Chapter 4-Newt and You

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"Emmy? Is that you up there? Are you okay? What the bloody hell happened back there, and what are you doing in another tree? Me and Minho have been looking for you for a while now, do you mind coming down?" Newt was standing under the tree looking up at me. He looked confused, with one hand on his waist, the other shielding his eyes from the setting sun. I took a deep breath and called down to him.

"I'm sorry Newt. Ill explain later. I just needed to get out of there." He raised one eyebrow.

"Emmy, are you okay? You looked like you were having a bloody heart attack. You scared the klunk out of Minho, Alby and I."


I didn't mean to cause trouble, I just couldn't stand being in that small room with the noise and that many people near me.

"I need to leave, Newt. I cant stand being trapped here." He nodded,

"Yeah, I know the feeling. You spend 2 years in the bloody maze and you learn to hate it, but its not so bad anymore."

Oh. I should have thought about that. He's been here a lot longer than I have. Maybe he has advice.

"Newt, how do you stand it? How do you not feel suffocated by the walls?" He moved his hand down away from his face and into his pocket.

"What do you mean? They're far enough away, and they're not going anywhere." He sounded so fine with it, I almost forgot about my fear for a moment. I nodded. I opened my mouth to talk when he called up again,

"Emmy, come on down here please. We've all been looking for you, we want to make sure you're okay." I nodded, turned and looked up at the wall one last time, and started to climb down a bit. Newt didn't quite get it, did he? That I couldn't stand being down there. Maybe he just needs me to explain it to him. I stopped, and sat on a thick branch.

"Hey Newt, why don't you come up here instead?"

"Come up there? Why would I want to bloody do that?"

I shrugged, "I want to show you something" I shouted down. He hesitated, looking up at the tree.

"Come down a bit more and yeah, ill come sit with you." I climbed down towards the lower branches, so we were only about 10 feet off the ground. Newt, being careful with his leg, pulled himself up into the tree, until he was on the same branch I was, and sat down. He turned to me, still with a concerned look on his face.

"Emmy are you sure you're okay? You acted like... I don't even know what that was back there." I looked away. He seems really concerned for me, and I left without telling him where I went.

I nodded, "yeah, I'm fine now. I just had to get out of there." He looked at me, his warm brown eyes asking for answers, but not wanting to push me too far.

"Why are we here exactly? What did you want to show me?"he asked gently. I sighed and pointed out at the maze.

"That's why I want to run. I cant stand it in these walls. When I was in the box I felt like I was being crushed, and I couldn't breath. It was just, darkness, and the metal walls. I felt them closing in on me, and I couldn't breathe, or move, or do anything. I was terrified. l feel like that surrounded by the maze. I need to get out of here." Newt looked at me, confused. I think he realized what I meant after a minute and his expression changed to sympathy.

"Emmy?'re...You're bloody claustrophobic? Why didn't you tell me? If I had known that I would have let you go out today for a bit. I just don't want you out there everyday." I nodded. I should have told him and alby, but I didn't know how to bring it up. I decided to tell him how I felt.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now