Chapter 13-The plan

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My night went downhill after my moment with Newt. When Alby caught me and Newt walking back he explained that they wanted me to wait a week before running in the maze. A week...just because of a shucking nail in my side. It wasnt that bad, it was practically healed! I tried to convince alby that i was fine, but he said he wasnt making any exceptions. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Come on, Alby! I'm fine!" He shot me a look and walked over to me, lifted up the edge of my shirt and pointed to the bandage. He raised his eyebrows at me as if he believed he had proved his point and I looked down at my stomach. It wasnt that bad, there was only a small amount of blood that had seeped through the fabric. I opened my mouth to speak but he held up a hand and told Newt to take me to back to my room. By then me and Newt headed back to our rooms and went to bed, but not before he hugged me goodnight and walked me to my door.
"Goodnight, love." He said, wrapping his arms around me. I smiled and hugged him back.
"Goodnight," I said. I was still upset and I turned into my room and closed the door, waving to Newt before he walked away. That was hours ago. Now, I'm lying awake in bed, thinking about how long it will be until I can run again. I was thinking three days until I was healed, and I couldn't even wait that long. The thought of not running for more than 2 days made my stomach churn.I heard the boys snoring down the hall, but I couldnt sleep. My mind was coming up with ideas, spinning out plans to get me back in the maze. I could just sneak out, and run. But, I dont know the maze and I would get lost ridiculously easily. I could ask Minho to take me, but he'd probably say no because of the medjack's orders. If I did that I'd be thrown in the pit for sure. I could ask one of the other runners, but they would probably say no, since everyone's heard about what happened with the builders the other day. Each plan I ran threw in my mind came up with a problem. Every. Single. One. I would either get banished, or thrown in the pit, or even just lose everyone's trust. I tossed and turned for hours, not able to get any rest, the feeling of claustrophobia already settling upon my shoulders and making it difficult to breathe. Eventually I grew tired and my breathing slowed down a bit and my eyes felt heavy. I started to drift off to sleep when more ideas began to form in my mind.
Just sneak away, no one will notice.
Climb a tree and hide until you can follow a runner through the maze without them knowing.
Bribe a runner, offer them your dessert for a month in exchange for them to take you through the maze.
The thoughts swirled around my mind, exhaustion making them blend together a bit, until I sat up straight on my bed, my eyes shot open. I had an idea. Not just an idea, either, but it could work. I might get thrown in the pit for it, but I still need to get out soon. I cant wait a week, and with this plan there's a very small chance of Newt or Alby finding out before I leave. With that thought in mind, sleep overtook me and I drifted off into unconsciousness.

I was woken the next morning by a knocking on my door, and I immediately regretted waking up. I groaned and buried my head in my pillow. There was another knock, louder this time and I tried to fall back asleep. The person outside seemed to be getting impatient and knocked again, forcing me to get up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes the best I could and smoothed my hair back, trying to seem like I slept for more than 3 hours. I pulled the door open and saw Minho standing there.
"Come on greenie, time to get up....wait...are...are you okay?" He said, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and yawned, rubbing my eyes again. He looked me up and down.
"okay, well, Newt asked me to wake you up. He had to go talk to Alby, but he wanted to make sure you actually woke up. You slept in, ya know." I yawned again and leaned on the doorframe. Minho sighed.
"Did you get any sleep last night?" I nodded and he raised an eyebrow. I help up 3 fingers and his eyes widened.
"3 hours? Man...okay, come on, we're going to go get you some tea to help you wake up." Before I could say anything he lifted me up into his arms and started walking away.
"What, Minho, put me down!" I struggled, trying to get out of his arms. How is he so strong? I guess running all day would do that to you, but still. He looked down at me and I rolled my eyes. He carried me over to the kitchen and set me down at a table. He walked over to frypan, explained my situation, and came back a second later with a cup of tea. I gulped it down and immediately felt better. Then, Minho and I headed over to the medjack hut. I tried not to look Minho in the eyes too much, I didnt want to give away the fact that i was planning something.

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