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Mackenzie's Point Of View

It was like time had frozen and stood still as I looked up at him, my eyes blinking, not quite sure if he was real or not. My body would not shift from the spot I was on, the only movement it created being the trembling that was a natural reflex action to seeing him there.

My mouth was dry and no matter how hard I tried I could not swallow down the lump that was in my throat.

I looked the man up and down as a silence enveloped us, neither of us taking the first step to talk. He looked a little worse for wear if I was honest. His usual soccer mom hair cut was rested in bun upon his head as his hands rested in the pockets of his grey jacket. Scruffy jeans adorned his legs, the skin around his eye purple, no doubt an injury from the fight tonight.

Considering everything, considering our history and considering what had happened in the wrestling ring only a few hours earlier, he seemed surprisingly calm. Normally this would have been a good thing, but to me in appeared uncharacteristic, creepy and only made my nerves worse.

My breathing came out quite heavy, the condensation from my mouth in the cold night air masking his face momentarily. Each hair on my body stood on end as my eyes managed to leave his form to scan the area around us. There was not another single person in sight, not a soul, not even a cat or a rat.

It was just him and I.

Slowly I brought my eyes back up to him, somehow managing to swallow the lump in my throat down.

"Mackenzie," he nodded in greeting.

"You must have a death wish or something," my voice got out. "Only a mad man would try this again."

"Maybe I am a mad man," he suggested. "Enough has happened to warrant it. You've put me through enough to drive me there."

"You put yourself through it," I told him.

He laughed lightly, cynically. "No I didn't."

"Yes you did."

"You're so blind to it all."

I frowned. "Only one person is to blame for everything that happened to you and he's standing right in front of me."

"Then how come every little negative thing that came my way somehow had you involved?" he asked. "No matter how big or how small the problem was, or whether it was in the ring or out of it, there you were, the cause of it all."

I shook my head. "Don't blame me for all of this. You attacked me. You cornered me. You sought to fight The Shield on your own. I did nothing."

"But you did everything," he said. "That's the thing, that's what you don't get. You did it all."

"No I didn't."

"It can't just be coincidence that you were always there when I had problems," he said. "No one is that unlucky, mackenzie. There's a reason you were there. There's a reason I found trouble wherever you went."

"Don't make me culpable for your mistakes," I challenged.

"It's so frustrating, because you've gotten away with every last thing you've done to me," he said. "The suspension, losing my briefcase, getting fired. Not once have you been punished for what you did."

I gritted my teeth, hoping that someone would eventually come outside looking for me. Perhaps the longer I kept him talking then the more time would pass and someone would seek me out. I needed someone to realise I was missing.

Dean, Randy, anyone.

"The reason I wasn't punished was because I did nothing wrong."

"Maybe it's because Good old dad managed to protect you and avoid anything happening to you. Maybe it's because you're a woman meaning you're perceived as this innocent angelic person. Or maybe fucking that lunatic paid off to the point where you gained constant safety. Because that's the thing – you have every last one of them wrapped around your little finger. Ambrose... Orton...Rolling .....Roman..... Shane.... Hunter."

The Princess of The Ambrose Asylum ( Book 1of 3) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt