The Return

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A/N: Here, have a short, poorly written chapter.

Requested by disneyintrovert

"Are you ready, mom?"

Connor, Zoe and Cynthia were standing on the porch at Cynthia's house.

It was the day Cynthia and Larry were going to court to finalise their divorce.

They would work out who got which possessions and sign the papers.

"I think so," Cynthia took a deep breath in. "Yes, I'm ready."

The three walked to the car and drove to the courtroom in silence. There was a nervous energy the whole trip.

They got out the car and walked in the building, navigating the halls to find their courtroom.

Cynthia walked to the very front and sat at a table to the left. Connor and Zoe sat in a pew right behind her. Larry was already there at a table to the right.

"How do you think it'll go?" Connor asked Zoe.

"Well, Larry's involved, so I doubt it'll go well," she replied. "But I think mom will be successful in the end."

"Hey guys." Connor turned to see his fiancé Evan slide in next to him.

"Hey Tree Boy," he smiled.

"What's up, Tree Bi?" Zoe smiled.

"You haven't called me that in ages," Evan pointed out.

"I'm bringing it back," she smiled. "Although I'll probably forget all about it in ten minutes."

Evan giggled a bit. He then turned his attention to Connor, intertwining their fingers. "How are you?"

"Fine," Connor responded.

"Don't lie to me, Connie."

He sighed. "Honestly? I'm sort of nervous. What if dad gets the house and majority of their possessions? He sure as Hell doesn't deserve it."

"Hey, it'll be okay," Evan said in a soothing voice.

Connor rested his head on the smaller boy's shoulder. "What did I do to deserve you?"

Evan didn't respond. Instead, he kissed Connor on the head.

A few minutes later the trial commenced.

Cynthia once again explained the reason behind the divorce.

"He was abusive to me and my children."

"Please elaborate," the judge said.

"Verbally and emotionally. It rarely got physical. He would yell and say hurtful things to us."

"May we have an example?"

Cynthia turned around and glanced at Connor, as if asking for permission to share.

Connor nodded.

"He... he said my son was a waste of money. He refused to get him any therapy. That's just one of many things he's said."

"Mr Murphy, what do you have to say about this?" The judge said.

"It's true," he said, turning to glare at Connor. "He's no son of mine."

Connor glared right back.

Even though he was used to it by now, it still hurt all the same.


By the end of the trial, the judge had granted Cynthia the house and 75% of their possessions.

After the trial, Cynthia considered filing a restraining order against Larry.

"You should do it, mom," Zoe said. "He's an asshole."

Connor nodded, turning to Zoe. "We should file one, too."

"That's a good idea," Cynthia said. "I don't want him going near you."

The four walked out of the building.

Cynthia, Connor and Zoe each thought about what it would be like to officially have Larry out of their lives.

It seemed perfect.

Like a dream come true.

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