Chapter 34-One Month Left

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"Em, box is here, someone says there's a crate specifically for you." Frypan peeked his head into the medjack hut. I glanced over to the three other boys. Clint and Jeff looked between Frypan and me, then went back to their talking. Newt kissed my forehead and smiled a bit before turning and joining their conversation. I nodded, and Frypan motioned for me to follow him. I followed him out of the medjack hut and across the glade, my boots clomping over the dirt. We stopped in front of the open box, boys already unloading everything and starting to put stuff where it belongs. Gally was in the box, handing things up to everyone. Alby grabbed a crate of what looked like food and turned to hand it to Zart, when his eyes met mine. He handed the crate away and wiped his hands on his pants before walking over to me and Frypan.
"Hey, Frypan, go finish taking the food to the kitchen, will you?" Alby asked, patting his shoulder. Frypan smiled, nodded and walked away. HE picked up two giant boxes of food and easily set them on his shoulders before turning to walk back to the kitchen. I felt my eyes widen a bit and Alby cleared his throat.
"So, the crate that has your name on it. Do you have any idea what's in it? It says on the top that nobody can touch it except for you, so, any ideas?" He said, scratching the back of his head. I shrugged.
"I have no idea, Alby. Can I see it, please?" I said. Alby nodded slowly and looked down at the ground.
"Well see, um...with everything that happened between you and Tyler, and all the warnings he gave. Then the sudden box with your name...." He trailed off, but I got what he meant. I understood.
"Yeah, got it Alby. You're afraid I'm up to something...I'm pretty sure it's nothing though." I said. Alby nodded and put his hands in his pockets.
"Do you have any idea what could be in the box?" He asked. I shrugged and let out a sigh.
"Tampons? Pads? Newt hair ties? I don't know, Alby, girl stuff." I crossed my arms over his chest and he opened his mouth to say something but closed it.
"Um...yeah, okay...maybe. Can we just, can we check first? The last thing we need is a repeat of Tyler." He explained. I nodded, but felt like shouting every sarcastic remark that came to mind.
"Fine. Can we go get the crate then?" I asked, and he nodded.
"Yeah, it's still in the box."
Both of us turned and walked over towards the edge of the box, where Gally looked up at us.
"Hey," He paused to lift another crate up and onto the grass with a grunt. "What'd ya need Alby?" He asked, before handing up a burlap sack full of what I'm guessing is clothes.
"Gally, can you hand us up the box for Emmy?" Alby said. Gally nodded, and grabbed it, picking it up easily.
"Whoa, this is...It doesn't feel like there's anything in here." He said, his eyebrows furrowing as he shook the box a bit.
"Alby, I'm pretty sure all that's in here is clothes or something. It doesn't weigh much." Gally explained. I smiled at him, and looked to Alby, who sighed and looked at the ground. Gally winked at me and pressed the box into my hands.
"Trust me Alby, I know my sister." he smirked. I rolled my eyes.
"Sister? I thought we gave that up." I sighed. Gally shook his head.
"Nah, you're still my little sis. Besides, you can use someone to protect you, being the only girl and all." Gally explained, still handing boxes up to the other gladers.
"Gally, we can talk about this later. Emmy needs to show me what's in the crate." Alby interrupted. I rolled my eyes and set the box on the ground. Alby crouched down and pried a few wood beams off of the top. They popped off easily, and Alby sighed, turning to look at me. I peered down, looking into the box. All that was there was a few boxes of tampons, a pack of hair ties and a new sports bra for running. I smirked at Alby who sighed and picked the box up.
"Okay, nothing to worry about I guess. Do whatever you want with...that." Alby said, scrunching his face up and backing away. I started laughing.
Of course. We live in a stone maze surrounded by creatures that try to sting us, giving us horrifying nightmares, and letting us remember our past which he forgot, but of course a few tampons scares the boys.
I shook my head and went to leave my stuff in my room. I dumped the stuff on my bed, so I can sort it out into the drawers in my end-table. All of the stuff landed on the mattress, but I wasnt expecting the note to fall out of the box, followed by something that rolled off the mattress onto the floor, with a quiet ding, like the sound of a bell, or a key falling. I stopped, immediately grabbing the paper that had landed on my bed. My eyes immediately started to scan the paper.

All of us give you our most sincere apologies. We had no idea that Tyler would do what he did. Regardless, that was not a variable in the trials, and affected the subjects in a way that we were not prepared for. Their killzone patterns were altered, and they aren't giving us readings that are quite as strong anymore. I don't expect you to know what that means, but we need you to help us. You are the only person who understands the situation at all, and you know that there are people outside of the maze. The doctor that helped Tyler has been executed, and we need you to erase the damage he caused to our experiment. In the bottom of the box, you will find a vial, similar to the one given to Tyler.

At this point of reading the letter, I instinctively dropped to the floor, searching for the vial. I'm guessing that's what fell out of the box. I searched under the bed, sticking my hand under until my fingers wrapped around the cool glass vial, and stood quickly, letting out a sigh of relief. I grabbed the letter again, keeping the vial wrapped tightly in my fist.

Upon much observation, we have decided that the most effective way to continue on with the trials would be to erase all memories of the error. Therefore, we would advise you take the serum we provided you with and give it to the entire group of subjects. The serum will not only remove all memories of Tyler from their brains, but also any thoughts of you being an imposter. This will make it so all the results we are receiving, will be valid. You have the option to ingest the serum, if wanted. It would remove any unwanted memories of Tyler, however, since your time in the trials is limited, we will not require you to forget. Remember, time is running out, Emmy. You have one month left in the trials before you will be removed. In 3 weeks, we will send up another serum in the box, and a series of instructions for your removal from the maze. In both situations, we expect you to put the serum in the food, which will be served to the boys. This will erase their memories effectively, and quickly.

Remember Emmy, one month left.

Say goodbye, or you may regret it.

I dropped the note, and the vial onto my bed, and collapsed to the floor, tucking my knees up to my chest. Only one month, one month with the rest of the gladers, with Minho, Gally, Alby...Newt. Only one month. One month until they all forgot me, and I wouldn't be able to see them for what could be years. I couldn't stop the tears from falling at that point. Before I buried my face in my hands and cried, the last thing I saw was the vial of purple liquid sitting on my bed, and the words one more month repeating in my head over and over.

One more month

One more month

One more month

With that thought in mind, I buried my face in my hands and let the tears fall, the 3 word phrase still ringing over and over in my mind.

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