¤Chapter 55¤

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Gabriel knocked on the office door before entering. "You needed me?" He asked as he closed the door.

Roman gestured to the seat in front of him. Gabriel took a seat and watched Roman huff before running his hand through his hair. "I called you in here to say I'm sorry for the way I reacted." He said.

Gabriel's eyes widened slightly before they narrowed into slights. "Wow Eleanor did one heck of a job on you. You're even apologising for fučk sakes." He cackled

"Gabriel." Roman growled.

"Sorry." He cleared his throat. "But I accept your apology. I know you meant well."Roman gave him a look. "Ok shoving me through a glass door isn't-"

"I got it." He cut him off.

Gabriel simply smirked. "Is that all?" He asked.

"No, I want to know what or why Amelia was in my girlfriends house and specifically as to how she found it." His eyes darkened.

Gabriel nodded even though he knew it had something to do with Jolene, who's still been off the grid.

On the other side of Miami Eleanor sat in her living room playing with the twins while Rose cleaned around and some of Roman's men repaired her sliding door.Lucky giggle as she made funny faces at him and Miracle banged on the toy drums.

"Miss." She heard Rose say making her look up. "It's almost time for you to leave."

"Oh yeah right." Eleanor got up with Lucky in her arms. "Could you please bring Mircale."

Rose beamed with a smile. "Of course." She said before practically lunging into the living room.

Eleanor smiled at how quick Rose had gained a love for her children. Once the twins were placed in their play pen Eleanor left Rose to look after them while she got ready.

Eleanor took a long well deserved hot shower because there was no doubt that she didn't smell like a nursery. She washed her hair and scrubbed her body with berry scented body wash.

Once she had gotten dressed she got the twins and headed into the city. Along the way she'd check on the twins only to see them either looking outside or straight ahead. Eleanor gave a slight smile before facing straight ahead.

Once the light went green she crossed. She felt her heart jump as an on coming car sped up. Eleanor swerved the car and the on coming car missed Miracle's door by an inch but hit the corner of the car causing it to swerve towards a pole. Eleanor screamed out in pain as the door pressed against her leg.

Smoke clouded the car and the sound of tyres screeching against the tar road was heard before driving off. The cries of the twins were heard. Eleanor tried to open her door but to no avail it didn't.

She shifted herself to the  passengers seat but her leg staid put. She looked back at the twins to see if they were harmed.

"Are you hurt?" She asked them even though she knew very well they wouldn't answer.

She didn't see and scratches and no bruises have formed yet but that didn't stop their crying. Eleanor sighed in relief and leaned her head against the window. Without knowing the car slowly filled with smoke...


Light. Darkness. Light. Darkness.

Is what Eleanor saw through her closed eyelids before her body shifted slightly to the left. She groaned in annoyance as the pattern continued.

Light. Darkness. Light. Darkness.

"She's coming too." She heard a voice say.

Eleanor let out a long breath before letting her head fall to the side and open her eyes but the blinding light caused her to close them. She groaned once more before the pattern repeated again.

Light. Darkness. Light. Darkness.

"Elley." A faint masculine voice called out.

The sound of heavy footsteps followed right after. Her name was heard again as a banging sound made her groan again. She forced her eyes open to see what was going on only to see Roman running towards her.

"Bumba?" She tried sitting up but was immediately pushed back to lay down as the doors closed.

"Elley!" The door burst open.

"Get him out of here!" Another male voice ordered as Eleanor coughed.

"She's got too much smoke in her lungs." A female voice said this time.

"Hey that's my-"

"I said to get him out of here." The male voice demanded again.

The sound of the door opening and closing made Eleanor fall back onto the bed. She let out a breath as her eyes closed once more.

"We're loosing her!"

Eleanor fell into a pit of darkness as every sound every painful limp was no longer felt. Her heartbeat stead almost too slow for normal.

"Ok clear!"

A long low beep was all she heard before seeing lightning in her pit of darkness. The beep was heard once more.

"Clear." This time it was more firm and she saw the lightning again.

A different beep was heard but this one was constant as another resignated and she saw the lightning

was seen again. This time around she was struck by it.

"Ok she's coming back."

"Doctor her leg." The female voice said.

"We need some blood, she's lost a lot..."

Sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to leave you guys on another cliff hanger like I always do.

What happened to Eleanor?!😱

And the twins?! Where are they?!

And the twins?! Where are they?!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Car after the crash😢 such a beautiful car!!!.....gone😭

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