't, I gave up and kept marching towards the map room.

"Alby? What the heck is up with Tyler?" I talked, throwing the door open and crossing my arms over my chest. Alby looked up from a table at me, then glanced back down.
"Oh, hold on one second Em, I'll explain everything." Alby said, and went back to leaning over the table. I took a step closer and saw him sewing something. Or at least stitching it back together again. He bit the string so it broke, tied it in a knot and tossed the shirt back onto the table. He looked up and walked over towards me, letting out a sigh.
"Okay, so, Tyler." He paused a moment and sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "He's being banishment in about 20 minutes, which is right before the doors closed. I want you to have the option of banishing him yourself. You went through a lot because of him, so if you want to....ya know....push him into the maze, I'd understand." He said. I nodded but felt like shaking my head instead.
"I appreciate the thought, Alby, but Newt should do that instead. Not me." I said. Alby nodded.
"Oh, true. I already talked to him though, and he didnt want to. I guess I'll be doing it again..." Alby sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He looked down at me and started to say something, but there was a knock on the door behind us.
"It's time, Alby. Gotta go." Minho said, popping his head in the door. Alby and I nodded and followed him outside. We walked over towards the group of people around gathered around the maze opening. Me, Alby and Minho pushed our way through the boys to the front of the crowd. Gally was already standing there, a furious-looking Tyler, who's hands were bound behind his back. Gally looked pretty mad too, his face already set in a scowl, and his eyes pointed towards the sky as if he didn't believe the situation. Tyler looked like he was ready to kill anyone....or everyone here.
"Hey, Emmy." I heard a familiar voice call, and an arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled a bit and wrapped my arm around him.
"Hey Newt. You're supposed to be resting, what are you doing out here?" I asked. He shrugged.
"I could use some fresh air. Besides, I'm second in command. It's kinda my job to be here for things like this around the bloody glade." He added, and I nodded. Gally clapped his hands and everyone turned to him.
"Alright. I'm not much for formalities, so let's get this over with." He said. Gally turned, making sure everyone had their eyes on him, before he turned and punched Tyler straight in the jaw. Tyler fell to the ground with a groan, and
Gally just glanced him up and down before walking back into the crowd. Alby took his spot in front of Tyler, and cleared his throat.
"Alright. Poles at the ready." He shouted. A few of the gladers, including Minho, Gally, Alby and Frypan held up long wooden poles. Alby and everyone pointed them at Tyler who propped himself up on his elbows.
"What, are you....are you gonna kill me?" Tyler stammered, then stopped to spit a was of blood onto the ground next to him. Alby looked down his nose to the boy sprawled on the ground.
"Tyler, newest member of the glade. Do you acknowledge the fact that you disobeyed one of our major rules around the glade?" He asked. Tyler started laughing.
"What? I...I disobeyed one of your ru-"
"Do you acknowledge the fact that you disobeyed one of our rules." Alby interrupted. Tyler looked up at him and nodded.
"Sure. I acknowledge that fact." He said. Alby nodded.
"Then I hereby banish you to the maze. Tyler, on your feet." He ordered. Tyler shook his head.
"No, I'm not-"
"On your feet." Alby ordered again. When Tyler didn't move, Minho grabbed his arm and yanked him to his feet. He hit Tyler on the back of the hit with the pole he was carrying for good measure.
"Alright, this is enough. Tyler, your shuck butt is getting banished to the maze, and if you havent figured this out yet, you're just a really dumb shank." Minho said. The loud boom signaling the closing of the doors echoed throughout the glade and Alby tensed up immediately.
"Poles up!" He shouted. All of the boys that had been carrying a wooden spear held it up and pointed it at Tyler, who took a step backwards towards the closing walls.
"Wai-wait, you guys are serious?" Tyler stammered. He took a step back again, and the boys with the spears took a step forward.
"Come on, guys, you, you can't do this!" Tyler cried, putting his hand up against the moving maze wall. He argued for a few more seconds, pleading for everyone to let him live.
