Chapter 4

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I grunt on impact with the ground. Large clouds of dust surround me. It sticks to my face and in my hair. I wave the dust out of my face and look around. It's dark and the walls of everything seem to be a mixture of wood and stone. I seem to be in a cave. I look up and see a stream of light coming from above. I can see that's where I have fallen. It's not that far, but far enough to not be able to get back up for someone who can't fly. I would go back up, but my curiosity won over my mind to see what's at the end of the cave. Water drips from the ceiling onto the cave floor into little hollow puddles. The cave expands that seems Northeast from where I'm standing. I head that way. I see a faded light coming from that direction. The cave expands a long ways.

It seems I've been walking for ages. Perhaps I should have left when i got the chance. I sigh to myself. I've been walking so long. I could have gone to visit Jane and come back and yet not match the time I've been walking. I wonder if searching this far is worth it, but I see asking the question on whether it's worth it is like asking whether my brother is worth it. Like asking whether the possibility of our relationship getting better is worth it. It is worth it. My brother is worth it. Bring my brother back to me, the way he was before, is worth it. I love my brother. I only wished he felt the same. Unfortunately I get the folly side of it. My brother is too blinded by hatred to even consider me a distant companion, much less a brother once more. I spot grass on the ground. Only little patches of grass sticking out of the rock. I see more farther up ahead. I quicken my pace a bit more. The faded light gets brighter and brighter. More patches of grass appear on the ground as i go along. I then speed my pace into a slow jog.

I reach the end of the cave. Sunlight fills everything. The rain must have stopped awhile ago. Lush trees surround a large pool or crystal water with a sparkling waterfall flowing into it. It's a beautiful forest spring. I remember Heimdall saying something about a forest spring. I must be going in the right direction. I walk into the pool of water. I can see my feet in the water as clear as day. I look around and see a crevice imbedded in the side of a stone wall near the waterfall. It's on the opposite side of where i came in. I trudge my legs through the water and approach the crevice. There's a symbol on it. It's circular with line coming out of the side forming the shape of wings. I small cross in the top. The bottom of the cross goes through the circle and out the bottom into a swirl type. It's Aguardian. I know that much. I have know idea what it means. The use of symbols has been lost to our culture for much longer than people I know have been alive. I touch the symbol stroking my thumb across the circle. It starts to glow a bright blue. I quickly take my hand back and stare at it. Small vine like lines start to appear out of the symbol and spreading across the stone wall. It glows the same blue and quickly spreads down to the floor making multiple linear paths to the water. The moment the lines touch the water it starts to glow blue. The water emits a spirit aura. Almost haunting. The blue glow travels up the waterfall and out of site. The ground starts to shake like an earthquake. The shaking last for 30 seconds before the waterfall splits down the middle and a door of stone behind it lifts up opening a pathway. I hesitantly walk up to the opening. I look through and see there are more trees on the other side. There's a pathway between them leading to a stone platform. I walk through the opening. The waterfall seals behind me, but the door remains open. I walk along the path nearing closer to the platform. A blue misty orb floats above the platform. Whispers of many voices surround the orb. Some sound devastating. Some sound overjoyed. Some sound like they're in pain. There are so many of them. I walk closer to the orb. It seems to know of my presence as i get closer. With each step i take the orb emits small wisps from it. I walk closer to it to where only a foot distance is between the orb and I. I reach out my hand and my palm graces the edge lightly. The mist is cold, but the light it gives off is warm. It's calm and relaxing. I smile slightly, enjoying the feel of it. Then it disappears. What happened? Did I break it? As quickly as it was gone, it was back again brighter than ever. This time it gives off a purple color. The wisps around it are much larger and circle around the orb in a fast rapid motion getting faster with each passing second. My eyes follow the quick movements wondering what i did wrong. The wisps then stop and then quickly dart back into the orb. The orb explodes with light blinding me. I raise my hand over my eyes to block the light. The light shines for a few moments before dimming back down and revealing the blue-tinted transparent form of a woman. Her back is turned. My eyes widen as the trace down her form. Despite not seeing her face, I recognize her. (h/l)(h/c) hair and (s/t) skin. I didn't think it was possible. I thought Heimdall was telling me a myth. I walk closer to her. She seems to be unaware of what's happening. She looks around her, but not yet turning.

"(Y/n)!" I call out to her. She jumps startled by my voice and turns around quickly. Her eyes lock on me showing that I have her full attention.


So you've finally been introduced in the story. How does it feel? Things will come along. I wonder how I'm doing here. I also wonder how you're doing. What's up? How's life? Leave them in the comments as usual. As always... Tootles!

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