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"I think I need another coffee," said Randy as we sat in the canteen at the arena the next night. "Want me to fetch you another drink too?"

"Sure," I smiled, handing him my empty cup. "I'll take a hot chocolate." He stood, going over to the coffee machine to fetch us both another drink.

We were in the middle of filming Smackdown the following night, so the canteen was very busy with people coming and going constantly. I wasn't due out tonight and Randy had already taken part in his match so we found ourselves able to relax until the end of the show. The TV monitor in the canteen was currently showing Stardust vs Cesaro, so as Randy came back with our drinks, we relaxed in our seats to watch it.

"I still don't know how Cody wears that shit," Randy smirked as we watched the match. "He'd never have dreamt of wearing PVC and face paint when we were in The Legacy. He knows we'd have ripped him for it."

I laughed lightly, sipping my drink. "It's definitely a look that grabs your attention, I'll give him that."

"By the way, how are you feeling after last night? I never asked," he said, looking over at me. "You looked a bit shook up when you got backstage."

"Wouldn't you be if you'd just come face to face with a rather angry luke
gallows ?" I said.

"Yeah, but I'd have just hit him with a DDT or an RKO," he said.

"Well not all of us can wrestle, Randy," I said, nudging him teasingly with my shoulder. "But it freaked me out, I'm not afraid to admit it."

"We know it did," he said. "I was watching from the monitor backstage and you looked petrified. I was honestly gonna come out and stop him if the Shield hadn't shown up when they did. I hated seeing you so scared like that."

I shrugged. "Well they did, thank God. They couldn't have come soon enough." I drank my hot chocolate.

"Well they took their sweet time," he said, his arms folded.

"Maybe it was for dramatic effect," I suggested. "You know how Hunter and shane  likes that kind of shit. The point is, they still came out and scared him off."

"I just didn't appreciate how long it took them," he moaned. "And I didn't appreciate how they spoke to me backstage last night. Who the fuck do they think they are?"

I sighed and I couldn't help but be amused. Randy had honestly not taken well to the return  of The Shield. I wasn't sure if it was how quickly they stole his thunder, if it was the fact Hunter loved them so much that they got most of his attention, or whether he'd just taken a general disliking to them, but the four men hadn't exactly seen eye to eye.

"Don't take it to heart, Randy," I said. "I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it. They'd just had a confrontation with luke gallows . It's kind of hard to switch that sort of anger off so quickly. You can understand that."

"I don't give a shit," he said, reaching for his coffee and taking a big drink of it. "I was simply showing a little concern for you. They've been with the Authority for five fucking minutes, they have no right to talk to me like that."

I couldn't help hiding a smirk as I held my cup to my lips. Randy always amused me when he had a chip on his shoulder. He would always be so animated and passionate about whatever had pissed him off.

"You really don't like the, do you, Randy?" I said, amusement glittering in my eyes.

He couldn't help but crack a smile as he looked over at me. "How'd you guess?"

"I don't know... Just an inkling, I suppose," I said, causing us both to laugh.

However the laughter soon faded from his lips when The Shield walked in, heading straight for a drink. I saw Randy's jaw tense, his mouth set into a straight line. I sighed, hoping nothing too bad would happen. Once The Shield had grabbed their drinks, I realised they were heading in our direction. I heard Randy sigh in annoyance beside me, his eyes now focused on the Stardust and Cesaro match.

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