"Please, I'll-I'll do whatever you guys need. I'll, um...wash the runners clothes every other day for a month! I'll, I'll do all the chores you guys want...please don't make me go out there." He begged. Alby tensed up but kept staring straight forward.
"Goodbye Tyler." He said quietly. The boys took a step forward, and Tyler had no choice but to step into the maze to avoid being crushed by the maze doors. He stepped back into the corridor, and screamed as it closed, until another boom sounded, signaling that the walls were done moving. As soon as he was gone, it was like a weight had been lifted off of everyone's shoulders. We weren't exactly happy, but it was like the end of a long, painful, annoying headache. I felt Newt relax next to me, and he wrapped both of his arms around my shoulders from behind, resting his chin on the top of my head.
"Newt?" I asked.
"Mhm?" He said, I looked up at him.
"Do you think he's gone?" I asked quietly. Newt nodded.
"Of course he's gone. Nobody survives a night in the maze." He said. I nodded.
"Thanks for the reassurance, Newt. You always know just what to say to make anyone feel better." I said sarcastically. He laughed a bit and leaned down, pressing his lips to my shoulder.
"That's kinda my job, isnt it? Ya know, second in command and all." Newt explained, smiling. I nodded.
"That is true, and you do a pretty good job at it." I agreed. He smiled a bit more and kissed my cheek.
"Oh really? You think so?" He said. I nodded.
"Of course! Now, I'd love to talk about how great you are, but I need to ask. Did Zart remind Jeff and Clint to give you your pain meds?" I asked. Newt shook his head.
"Alright, come on, we need to do that then, huh?" I said. Newt nodded, and we both walked off towards the medjack hut. When we reached the door, I called out to the two boys.
"Jeff! Clint! Where are you guys?" I said loudly. I pulled the door open and walked inside, followed by Newt. I heard him gasp a bit and he stopped in his tracks.
"Um, Clint, Jeff? Are you too busy? When you're done kissing I'd like some pain medicine please" He said quietly. I rolled my eyes. Clint and Jeff turned to look at Newt when they heard his voice and quickly turned to us. They both stammered and stepped away from each other, a pink blush tinting their cheeks.
"Emmy? Did you know about them?" Newt asked. I nodded.
"Oh come on, you guys didnt? Before I got here they literally spent all day alone together. You dont think they'd form some sort of bond?" I said. Newt shook his head.
"Well it makes sense, but...I never knew." He said, making his confused face. I raised an eyebrow.
"But you don't mind, right?" I asked. Newt shook his head again.
"Well, I mean, I'm very disappointed in you two." He muttered. I felt my eyes widen in shock, and it was the same with the other medjacks. I was about to push Newt out of the room and give him a little chat, when he said.
"I'm disappointed because you didn't tell me. All this time I thought we were the only couple." He pouted. I started laughing, and the two boys smiled with relief.
"Ya know, Patrick and Rob are together too." Jeff added. I nodded and Clint took a step forward.
"So are Jake and Lucas." He said. Newt threw his hands in the air.
"Unbelievable! Nobody bothered to tell me! I feel like a bloody idiot now." He said. All of us started laughing a bit, and he shook his head.
"Whatever, I'll take my medicine and you two can go back to your kissing." He said. All of us smiled a bit before helping Newt find his painkillers.

(A/N) Sooo its been a while since I wrote an authors note. Just wanted to say thank you to all of you that keep reading my trashy story, and especially, a big thank you to everyone who's helped me reach 3K views! You guys are all amazing, and I love each and every one of you! Anyways, I just wanted to say that I posted the ending of this chapter because I heard a negative comment the other day about a same-gender couple, and just wanted to say something. If you do not accept people for being themselves, then this story isnt for you. My account in general isnt for you. This is a no hate place, and I want people to be able to read, no matter what their gender, religion, sexuality, etc. If you don't agree with people being with those they love, or being the gender they want to be, then you don't have to keep reading. If you get offended by couples like this, my stories are not for you, and you can leave. Thanks for reading guys!

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