Ink Part 2: Soulmate Situation

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A/N: Okay so this is part 2 to ink, which was requested by a few.

Connor had been speaking to Evan for about a month. They would sometimes communicate through their phones, or they'd sometimes communicate through ink on their arms.

Sometime that morning before school, Connor felt his arm tingle.

Don't forget your pills!

Connor smiled. He had been recieving help after finally being able to convince his parents that he needed it. His therapist had recommended and prescribed a few pills for him to take.

Evan reminded him every morning via ink to take his pills, and Connor did the same.

Thanks! You too! :-)
(Can't forget that nose, can we?)

Connor knew the reminder would appear somewhere around 7 in the morning on weekdays and about 11 in the morning on weekends.

He enjoyed his soul mate's company, and Evan was incredibly adorable and sweet, but they had decided to remain friends for a bit to get to know each other first.

That day, Connor hoped it could all change.

Are you coming to school today? Evan wrote.

Connor hadn't been at school for the last two days because he hadn't had enough energy.

Not sure, he responded.

I've really missed you, Evan wrote.

This changed things.

I'll be there. See you soon.

Yay! Evan wrote.

Connor used one of the antibacterial wipes he kept in his bedside drawers to wipe the conversation off his arm. Both the boys did this every so often so there was still room to talk.

Connor heard a knock on the door. “I'm leaving in two minutes, with or without you!" It was Zoe.

“Hold on, I'll be right out!" Connor called. He rushed to grab his phone and messenger bag before leaving his bedroom and going down the stairs.

Zoe was waiting, her arms crossed, tapping her foot on the floor. “You ready?"

Connor nodded. “Yeah."

“Sweet. Let's go."

They both walked out the door and to the car they shared. Zoe got in the driver side and Connor climbed in the passenger side. Soon, they were out of the driveway.

“So..." Connor said after a few minutes of silence. “How have you been?"

Zoe's face showed confusion, then she sighed and rolled her eyes. “What do you want?"

“What? Nothing! I want to know how my little sister is. I genuinely want to know."

Evan had encouraged him to become closer with Zoe once again. It would probably take some time, as Connor had said and done some unforgivable things to her, he felt as though it would be nice to reconnect.

“Well..." Zoe sighed. “I've been kind of frustrated lately. I feel like I'm closer to finding my soulmate, yet so far. What if I never find them?"

“If I could find my soulmate, you'll definitely find yours, Zoe. I can help, if you want."

His sister smiled. “That'd be gr- wait. You found your soulmate? Who?"

"You know Evan?"

“Evan... Hansen? The awkward kid? He's your soulmate?" Zoe asked.

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