Chapter 21-New brother?

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"Hey, Emmy, here ya go." Gally said, handing me a set of crutches. I jumped up off of the bed.

"YES!" I shouted, leaning on my uninjured leg and grabbing the crutches. Gally shook his head but smiled and I stuck my tongue out at him. I put the crutches under my arms and leaned forward onto them. They held my weight and I smiled a bit. I can finally move by myself, which seemed to take a giant weight off of my shoulders.

"Come, on, let's go outside." I said. Gally opened the door and I slowly hobbled out, followed closes by Jeff. I heard the door close behind us and Gally appeared next to me.

"Okay, now, don't go walking around too much, greenie. I get you want to move around and stuff but your leg can still start bleeding at any time. If it hurts or something, tell someone and they'll bring you back here so I can give you some pain meds, okay?" Jeff asked. I nodded, and he smiled before walking back into the medjack hut. I turned back to Gally.

"So, are you gonna head back to your builder buddies?" I asked teasing. He made a face but laughed a bit.

"Builder buddies? You make it sound like we're shucking 4 years old." He shook his head and then smiled. "But no, I'm not going back to my 'builder buddies,' Jeff asked me to keep an eye on you today." He looked around at the trees, and I scoffed.

"Wow, look at the big tough Gally being my tour guide around the glade." I said, rolling eyes and poking him in the shoulder. He looked down at me and raised one of his weird looking eyebrows.

"What, is something wrong with me following the orders of the medjacks? Is something wrong with that?" he asked, and I nodded.

"yes, something is a wrong with that Gally." I said, lifting up my eyebrow and shooting him a look.

"Oh really. And what is that problem?" Gally asked. I turned  and pointed over his shoulder towards the kitchen.

"I'm hungry, and you're not getting me food."

", okay. I see how it is. I'll go get you some food, since apparently I'm your errand boy now." Gally said rolling his eyes. I laughed and waved my hand in the air.

"nah, I'm kidding, I don't need you to get me food." I said. He looked over at the kitchen.

"Really, if you want it I would go get you a sandwich or something." He said. I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm fine. I don't need a sandwich." I said, shaking my head. Gally nodded and seemed relieve, like he was just offering to be nice.

"Cool." He said. I nodded, but then I paused, shrugged my shoulders and said. "buuuuut if you insist, I'd love a bowl of soup or something." Gally threw his hands in the air.

"Ugh...fine. But don't be surprised if I just 'accidentally' spill the soup on my walk back." He said, turning around to walk away.

"You wouldn't dare!" I shouted after him.

"Try me!" He shouted over his shoulder. I laughed and shook my head. I slowly made my way over to a tree and leaned over, setting my hand against the tree bark. I set the crutches on the ground and sat down in front of the tree. I stretched my legs out in front of me, just enjoying the feeling of the grass. I looked at the other glader boys that are running around. The builders were...building, as usual. I laughed when I saw someone accidentally hammer their thumb instead of the building. The slicers were busy with their job, but I didn't pay too much attention to them. The sloppers were busy cleaning out the animal pen, and I watched their expressions. Most of them wore a face that was twisted up in disgust. I looked over to the open maze doors, almost expecting to see the runners come running back through, until I realized it was only noon and they were still busy running. I turned to the track-hoes, and looked through all of the boys until I saw Newt. He was crouched down on the ground, digging up weeds. He had dirt all over his hands, and he stopped to wipe the sweat off of his forehead, leaving a strip of dirt on his face. He stood up and wiped his hands on his pants before moving on to another section of plants. I smiled to myself and kept watching him work for a bit, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

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