Chapter 44: Weapons

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"Alright, go to sleep." Newt says, opening the door for me and leading me into my room.
"But you need to explain what happened to your leg." I said. He shook his head.
"No, I need to make sure you don't get any worse. You passed out earlier, and you hit your head on the ground just now. You're going to bed." He crossed his arms over his chest.
"Newt, if there is any chance that I have a concussion, sleeping is the last thing I should do." I said. He frowned.
"No mind games. I don't care if that's true or not, you're going to bed." He said, giving me a stern look."
"No. Sleep." Newt said, and shut the door behind him as he walked to his room.
"Hmph. Fine." I said, rolling my eyes. I know he's doing it because he wants me to be okay, but a part of me wants him to chill a bit. I laid down in my bed, my head throbbing.
That was when it clicked in my brain. Newt was worried about me being hurt because he sees it happen so often. He watches glader after glader get hurt, and even killed. I don't know what happened to him, but he got hurt too. I took a deep breath and tried to think through the pain in my head. I need to teach these boys how to fight. Not against others, like what Gally does, but with weapons. Weapons that the runners have stored away, for use against the grievers.
But why is it just for protection against grievers?
One day, someone like Tyler might make their way into the glade. At that point, I might not be here to help protect everyone. My mind is made up. tomorrow, I'll ask Alby if I can teach the gladers how to use weapons. I can't imagine him saying no. I yawn and drift off to sleep, my mind filling with images of all of the weapons we have hidden in the runners hut, and matching them to the people around the glade.

"What? You want to reach everyone how to use weapons? Why do you want to do that?" Alby said, swinging an axe and chopping up a chunk of wood.
"Um, I just think it would be good for everyone to know." I said. Alby wiped sweat off of his forehead.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. Just make sure that everyone is safe." He said. I squinted my eyes at him.
"Wait, you actually said yes?" I said. He stopped chopping wood and looked at me.
"Yeah. I think it's a good idea that we can protect ourselves. Even if its not with knives and stuff, it'd be good for everyone to know." He said. He dropped the axe onto the grass and started picking up the wood he had chopped up.
"Oh. When can I start teaching everyone?" I said, picking up some of the firewood and following after him while he carried it over to the storage hut.
"You can start now. The sooner the better." Alby said, walking into the hut and throwing the wood onto the already existing pile.
"How do you want me to do it? Like, in groups, or do you want me to train the entire glade all at once-"
"You can start by training the builders. Unless there's a group you would prefer to work with." He said, wiping sweat off of his forehead again.
"No, it's fine. I can work with the builders. I was thinking I could get them to make spears or something anyways. We don't have enough knives for everyone." I said. Alby nodded.
"Yeah. Sounds great. Go do your thing." He said, taking the pieces of wood from my arms and shooing me out the door.
"Got it, got it. See ya later Alby." I said, and scurried out of the door as quickly as I could. I havent talked to Newt since last night, so he has no idea that I'm going to teach everyone how to use weapons, which is probably for the best. Don't get me wrong, his heart is in the right place, but....he worries about anything that could be potentially dangerous. And when he starts worrying, he doesn't stop. I don't know how he's friends with Minho. About a week ago Minho had the bright idea to play something called "dodgerock". It was basically people throwing rocks at each other, and if you get hit, you're out. Luckily he couldn't find enough rocks...or willing participants to play. I marched over towards the crowd of builders, who were all working on making a new hammock for the next greenie.
"Hey Gally? Can i have you builders do something different today?" I said, walking up next to him. He looked at me over his shoulder, his forehead glossy with sweat.
"Huh? What do you mean?" He said, turning back around to keep working.
"Like, I'm going to train you and the other builders how to fight and use weapons." I said. All of the builders stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
"what do you mean, you'll teach us how to fight?" A boy with blonde hair and freckles asked. I think his name was Peter?
"You know, like with a knife." I said. All of the eyes looking at me widened.
"Really?" Another boy asked. I nodded slowly.
"Um...yeah?" I said. A couple of them nodded enthusiastically. One of them pumped his fist in the air.
"Awesome!" He said, and the boy next to him nodded. Gally looked up at me from his spot kneeling next to the hammock on the ground.
"Wait, everyone? You don't have enough knives for that." Gally said, shaking his head.      I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, that's why I'm going to have you and your minions make some spears." I said. A few of the boys snickered and muttered something under their breath. One of them said something that I didnt hear, but Gally didn't like it, and he turned around.
"Oh shut up, Felix." He said, clonking the boy on the side of the head. The boy frowned and rubbed his scalp.
"Ow." Gally shook his head and turned back to me.
"Okay, many spears do you need?" Gally said. I shrugged.
"How many can you make?"
A few of the boys jump to their feet when I say that.
"We'll go get branches for the weapons!" One of them screamed, and half of the builders ran off after them. Gally watched them.
"Well....I hope your up to a challenge." He mumbled.
"Huh?" I said. He scoffed.
"Good luck teaching those slintheads anything." He said, standing up and walking after them.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now