Chapter 20-Panic attack

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"Alright, Emmy. The fever has gone down and so has the swelling, so I guess the antibiotics worked." Jeff was checking my leg and he nodded. I smiled and swung my leg over the side of the bed.

"Great, now when can I get out of this prison?" I said, placing my hands on the mattress and starting to push myself up into a standing position. Jeff put a hand on my shoulders and stopped me from standing up.

"Nope, not yet. You need crutches or something. You cant walk on your leg without support." I crossed my arms over my chest and groaned.

"Well then when can I get some crutches?" I said. He sighed and shook his head.

"Well, we have to get the builders to build you some." He said, looking down at me.

"What about Josh, he used crutches didn't he?" I said, my eyes darting around the room looking for something to prove my point. I was expecting to see a pair of crutches shoved under a bed or leaning against the wall. I didnt see anything. Jeff nodded.

"Yeah, he did. Except, you're a bit shorter than he is, so the builders need to make a smaller set for you." I groaned and fell back onto the bed.

"Oh come on, Jeff! I need to get out of here before I go insane, okay? Please." I tried to stand up again but he kept his hand on my shoulder.


"Ugh. Fine. I hate you Jeff." I said, jokingly. He scoffed and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah, the feeling's mutual." He shook his head but smiled. He rolled his eyes and walked over to organize his stuff, once again. I swear he does it all the time. I leaned back on the bed, covering my eyes with my hands. I couldnt look at the roof of this room anymore. Gosh of all things why did I have to be shucking claustrophobic? I'm stuck in this nightmare and I'm afraid of small spaces. Even just thinking about the room made my chest tighten a bit. I pressed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. Nope, not now. I'm not panicking now. I opened my eyes when I heard the door to the medjack hut swing open. A familiar boy with black hair that is always perfectly styled walked into the room.
"Hey Minho. What happened today?" Jeff asked as the runner walked in. Minho held up his hand. A small red gash ran across his palm.

"Sliced my palm trying to cut some ivy. I just need it bandaged." He let his hand fall to his side, but not before a drop of blood fell onto the wooden floor. Jeff nodded and grabbed a roll of bandages off the shelf. He told Minho to sit down and he started to wrap up his hand. Minho glanced at his palm, then looked up at me.

"So, how are you doing, Emmy?" He asked, the corners of his tilting up in a small smile. I shrugged and leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees.

"Oh, ya know. I'm just going completely insane in this room. Can you talk to the builders and ask them to make me some crutches so I can get out of here?" I asked, trying to put on my best sad face. Maybe I can convince him to ask since Jeff is clearly trying to torture me. Minho smirked and ran his non-injured hand through his hair.

"Sure, I can do that....for a kiss." He raised and eyebrow and I scrunched up my nose. There's no way I'm kissing Minho. I like Newt, maybe even love. I shook my head. I pretended to gag a bit and put a hand on my chest.

"On second thought, shank, I don't need crutches." I said, looking at Minho. He chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, I figured. I was only joking, Emmy. Ill talk to the builders, okay?" He said. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Minho." I said. He smiled.

"No problem." He looked down at his hand just as Jeff finished wrapping it up. Minho nodded slightly and stood up. He thanked Jeff and grabbed his chair, bringing it over next to the bed that I've been stuck sitting on for almost a week now.

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