Comatose (J2M)

Comincia dall'inizio

"What do we do? We need to help her," Jared said and Misha walked a bit away from the others. Jensen looked at him with worry, "Hey Mish, you okay?"

Misha wiped his eyes, sniffing a bit. You were the closest to him on set. He was your best of the best friends and now it hurt him to face the fact that you didn't remember him at all.

"We're all hurting Misha, we have to do something for [y/n/n]... For our girl," Jensen said, rubbing his friend's shoulder slowly. Misha took a deep breath then nodded.

They'll do whatever they can to get your back... The [y/n] they know so well.


The next day...

They brought pictures, videos, props from the set of Supernatural, items that had some mental significance to you and them.

You constantly looked at them with confusion and slight fear. They were still strangers but no one part of the staff stopped them from visiting you. Did you know them? Are they close to you?

"Hey [y/n], remember one of things you love about me?" The man with the long hair stepped towards you, a maroon flannel shirt in his hands. You looked at it without recognition, wondering why he said sit was significant times you.

"You love my flannel. Whenever you get a chance you'd sneak one away from me and keep it until I notice," He chuckled, "You said they smelt like me, even if they'd come fresh out of the washing." He moved closer to you and placed the shirt in your hands.

After hesitation, you picked it up and smelt it. You felt a spark of familiarity throughout your body but it went away as soon as it came along.

"Yes it works!" The man with the bowed legs said in victory. He switched the tiny hospital TV on and played the DVD that he had inserted.

"Look! Don't tell me you can't remember this," He said while forwarding the video playing, "It's the reason we know each other."

You watched the video, it was a TV show and something surprised you. You sat up straight and looked shocked, pointing to the screen. "It's-It's-!" You got a little excited. The bowlegged man looked proud that he finally helped you remember but-

"You three are on TV! Are you famous? What show is this?!" You questioned and they sighed. You didn't remember the fact that you yourself act in the show.

But then you saw a scene where you were acting as well and you were scared out if your senses.

"W-Why am I there? What's going on?" You asked and they switched the TV off abruptly.

The kind looking man came over to you and sat down on a chair pulled next to you. For some reason you felt relaxed around him. It was as if you knew him very well...

He showed you his phone, a video was playing. You watched it intently, the location looked like a film or TV show set. You spotted the kind man moments later and he seemed happy, laughing and smiling to the person who was speaking with him... The same person who was taking the video. It sounded like you.

"Alright 'babe', in order for you to win the bet with J2, we have to look legit okay?" You said and he nodded. Moments later the phone was shoved to the side and he planted a kiss on your lips. "Is that real enough for you?" He grinned and you were speechless. "Well... Okay now act like that in front of everyone else," You said and he winked at you.

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