¤Chapter 29¤

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After Eleanor had told them everything that had happened at the boat and what happened yesterday before they were all able to sit and eat. However, the woman who sat across from her kept bad mouthing her situations. To make matters worse this woman is friends with Jolene. No wait to make it a world ending matter she is Roman's mother, Fiona Bianchi.

Ok technically she's not his biological mother but she did help raise him.

"I bet she was raised by a bunch of monkey's by the way she jumped on those roof tops." Fiona sneered as she spoke to Jolene.

Did I forget that Gabriel had recovered photage from yesterday's incident? Well if I did then there you have it. Everyone saw what happened at the breakfast dinner until the moment she fell apart in Roman's arms.

"Are you really that dumb?" Eleanor asked with a questionable look.

"Excuse me?" She asked glaring at the woman.

"I guess you're deaf too..." Eleanor ran her tongue along her teeth. "I asked you if you're dumb." She repeated once again having the table they sat at look at them.

"I'm not stupi-"

"I didn't ask you if you were stupid, I asked you if you were dumb." She stated placing her elbow on the table. "There is a difference, go check in the dictionary...that is if you know how to work one." She smirked.

"Are you implying that I'm stupid." Fipn glared.

"Well why else wouldn't I?" She asked with a brow arched. "Everybody knows parkour is a sport and quite frankly I think you need the exercise." Eleanor eyed her.

"You're calling me fat!" She shrieked.

"Well you do have an extra layer of skin." She merely shrugged.

"How dare you!" She stood up slamming her hand on the table.

Eleanor sized her up. "How dare I?!" She screamed pointing at herself. "I am the only one to encounter these group of men and still walk! And yet you sit here and make a mockery of what I've done." She pointed at her now. "Don't make yourself a smartass knowing very well you'd be a fučking damsel in distress." She snapped.

"Romaine are you going to let this tramp speak to me the way she does?!" She screamed at her husband.

Romaine merely looked up at her in the mid set of cutting his steak, "She has a point." He simply shrugged. "Start fighting your on battle because your the one who opened your mouth."

Eleanor smirked at the woman before she let out a loud puff of air and storming off. Eleanor sat down and began to finish off her food.

"And Roman you dare scold me for something your mother started." She stated feeling his eyes on her.

Roman kissed her temple making her smile as he lowered to her ear lobe. "I wasn't even thinking about it." He whispered sending shivers down her spine.

Eleanor smirked noticing Jolene staring at them as Roman kissed her hand. Smirking Eleanor winked at her, Gotcha...


Eleanor sat at her desk doing all the paper work she had missed out on. Earlier this morning she had snuck out the hotel with the help of Danielle. Even though she snuck out she left a sticky note on his face so she knew he'd never miss it.

Even though she had left the note she managed to get a mouth full from him where she simply replied with a number of 'mhm' or 'yes I'm still listening', when all she did was complete her work.

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