Episode 5 (Sponge bob)

Comenzar desde el principio

"First you heat up some oil and leave the corns to pop, then add some salt. That's all and you are done." He made them in a minute.

"Woah! Its easy.. " I thought I could do that.

And we watched Sponge Bob like kids.

"how long are we going to stay here?" I wanted to stay longer.

"We got two days left. why? you want to don't like it here?" He asked.

" no, I loved it here. I was just curious." I faked a smile.

"that reminds of mom, she asked me to send our pictures, but we don't have any. " He points at the phone.

"pictures? Do we have to?" I asked.   he nods.

"And another thing, there's a party tomorrow at the resort for the newly weds. I think it will be a good place to take some snaps . " he suggests.

I nodded .

"I will buy some clothes for us for tomorrow. so, rest for today. ... Oh, I have some issues with the manager downstairs. I will be back." He went out.

I wanted to get some fresh air, so I decided to go to the roof by myself.  It was just a story up. The starry sky looked had this weird rhythm of its own. The cool breeze pinned soft shivers towards my skin. Overall, the feeling was amazing.

"You've been here. I thought you stepped out somewhere." The same voice came  that I fell for, came from behind.

"I really thought of escaping some moments ago." I turned back.

"I consider you as my friend, and I believe that you will help me everytime, as a friend." He stepped forward.

"As a friend, I think I finally need to tell you this." I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Tell me what?" He takes two more steps towards me.

"Taehyung is not a gay. He had a one-sided crush on me ." I gulped.

"I kind of knew this, that he is not a gay. but he had a crush on you? huh? why would he even? I mean, how can his choice be this shitty." He smirked.

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms .

"and by the way, he doesn't need to be a gay. I will make him mine, anyway. You don't need to take headaches for that. Until then, you just have to act as my wife." he fakes smile mixed with the hidden sorrow inside him.

"Yeah right,..." I was cut off by a sound coming from the other side of the roof.

--"Ya! You are such a tease. " A female familiar voice was heard.

--"ya. . you are such a tease." A really familiar male voice imitated the female's speech in a silly way.

and, so I stepped towards the other side of the roof in curiosity to see someone familiar. Jungkook followed me as I broke our conversation for that. When I could clearly see those familiar faces , my eyes remained wide open..

"Ji-Jimin? Nieon? .." I was too confused to believe my eyes.

"Hye jung? what are you doing here?" Jimin was shocked as well.

"You two know each other?" Jimin asked Nieon , who standing there with a doubtful face.

"You know him?" Jungkook asked with another doubtful face.

"wasn't I supposed to ask that, Jimin? how do you know Hyejung?" asked Nieon with a death glare.

"Calm down everyone! .. He is my bloody brother.." I sighed.

"What? But you never mentioned that you have a brother." She argued.

Jimin leaves the place with his artificial anger towards Nieon.

"you never asked." I replied with innocence .

"Oh, no.. What have I done..!" she runs after Jimin realizing that she hurt his feelings.

-- We stood still for some moment and he broke the silence.

"So, you have a brother.."

I nodded

"I don't remember seeing him on our wedding." He was hopping an answer.

"He wasn't there. We aren't on good terms ." I answered.

"Oh" He understood.

*Ring* *ring*  a call.


I glanced at him.


(A/n)- Thank you guys for the read.

Next Episode Preview :: ---Jungkook and Hyejung becomes close. Jungkook shares his every thought with Hyejung. And at a point , he doubts that Hyejung is starting to fall for Taehyung.----

--- I think I will be late for the next update , sorry for that. I need to study . Thanks . and SARANGHAE!

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