¤Chapter 30¤

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Laughing she looked down at his phone. "See you tomorrow." She read out loud.

"What are you going to do with her tomorrow exactly?" She asked looking up at him.

"Elley it's not what you think-"

"Not what I think!" She exclaimed tossing his phone at him. "Yeah right you're texting your 'best friend' at one a.m. is totally normal." She rolled her eyes.

"You see why I tried to quickly text her back."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped angrily.

"You over react a lot." He growled.

"I over react?!" She pointed at herself angrily. "You know damn well I don't like Jolene and yet you decide to text her back at this hour!" She now pointed at him.

"She's been my friend ever since I was a kid Elley." He tried to reason with her. "She's more like a sister to me."

Eleanor scoffed. "A sister that texts you this late?" Her brow arched.

She waited for him to say something but he didn't. Shaking her head she scratched the top of her brow. "You know what... Gabriel was right." She nodded to herself. "You are blind to see what kind of person she is."

With that said she spun around and took her phone from her counter. As she began to make her way out Roman grabbed her arm before she walked pass him.

"Where are you going?" His eyes searched her face for any emotions.

"I lost my appetite." She said through gritted teeth before forcefully pulling her arm out his grasp.

Roman looked at the island seeing that it was seat for the both of them. He huffed running his hand down his face. He knew they were both hot heads in this relationship and with them both being hot heads he knew things would be difficult to solve faster.

He felt his phone vibrate in his hand. Looking at the caller he immediately rejected it before taking a seat on the stole. "Fučk... how am I going to solve this." He muttered.

"Apologise to her." A voice said making him look up.

There stood Rose as she got a bottle of water. "Woman always apologise if the man apologises first even if she's the one who's wrong." She stated with a small smile.

"Why is that?" He asked confused.

"It's just how we are." She shrugged. "Here." She pushed a tub of Ben&Jerry's up to him. "Take it to her as a peace offering and I'll clean up here." She grinned.

Roman looked down at the tub before taking it in his grasp. "Thank you Rose." He stated greatful.

Rose nodded before Roman went upstairs. Roman knocked on the door but received silence in return. He knocked once again but received a 'go away' from her.

Even if she told him to leave her alone he slowly opened the door and stepped inside. As he closed the door behind him he noticed her sitting at the windowsill looking out into the yard.

"I told you to go away." She whispered.

Due to the silence that flouted around them he was able to hear her as he walked up to her. He sat across her watching her as she looked out into the yard.

"Elley..." he called her but she didn't look at him. "Elley..." this time he took her hand in his.

She looked at him with no emotion at all making if difficult for Roman to see what she's feeling."Elley I'm sorry." He apologised.

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