Chapter 15-Grievers

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Minho and I had been running for a while now, almost 4 hours, and we decided it was time for a break. We both sat down, leaning against the wall of the maze, panting. We pulled out our water bottles and our food. I ate my apple happily, glancing around the ivy covered walls. It was calming to me, knowing that there was endless space to run. I finished my apple and tossed the core on the ground before I pulled my sandwich out of my bag. I took a bite and looked over at Minho, who was already done eating and was now just sipping his water.
"Geez, Minho, do you ever taste your food?" I teased, taking a bite of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich Fry had made for me. He turned over to me and chuckled to himself.
"What do you mean? I eat just fine, you eat very slowly." He took a swig of water. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I finished my sandwich and took a sip of my water bottle.
"So, you and Newt, huh?" Minho said, smirking. I nodded and blushed.
"Uh...yeah..." I said, drinking some more water. Minho nodded and looked out at the wall.
"I'm happy for you. Newt could use someone to talk to, he deserves to be happy. Take care of him, okay Greenie? Newt does so much for everyone, he's just amazing. I can see why you like him, he's got a good head on his shoulders." Minho said. I nodded and looked at the ground.
"Yeah, he does, doesnt he." I said, smiling slightly. I pictured him smiling and laughing and felt my heart flutter a bit. Minho nodded and we sat in silence for a bit. I finished drinking my water and decided I should check the bandage again, and groaned when i saw it was bleeding.
"Shuck," I said quietly to myself. Minho looked over at me.
"You okay greenie?" He asked, taking another swig of water.
"Oh, yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm just bleeding a little bit." I took the bandage out of my bag to re wrap it. I used a clean section of the old bandage and dumped a small amount of water on it. I used it to wipe off the blood before putting on the new bandage. I rolled my shirt down and drank some more water. I stood up and Minho raised an eyebrow but smiled.
"You're ready to go already?" He asked, and I nodded. He shook his head and stood up, tucking his water bottle into his backpack before slinging it onto his back. He cracked his neck and stretched his arms.
"You're something else, greenie." He said, buckling the straps of his backpack together. I shrugged and clipped my backpack on too.
"Well, try to keep up," I said, turning and running around the corner, Minho laughed and started to follow me.

I loved running through the maze. Even though the pain in my side was a constant reminder that I wasnt supposed to be there, I couldnt help but smile to myself. We ran in silence for a bit, my ponytail swinging around behind my head. I took in big breaths of air and enjoyed the feeling of being free, even if it was only for a day. I looked over at Minho. He seemed to enjoy running just as much as i did. Over my time in the glade I would say he became one of my closest friends, and I appreciated it. He might be big, strong, maybe hot-headed at times, but he was a good guy. He turned back to look at me and smiled slightly.
"How ya doing? Do you need to take a break greenie?" He called over his shoulder. I shook my head and smiled.
"I'm doing just fine, why? Do you need a break?" I called out to him. He shook his head and kept running.
"Nah, I'm fine," he said confidently. I shook my head and smiled. I opened my mouth to say something but I was interrupted by a loud scream that pierced the air. Minho put an arm out to stop me from running. He put a finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet and slowly walked over to the nearest corner. He put a hand on the stone and slowly poked his head around, then turned around to face me and whispered.
"Okay, theres a griever right there. We're going to cut around the other way, okay?" He put a hand on my shoulder and started to turn me around. I felt my heart beat faster and tried not to think about the creature that could start following us at any second. We ran the other way and the shrieking started to quiet down. We made a complete circle until we thought we were past the griever. I slowed to a stop and Minho did too, both of us leaning against the wall.
"Okay, do you think we're good now?" I asked him. he shrugged and looked down at me.
"I hope so, but we should keep going, just to be sure." He said shaking his head and looking down the hallway. I nodded and pushed myself away from the stone to keep running, ignoring the pain in my side. We turned around another corner and saw the maze corridor split into 3 different routes, and another griever was standing right in the middle hallway. We stopped, hoping it didnt see us. I almost threw up. The griever was a giant, pulsating blob, that had sharp metal limbs sticking out of it in all directions. I couldnt see the front of it, but I imagined it had a horrifying face. There was a giant needle sticking out of the back of it and I shuddered. Minho started to turn around when we heard another shriek behind us.
"Oh you've gotta be shucking kidding me." Minho uttered under his breath. He turned back around to face the first griever, which was facing the opposite direction. I heard metal hitting stone behind me and turned back to see the second griever. Me and Minho stood back to back, both of us facing a griever. He ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up in all directions and he sighed. He reached up and grabbed a dagger that he kept clipped to his backpack.
"Okay, so we're going to split up. You run to the hallway on the left, I run to the hallway on the right. Hopefully the two grievers will just hear each other and leave us alone." I nodded and Minho took a deep breath as the first griever turned around and shrieked at us. He tightened his grip on his dagger and leaned forward into a running stand, and I copied him. Except, we were facing two different corridors, and the grievers were starting to come closer.
"!" He shouted and we both sprinted opposite ways, The first griever shrieked again and ran after Minho. I heard the second griever start chasing after me. Shuck. Well that plan completely backfired. I sprinted around a corner and kept running, the pain in my side getting worse. I can't run as fast as I normally can, and It's not a good thing in this particular moment. I started to run as fast as I could, but the griever was gaining on me. My side started to ache more and I immediately regretted entering the maze at all. I nearly tripped on a piece of ivy that had grown out from the wall and was covering the floor. I glanced down at my watch. 2:30. I had plent of time to make it back to the glade, I just had to stay alive until I could get back to the doors. The griever shrieked behind me and I pulled the blade out of my backpack. I kept running, but looked over my shoulder and chucked the dagger at its hideous face. The blade lodged in its eye and It howled. It shrieked and stopped for a second, it's legs reaching out in all directions while it spasmed. I turned a corner and kept running, but I took out the bigger dagger I had kept in the sheath on my hip and tightened it into my fist, while continuing to run. I started to get tired, the pain in my side making it difficult to breath. I turned to my left and looked over my shoulder. The griever looked a lot closer to me now and I started sprinting faster, a sudden burst of adrenaline being pumped into my veins. I jumped over a pile of rocks sitting in the middle of the hallway and kept sprinting. I turned around another corner as the griever reached out its legs and sliced my arm.
I screamed, grabbing my elbow and hugging my arm to my chest. I could feel the warm sticky blood spread through my shirt, but I kept running through the maze. The griever was going to kill me. I would get stung, or stabbed, or even just lost in the maze. I started to panic, thinking of the gladers. The last time I saw them I was lying to them, and now there's a chance I'll never see them again. A loud grinding sounded to my left and I turned to see a section closing. I swerved towards it, the griever shrieking behind me. I started to run through the closing walls, and the griever tried to follow. The creature couldnt get through the closing walls and it stopped, but not before it reached out one of its long legs to try and get me. I felt a stabbing pain in the leg and I screamed again, trying to sprint as far away as possible from the metal limb. I squirmed my way out through the gap and fell to the concrete, my leg burning like crazy. The pain spread up through my entire body and I groaned. I looked down at my thigh, and saw blood seeping through the fabric of my jeans. My vision started to go black around the edges and I collapsed to the floor. My side and my arm ached and I couldn't take it. The pain was too much and I laid on the cool concrete. Even though i was in pain, I took a deep breath when I realized I was safe from the griever, and a sudden feeling of safety washed over me. I tried to get up, to walk back to the glade. I would crawl back if i had to, and I grabbed onto the ivy next to me to help pull myself up. I managed to stand up off the ground, but when I did a wave of dizziness hit me, and i crumpled back to the floor. I'd lost too much blood. I was never going to see the gladers again. I wont make it back by the time the doors close, and I'll never see my friends again. My eyes started to get heavy and I rested my head on my uninjured arm.

