¤Chapter 59¤

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Roman felt some warm liquid slid down his cheek followed by a soft delicate body being placed on him. He soon heard a bunch of mumbling as he felt a tap on his face. His eyes opened to be greeted with a gum grin and sparkling big blue eyes stared at him. She laughed as she saw him awake and continued hitting his cheek.

"Wake up sleepy head." He heard her angelic voice as she straddled him.

He chuckled lifting Miracle up above him then bringing her down to blow raspberries on her stomach making her laugh. He did two more time before kissing her cheek. He carefully sat up right to meet Eleanor'a brown eyes.

"How are my favourite girls doing?" He asked with a wide smile before kissing her cheek.

"We're doing good." She grinned placing a kiss on his lips. "How'd you sleep?" She wiped Miracle's drool off his cheek.

"Great as always." He smiled.

"Well." She took Miracle from him. "We came to get you to come join us for breakfast." She stood up.

"Alright I'll be down in five minutes." He told her looking at her walk away with Miracle in her arms.

She wore two different colour ankle socks, his black button up shirt he'd worn yesterday. Her hair tied up on the top of her head very sloppy and her face was bare of make-up. He still found her undeniably beautiful.

Once he had brushed his teeth and washed his face he made his way downstairs to to join them. He found Eleanor feeding Miracle her baby porridge. He took his seat across from them and began to dish out food for himself.

"Miracle's medicine." Rose stated placing the tray infront of Eleanor.

"Thank you." She smiled at her. "Rose have you eaten yet?" She glanced up at her.

"Not yet."

"C'mon join us." She smiled at her. "Your practically part of this family seeing as you've been here through thick and thin."

"Eleanor's right even before she was here you were always considered family to me." Roman stated.

Rose gave a smile and sat down. After Miracle had eaten, then came the hard part of getting her to take here medicine. After a good ten minutes Eleanor had given her all her medicine but Miracle didn't stop crying.

"I'm going to put her to bed. She has been awake since five this morning."

Roman nodded and watched her walk away. He then turned to Rose who sat quietly eating her meal.

"So Rose have you checked up on Maria?" He asked her. "I haven't seen her since Eleanor moved out."

"I have been talking to her." Rose nodded. "We were talking this morning, she was asking what to make for breakfast for your men." She smiled slightly.

He chuckled. "Are they giving her a hard time?"

"No she has trouble with making large quantities of food. She's still trying to get used to it."

Roman nodded  before continuing to eat. Soon Eleanor came down and got something to eat as well. He was happy that she was slowly returning to the food loving person she was.

"Gabriel called and said he wants to speakt to you." Eleanor stated. "I told him you can't reach the phone right now and he told me to tell you to just meet him at the café."

They ate in silence until Eleanor helped Rose clear the table despite her protests for her not help. When Eleanor had fixed up a few items downstairs before going up to her room.

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