¤Chapter 50¤

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Eleanor turned her bike around and put it in reverse as she pulled out both her guns and shot at the men that had made it past the explosion. Once she shot down a few she turned back to the front.

A few more shots were fired hitting Luke's one tire causing him to fly off the bike as it tumbled. Eleanor swerved pass the up coming destroyed bike only for it to hit an approaching bike behind her.

"Luke stretch out your hand." She said through the communicator where she heard Anna screaming for him and telling Danielle to turn around to get him.

"Danni I've got him just keep going." She spoke.

As soon as she reached Luke she speed up and grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled him onto her bike. "Thanks." Luke said in a raspy voice.

"Are you alright?" Eleanor asked him.

"Yeah but I landed on my side pretty bad." He answered.

She simply nodded before she sped up noticing Daniel on her left hand side. "Shït." She cursed.

"Danielle." She called out.


"Daniel is here and he seems to be after you." She explained as Daniel sped ahead.

"Fučk." Danielle cursed.

"I'm going to shoot him down." Eleanor informed.

"Do whatever you like as long as he doesn't get to me." She told him.

Eleanor pulled out her gun only for it to be kick out her hand making her loose slight control of the bike. She quickly steadied the bike and kicked the tire of the bike besides her. He lost complete control and swerved off away from them.

On the other side of Miami Roman sat in the board room listening to one of the associates introducing a business plan to grow Bianchi Enterprise. A knock on the door caught everyone's attention making everyone look at the door.

The door opened and in strode Gabriel in a rather quick pace. He leaned over to Roman's ear. "The training centre is under attack. Rose just sent me a distress signal." He informed.

Roman got up immediately. "We'll continue this meeting another time during this week if possible." He simply said before leaving out the room with Gabriel.

"How long ago was this?" Roman asked him as they made their way towards the elevator.

"When I had gotten into my car to leave." Gabriel answered. "Rose said they were making their way towards the beach house."

"Fučk I forgot that she's with the kids." Roman growled as he pulled out his phone.

He noticed a few missed calls and they all came from Danielle. He huffed and tried to call Rose. The connection was immediately cut off.

"She can't receive out calls because she's in the tunnel." Gabriel said.

"And Eleanor is probably dealing with the invaders." Roman growled.

"Most likely." Gabriel agreed. "We'll just have to meet them at the beach house."

"Send men to the training centre or else they might not make it." Roman said.

"I've already done that."

Back to Eleanor she pulled out another grenade and threw it besides Daniel. Before he could get far from it it has already went off sending him flying off to the other side. She watched his body roll in the mirror. She watched as he quickly got up and took over one of his mens bikes.

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