¤Chapter 35¤

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"So how does a child like you get a doctorate degree at the simply age of 19 and now going for her masters?" Gabriel asked her.

"Well I'm a genius." She simply shrugged with a laugh.

"Elley I'm serious." Gabriel glamced at her.

She rolled her eyes as she stopped in front of the cereal boxes. "I'm a prodigy. Teach me something now and I won't forget it. My brother figured it out and then began to challenge my mental capacity. By the age of fifteen universities from all over wanted me to go there and put their school on the map." She huffed. "I didn't have much of a childhood because of  me being a prodigy and my dysfunctional family."

"I'm sorry to hear." Gabriel looked at her with a saddened expression.

"It's ok." She grinned at him.

"Hey Elley." She heard Kyle's voice.

Eleanor looked around to see him walking over to them. "Hey Kyle." She gave him a hug. "I never knew you shopped here."

"Yeah well this place has the best vegetables around." He grinned at her. "So who's your friend."

"Oh this is Gabriel, Gabriel this is my long time friend Kyle."

"Hi." Kyle stretched out his hand to him for a handshake.

"Hey." Gabriel shook his head.

Eleanor watched the two shake hands and keep eye contact. She looked between the two and a smirk slowly crept onto her lips. After a while her lips were in a straight line because the handshake was taking far too long.

Eleanor cleared her throat gaining their attention. "So Kyle how's your grandma?" She asked as she began to walk with him.

"She's becoming the bitčh I know her to be since she's getting better." He rolled his eyes.

"Aww does this mean you're moving back home?" She asked him with a saddened expression.

"Actually no." He shook his head. "I found this great company."

"Oh really? What is it and what do you do?"

"R. Bianchi Enterprises hired me to be the head of the financial department." He smiled.

"Oh really..." She shared a knowing look with Gabriel.

"Yes girl, and you won't believe how much they're paying me." He began to explain everything to her.

Throughout he chatting she would glance back at Gabriel who simply had a smirk on his face as he pushed the cart.


"Roman." Eleanor called out as she laid on his back. "Are you sleeping?" She asked him.

"No I was just resting my eyes. Of course I was sleeping." He replied.

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm." She rolled off of him. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Mhm, and that would be?" He turned his head so that he was now looking at her.

"Does the name Kyle Peters ring a bell?" She asked him.

"No." He said huffing. "Elley what does Kyle have to do with this?" He asked her.

"Roman." She placed her hand on the side of his face. "I know you know who Kyle is. And you probably knew him before that date night incident." She looked at him.

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