Chapter 9

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City of Gold. Beautiful kingdom ruled by a wise yet scarred king. A truly magnificent sight of blue skies hued with pink, trees greener than the garden of Eden. It seems impossible such a place could exist. A place where tall tales are made from, but she saw it. Oh yes, she saw it clear in her head. She was aware of exactly how beautiful this Kingdom was. She sees and marvels and wonders about it every night, but is lost by the time she wakes. She spends the day oblivious to it all throughout the entire day only to be marveled by it all over again as if she's seeing it for the first time. She knows where she belongs. She knows she must return back to her home, whether she's aware or not. Deep inside she knows where she must be. She need to be here. Home with her people. She needs to be on Asguard.
Mortal or no mortal she belongs here, but she remains there. She has to stay there… for now. Shortly it seems she might have to return to me. I see trouble in the distance…. She needs to see it too. She needs to be prepared. She needs to see what I see. She has my eyes… they're beautiful…. And powerful. She needs to learn how to use them. She needs to see what I see… “(y/n)...”
“(y/n)... (y/n), can you hear me?”
I stir in my sleep furrowing my eyebrows. Who is that? Who's talking to me? I'd be fooling myself if I said the voice didn't sound familiar to me.
“(y/n), can you hear me?...”
“Yes…” I mentally answer back. My voice holding extreme caution. My head is pitch black nothingness with a voice talking to me in my head. It only seems reasonable I'd be on guard.
“You must listen carefully to me.” The voice has a serious and almost urgent tone. “There is danger coming for you. Enemies looking to capture you...or worse…”
The scenery changed. I stood in the middle of a village like town. Everything was on fire and destroyed. There were people running, screaming, begging for mercy. Warriors in black black and silver armor raid everything, but they took no valuables. No gold, food, or weapons of any sort. No. They were only taking lives. Slaughtering men that tried to stand up to them only to be tossed to the side and discarded like rubbish. The warriors were pulling women out of their homes by their hair ripping children from their grasps. They were yelling at them in half English and half in an unknown language, demanding to know information that these people did not have. With no answer there was no mercy. They either plunged a sword through their bodies or decapitated them all together. The children left to die and traumatized by the horror of their loved ones gruesome death and their home up on flames. A lot of the survivors where either trapped in their homes or died from the smoke in the air choking them into an eternal slumber. They're were horrific raspy and bloody screaming from people who were being burned alive. A torturous way to go. I didn't understand what I was I was seeing. I wanted to cry. I did cry… no I sobbed and screamed and begged for mercy on them, but I was not heard. I was not there. I watched helplessly as a father was struck down. An infant ripped from the mother’s grasped and thrown into a barrel caught in flames. The child didn't cry. It screeched. It screeched like possession of a demon. I dropped to my knees, scared, and pressing my hands to to my ears. I couldn't even breathe. My tears were suffocating me and my heart was stuck in in my throat. The mother didn't scream. She only sat on her knees helplessly with tears running down her face with a frozen look of horror and despair. She stared at the flaming barrel listening to her baby boy's screams that she could do nothing about. Her stare was fixated on the barrel, but it seemed her eyes went right through it starring farther than what was actually in front of her. She had given up. No more hope or fight left in her. She wanted to die then. She didn't even fight as the black armored monster held her by her hair taking her head off in one slice and holding it up like a trophy.
“Oh god...oh god please stop. Please!” I begged hunch in over into a ball on my knees. My hands pressing harder against my ears and my eyes closed tightly not wanting to hear or see anymore. “Please! No more! Stop! STOP! STOP!”....
It was quiet.
Not a single sound.
I opened my eyes staring at my legs tucked underneath me. I was too afraid to look anywhere but the ground. I was breathing hard and sniffling. My eyes were swollen and snot was running from my nose. My tears were dripping from my face parts of them starting to dry into light flaky crust on my cheeks. I removed my hands from my ears and finally looked up. I was in black nothingness once more. I was surrounded by darkness. I wiped the snot from my nose and the wet and crusty tears from my eyes. “why?....” my voice small and quiet, but I knew the voice heard me.
“This… this could be your fate if you are not prepared. They are coming for you and they are not that far. Don't let them get to you. Come to me, (y/n).”
“Come…. To you?”
“Yes. These...creatures have shielded this entire land, but for a small part in the countryside. Go there. Come to me. I will protect you. I will keep you safe.”
“Keep me safe? Keep me safe? I have no idea who you are! I don't think I can even trust you after what hell you just showed me!” I snapped back.
“This is a serious time, (y/n). You will see with your own eyes that coming to me is your only option. You have to trust me.” The voice says calmly but sternly.
“Yes. We are just going to have to see about that.” I say standing to my feet. “Even if I did. I would have no way of getting there on my own.”
“You will have help. There are protectors, guardians there to keep you safe. They will help you.”
“Yes. They've helped watch over you since you were a small infant. I would not have let you go without precautions.”
“Wait. What?” I was confused now. “What do you mean let me g-”
“No more questions. Time has run out. I must go now. Remember what I said.”
“Wait no! You can't just throw all this vaguely terrifying information at me and then just leave!”
The voice went silent and I was talking to nothing. I felt tug pulling me back a bit. Then a second time, but stronger. I looked around me in panic but there was nothing there. I then was thrusted back to consciousness and I woke up with a jerk sitting up in my bed with tears smeared on my face and out of breath. I looked around seeing I was still in Mrs. Dalrousse mansion and still stuck in this suffocating corset. It was  morning and probably time to start gathering my things together so we can go home. I already forgot my dream. Only a distant haze in the back of of my mind that made me upset. Just a bad dream was all.

Hmmm. Another chapter. Kind of gruesome. Had to amuse myself somehow, even if it was just a little. I don't know. I enjoyed writing it. Gave me some cringe moments, but enjoyed it none the less. Let me know if you liked it, disliked it, or just generally thought it was okay. Leave comments below. Enjoy your day and I will see you in the next chapter. Tootles.

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