¤Chapter 6¤

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She sat twiddling a pen in her hand as he spoke to the men in the room. She barely listened as she was beyond bored. The more quiet she became the more the thoughts consumed her mind.

Whatever happened to Kyle?

I wonder what the people at the clinic think happened to me?

Will Kyle even realise that I'm not around anymore?

Wait where the hell am I even?

Am I in another country?

I saw the ocean near by when we drove...or maybe I was seeing things, was I?

Gosh why did a sexy man such as Roman have to be a murderer?

Wait did I just think that?

What is wrong with me?!

I need to stop thinking now.

Sighing she put the pen down and began to look around the room only to come to notice there was nothing interesting. The room was a huge room which is maroon and has a picture of Roman right above her head. The picture was fairly captivating and it did capture all the right features of Roman but she knew she wouldn't admit that to him.

"What is it Elley?" He growled as she had bean continuously tugging at his jacket.

"I'm tired, bored and hungry. I want to go home." She whined like a little child. "And not what ever place you took me too I want to go to my apartment, my home." She continued.

Roman took in a deep breath as he close his eyes and exhaled. He looked down at her and she was looking up at him with her brown eyes. He shook his head and continued to speak ignoring her completely. Eleanor continued to tug at his jacket but he spoke ignoring her completely as if she doesn't exist.

Once he had finished the meeting with his men he dismissed them then turned to Eleanor with a stern look as she hadn't stopped tugging at his jacket.

"I said I want to go home." She whined again.

"You live with me where I can keep an eye on you so you don't do anything stupid like speak of what you've seen." He stated sternly. "And don't you ever disturb me while I speak to my men." He pointed his finger at her.

She slapped his hand away from face standing up. "Or what?" She challenged. "And didn't anyone ever teach you pointing is rude." She snapped once again.

He chuckled sarcastically before grabbing both her wrists and pulling her towards him roughly. His breath fanned her face, her body pressed against his body making her breath hitch as his gaze turned hard.

"Didn't anyone tell you to never rattle the beasts cage?" He stated sinisterly. "Don't test me little girl because when I get mad...oh so help me I will not have mercy on your soul."

"Don't you dare try to manhandle me!" She yelled trying to yank herself away from him. "And I am no little girl!" She stated.

"If you weren't you wouldn't be as childish, irritable and annoying as you are. Now be a good little girl and shut the fuck up."

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