¤Chapter 14¤

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As she walked down the hallway she tried to fix her watch onto her wrist. She new she was late and Roman wouldn't be too pleased about it. It's not that she was afraid of him, its just that she's not willing to find out what the consequences are.

When she had gotten downstairs Roman had just reached the door. She was right on time and she couldn't be any more glad. Taking her jacket from Maria she quickly thanked her before following Roman out the house.

"You look..." He trailed off clearing his throat and glancing at his chauffeur.

"I look?..." She urged him to continue with a questioning look on her face.

"Nice." He said awkwardly with a little cough.

"Nice?" She arched her brow teasingly.

"I'm trying to complement you so take it as it comes." He rolled his eyes.

She let out a small laugh as she entered the car. "Cute." She stated.

"What did you say?" Roman asked with a stern look on his face.

"You heard me." She smirked.

He sat besides her and this time she didn't bother moving. She believed they were somehow on good terms with each other. She couldn't find a reason not to believe so, ok maybe she could but choose to ignore them.

"So I assume you too aren't throwing your child like tantrums anymore?" Gabriel grinned.

She looked at Roman who was already looking at her. They didn't really know where they stood. They kind of hated each othe and liked each other at the same time.

"He's tolerable." She shrugged not looking at Gabriel.

"Right..." Gabriel trailed off looking between the two as they stared at each other.

He didn't know what happened between the two but all he knew was that a lot could happen within 24 hours.

"You blinked." Eleanor smirked making Roman roll his eyes and face Gabriel. "I win."

"I want you to make sure everything runs smoothly tonight. I don't want another Andrew situation happening or anything similar to it. I want tight security as always." Roman barked orders at Gabriel who simply nodded and got out his phone.

"You know please is a nice thing to say." Eleanor stated even though he wasn't talking to her.

"Please is more like poison to him." Gabriel chuckled as he held up the phone to his ear.

"If I were to say please  then I wouldn't be where I am now." Roman said slightly glancing towards her. "Gabriel did you send a car to pick up Jolene?"

"Yes." He reluctantly answered.

Both Gabriel and Eleanor knew that Jolene was going to be there and they weren't really looking forward to seeing her. Eleanor could only tolerate her to a certain limit and she's noticed that Jolene sometimes likes to test those limits.

Once they had arrived at the club Eleanor began to take in the design. It's didn't fail to surprise her how well the club was decorated. She was expecting something like this since Roman walks on money. It seemed as if all of Miami wanted to be here due to the ridiculously long line.

She followed the men into a more private area of the club. It's where the VIP's sat. They had their entertainment, which were naked woman cigars and liquor. They chatted amongst themselves some bursting out laughing and others simply watching the dancers on the pole.
"Roman!" The squeaky voice screamed before Roman was wrapped around small skinny arms by no other than Jolene. "How are you?" She pulled back looking up at him.

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