
349 17 10

A/N: Okay so Lily and Crystal are 17 in this.

Lily and Crystal were hanging out in Lily's room, both on their phones like the average teenager.

“I heard Ethan got arrested," Crystal said suddenly.

Lily, who was previously laying on her bed, sat up. “What? I mean, it doesn't surprise me, but still."

Crystal shrugged. “He was caught destroying property multiple times. Serves him right. He deserves to rot in Hell for what he did to you."

“I still hate him."

“Me too."

Lily lay back down and they continued to scroll through their phones.

“I have a random question." Lily giggled nervously."

"What's up?" Crystal asked.

“Well... I don't know why, but I was wondering when you first realised you had a crush on me."

“Oh! Um..." Crystal thought for a moment. “I really want to say something cheesy, like 'from the moment I first saw you,' but that's not true." She then blushed and said something under her breath.

“What was that?"

“Um... I kind of... Maybe... Don't remember how and when we met?" Crystal replied.

Lily laughed. “It was at the audition for 'Bare,' remember? Addison Gates was being a bitch and you defended me."

“Oh yeah, I remember now."

“But I think I first started to question whether or not I had feelings for you that night when Connor drunk texted me as you, saying you loved me in a 'no hetero way...'" She paused. “I think a part of me wanted that to be true. Then the next day when you were arguing that you were straight, I was certain I had feelings for you."

Lily blinked, then smiled at her girlfriend. "Aw! I'm surprised you remembered."

“Shut up," Crystal laughed, throwing a cushion at her. Lily giggled. “What about you, gorgeous? When did you first realise you liked me?"

“I think I had feelings for you for a while, I just didn't know what those feelings were," Lily admitted. Crystal nodded. “However, when we kissed, I was like, 'Jesus Christ, I'm gay.'"


Lily laughed at that comment, so hard that it caused her to snort. This made Crystal laugh.

“God, I love you," Crystal said through laughter.

Lily stopped laughing and looked at Crystal. She'd never said that to Lily before. Crystal then stopped laughing, realising what she had said.

“I..." Crystal started. "I'm telling the truth."

Lily smiled. “Get over here."

Crystal stood up from her spot on a pink beenbag and walked over to Lily.

Lily put her hands on Crystal's face and pulled her down, pressing their lips together. Crystal kissed back and, without breaking the kiss, sat next to Lily. Lily turned towards her and Crystal wrapped her arms around Lily's neck.

After a few minutes, Lily pulled away. “I love you, too."

Crystal smiled and rested her head on Lily shoulder. Lily put an arm around Crystal's waist and the two sat in that comfortable position for a while.

A/N: I'm sorry, that was short and really bad.

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