Chapter 55 : Regrets

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Louis was sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen, staring into the space. His palms were curled around a cup of warm chocolate drink. He was waiting for his sisters to return from the school. He had finished preparing their dinner, just waiting for his family to come home. 

That day was the second day Louis had stayed in Doncaster. He had texted Harry about his whereabouts, but the said man didn't reply it. Everyday Louis would talk with his bump, because he believed the foetus could hear him. At least, he didn't feel too lonely. As if Harry was still by his side. Only he  knew how much he had missed Harry. Those pressure was the reason he had made the decision to return to his hometown.

"Mom, dad," Louis said slowly. "I think, I want to calm my mind for a bit. I want to go to Doncaster."

Des and Anne were shocked. Both of them were stunned by the unexpected  request.

"Why so sudden, Lou?" Anne asked him softly. "You're sad living alone?"

Louis was not answering. His mother-in-law was right. He was really sad. He felt abandoned but that was his request in the first place. He was frustrated. He couldn't live in the big house anymore, not until Harry came back. Too many memories were hurting him.

Louis inhaled a deep breath. "I think that is the best way. Besides, I'm missing my dad and sisters."

Des cleared his throat before he talked, "If you're sad, we are too. We understand your feeling. You must've understand our feelings too right? All of us love Harry. I don't want for you to be too sad. This is a test in your marriage."

"Your dad's right..." Anne continued. "I've asked you to come stay with me before but you didn't want to. At least you won't be too lonely living alone in that house."

Louis smiled in his pain. "Dad, mom." He stared at their faces one by one. "I've made my mind to go back. You don't have to worry about me. I promise that I'll take care of your grandchild carefully."

And Louis was holding on his promise. He would have his meals on time. Even though his appetite had decreased, but he knew that their baby needed enough nutrients. He also did a simple exercise in every morning, listening to Zayn's advise. He tried to busy himself with the house cores. He didn't even open his social medias or read the papers because he didn't want to read about Harry and Xander's scandal. There were too many exposure about their history that he accidentally read. 

"Lou!" Mark called him while stepping into the kitchen area. Both of his hands were filled with bags of groceries. "What else are you thinking about?" he asked frowning. 

Louis forced himself to smile. "There's nothing dad."

Mark just frowned. He placed the groceries on the bar island before he sat down on the bar stool beside his son.

"Didn't look like it was nothing," he exclaimed. "I saw that your face looked odd."

Louis stilled. His father sure knew how to read his mind. He couldn't hide anything from him. "Nothing's serious dad, just normal things." Louis still wanted to dodge the question. 

"Normal things like?" Mark still pried. It was not his intention to push Louis but as a father, he thought that it was his responsibility to take concern.

"Lou, it's not like I want to pry into Harry and yours business," Mark said slowly. "But you're still my son and Harry is my son-in-law. I am really concern about both of you."

Louis bowed his face down. He understood his father's intention.

"Trust me dad. There's nothing to worry about. We're just fine, just need some spaces and times. Please don't be worried dad." Louis explained trying to ease his father's heart.

Mark sighed. He never worried about the worst end that could happen. He understood that the situation had made Harry and Louis to take the irrational decision. In his opinion, they shouldn't even 

separated in the first place. All of that happens because of their still young emotions. 

The truth was, Mark was never agreed with Louis' decision. He thought that his son was losing to his heart. He knew that Louis was a sensitive boy and easily touched. He really understood his eldest son behaviour. Same like his late mother, Johannah. 

"This is the life of a marriage," Mark said. He looked at his son. "It'll not always happy, sometimes problems will bound to happen. In the process, it will make the couple mature. You understand what I meant right?"

Louis nodded his head. He knew that his father was regretting their choice. Mark said that everything that happened, could be solved. There's no need to distance each other. It was making the problem worse.

"But dad, I was hurt..." Louis complained. "It's hard for me to treat Harry like before after what had happened. I couldn't even look at his face. I felt hate."

"See..." Mark advised gently. "That's what I've been saying before. You're losing to your feelings. Now you're regretting it right?" 

Louis just went quiet. "Regret? Yes, I am." He regretted that he ignored Harry. Even though he hated him but he still loved him. That's what making he hazed everyday. 

"What else can I do dad." Louis sighed again. "I cannot pull my words back."

"Easy or hard depends on that person. If both person are giving, it'll be easy. But in this situation, one person was giving yet the other one was stubborn." Mark continued his preach. 

Louis was hammered when he noticed that his father was siding with Harry. He scratched the mug's rim with his index finger. His sit was restless.

"So, what do you want me to do? It's not like I can look for him, to make amend. Even his dad couldn't trace him." Louis voice was shaking, holding his feelings in.

Mark rubbed on his temple. "What's so hard? If both of you still love each other, you'll still be together in the end." he said simply before standing up to store the groceries away.

Once again Louis felt like he was hit by tons of bricks. He wanted to say something but his sisters' shout from the foyer complaining about cold and hunger had shut his mouth tight.  


Hello lovelies. 😊

So, thoughts?

I'll go to a family vacation, so I'll drop the bomb on this Friday.

Happy early Halloween 🎃🎃🎃

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