Goodbye, Gally

Goodbye, Minho

Goodbye, Newt.

I closed my eyes and embraced the unconsciousness that covered me like a blanket.

{Meanwhile, in the glade}

Newt dropped his shovel to the ground when he heard a scream. And then another one. His eyebrows scrunched up and he limped towards the wall. He walked across the glade, and even though he was getting stares from the gladers, he didnt care. His girlfriend and his best friend were out there. Minho and Emmy had to be okay. They had to, right? They were the fastest runners around, so there's no way they got hurt. No griever would ever be able to catch them, they're too fast. Newt tried to reassure himself but a small seed of doubt planted itself in the back of its mind and started to grow there. Emmy was hurt. She cant run as fast as she can normally, and she wasn't even supposed to be out there. She could start bleeding again and then what does she do? Sure, Minho is with her, but he cant carry her in case something happens, and make it back in time. He ran a hand through his hair and began to turn around when he saw a figure turn around the corner. Newt was relieved to see Minho, and expected to see a girl jogging after him, a smile on her face. He waited, crossing his arms over his chest. She would come running around the corner any second now. She had to. Except, she didnt. The panic that had been sitting in his chest flared up and he took a step towards the maze. Minho came running over to Newt. He was panting, sweat glistening on his forehead and he leaned over, putting his hands on his knees and taking deep breaths.
"Minho, where's Emmy?!" Newt asked, panic starting to spread further throughout his chest. Minho looked up at Newt, and raised an eyebrow. He stood up slowly and asked.
"She's not here? We split up, got chased by a griever. I figured she'd beat me back here, since she's a bit faster than me." Minho turned back to the maze and Newt groaned before kicking the wall with the toe of his shoe.
"I can't believe we shucking believed her! She wasn't supposed to go into the bloody maze!" He yelled, tugging at his hair. Minho took a step towards Newt.
"Hey, calm down, man. What do you mean she wasn't supposed to go into the maze?" He said, putting his hands on Newts shoulders. Minho had no idea what was going on, but he started to feel slightly sick to his stomach. Newt threw his hands in the air,
"She shucking tricked us Minho! She gave us a fake note, she wasn't  supposed to go running, and now she could be dead!" Newt kicked the ground before walking over and leaning against the wall. He slid down so he was sitting in the grass and put his head in his hands. Minho didnt say anything, he just ran a hand through his hair. He brought her into the maze. He should have told her no, he shouldn't have taken her with him. He felt guilty, even though he didnt have to, and he leaned down to set a hand on Newts arm.
"Hey, hey. I'm gonna go back out and find her, okay? Ive got plenty of time, we weren't that far from the glade." Newt didn't do anything, and Minho sighed, stood up and ran back into the maze.

(A/N) Okay, so, yeah. That happened. Sorry if it's a shorter chapter but I'm planning ahead because the next chapter is going to be very interesting....hopefully. I think it will be, so hopefully you guys agree. So I'm trying to make it so that this story and the maze runner story can fit together, and they wont contradict each other. The next chapter will explain how this fits into the actual maze runner book's timeline, and all that stuff. So, thanks for reading, I love ya!

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin