Chapter 36-Telling Newt

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I made up my mind, and turn to toss the food into the grass. I "trip" over a root sticking out of the ground, drop the bowl into the dirt and pick it up, acting like it was an accident. If anyone saw I wouldn't want them to be suspicious. I dusted my hands on my pants and started walking over towards the homestead, where Newt was staying. I pushed the door open and walked down the hallway to his room. The door was closed, so I knocked on it quietly.

"Come in." I heard him yawn. I pushed the door open and smiled when I saw him curled up under a blanket on his bed. He yawned again and looked up at me.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were asleep." I apologized. Newt rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, being careful not to move his ribs too much.

"It's fine," He paused to yawn yet again. "It's all I've been doing lately, anyways. When will my rib heal so I can do something. I sick of sitting here because it bloody hurts." He complained. I set the bowl down on the little table next to his bed and shrugged.

"It should be about another week before you can do exercise and stuff, but in a few days you can probably just take it easy and walk around a bit." I explained. Newt nodded.

"Okay. Well, thanks for waking me up, I was afraid I would miss dinner." He said, standing up and stretching.

"Uh, No! I mean, it's already gone, sorry. You did miss it, actually." I rambled nervously. Newt frowned and pointed over my shoulder.

"Then whats that?" He asked, pointing to the bowl sitting on the table. I tried to give my best fake laugh.

"Yeah, uh, that was...that was mine. Sorry." I stammered. Newt frowned again.

"Well why didn't you save any for me?" He asked. I felt my shoulders slump a bit, and tried thinking of something to explain, but when I couldn't think of anything I sighed.

"Newt, we need to talk." I mumbled. He looked me up and down, his eyebrows furrowing slightly like they always do.

"Okay, yeah. What do we need to talk about exactly?" He said. I bit my lip, glancing down at the floor. I really don't know what WICKED will say if I tell him, but he needs to know some things at least. I glanced back up at him and was about to explain everything when I heard a door slam down the hallway. Someone else was in here, and they couldn't hear me tell Newt what I'm about to say. I shook my head.

"Not here. Anyone could overhear what I'm about to say." I mumbled again. Newt's eyebrows furrowed even more.

"Well now you're starting to worry me, Emmy. Why can't anyone else hear what you say?" He said. He seemed to grow more concerned with each passing second.

"Wait, is something wrong? Are you breaking up with me? Did you cheat on me? You didn't cheat on me, did you?" He looked me up and down for a second.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" He said. I felt my face burn red.

"What?! NO!? I never cheated on you, and I never-I mean, NO! Just, no. I'm not." I stammered. Newt nodded slowly and looked me up and down again slowly.

"Then what do we need to talk about?" He said again.

"Lets go to the deadheads, okay? It's quieter there." I explained. Newt nodded and opened the door for me. I walked out into the hallway, and he followed me out. We both turned and walked out of the homestead.

Newt grabbed my hand as we walked, and I smiled. I wanted to be as close as possible to him as I could with the time I had left.  We walked holding hands towards the trees, and even though we didn't say anything, I was fine with it. I didn't want to break the silence. It was calming. Peaceful. Perfect. There was no screaming, shouting, or pounding of hammers from the builders. There was no occasional griever shriek like there is at night. There wasn't even the occasional squeal of an animal that the slicers had cornered. Everyone was eating dinner, and the silence settling over the glade was a nice change of scenery. Even the occasional sound of a twig snapping under our feet, and the shuffle of Newt slightly limping didn't bother me.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now