Chapter 52 : Explanation

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Mark occasionally cleared his throat. He was more of an observer, watching what was happening in front of him. When he got a call from Harry about Louis admittance to hospital, he rushed to drive to London. He then got a call from Des telling him about their family meeting. Mark didn't really believe the story about his son-in-law that was spreading around their neighbourhood. That's why he needed to hear it from Harry's own mouth.

The living room's air was tense. Louis was sitting on the couch with Anne beside him trying to comfort him. Mark and Des was also sitting on the couch with Harry in front of them. The girls were already ushered into their rooms by Lottie who explained to them the adults had something to discuss about. 

"I don't know how to explain..." Harry said exasperatedly while tugging on his curls with his long fingers.

"What else do you want to explain, Harry? It was your face that we all saw in the paper. Photos of you hugging him in the public. Don't you have any shame Harry?" Anne jumped in.

"It's not my fault mom!" Harry snapped. Xander was not only slandering him, he also gave the photos that were taken without Harry's knowing to the reporter.

"At that moment, I just wanted to help him. How should I know that it was a trap?" Harry said firmly.

Anne glared again, she was furious. Her pride was at stake when her cliques was gossiping about her beloved son's scandal. All of her soft spot for his only son had gone for the moment.

"What do you mean by trap? Explain to us properly," Des said. His voice sounded soft but firm.

Harry inhaled a heavy breath before releasing it. He felt like a criminal in a trial, sentenced guilty without the juries hearing his explanation first.

"On that day, I met him unintentionally. He set that meeting on his own through my secretary. Don't ask me how, I don't know," Harry explained. "I swear!"

Des was rubbing on his stubbled chin. He was thinking deep. "My friend called this afternoon," Des said. "You know Uncle Simon right?"

Harry's forehead furrowed. He could expect what his father wanted to say. He still remembered Simon Cowell's stare, filled with meaning. 

"He said that the photographer who took the photos was really great. That's what he really saw on that day, you and Xander. Can you explain that?" 

"Arghh... that old geezer! Doesn't know his own place!" Harry cursed the old man in his mind. "Whatever he saw was true. Everyone saw that as I was hugging Xander, but the truth I was just helping him to stand after he said that he had a migraine. "Who does Simon think he is, he should've minded his own boy toy's business!" Harry spat annoyingly.

Louis glanced at Harry. Listening to Harry's reasons which hard for Louis to believe.

"How many times that I've told you before Harry. You shouldn't even made friend with him in the first place. But you're stubborn. See what happens?" Des sighed.

Harry just shook his head repeatedly. "That's all in the past dad. There's no need to dig it back. I've no relation with him anymore."

"This is not about digging back," Des pinched on his nose bridge trying to calm himself, "Another problem is, you left Xander when you knew about his pregnancy. Now, do you want to take the responsibility?"

Harry shook his head again hearing his father's words. Why does everyone believing on the paper. Don't they heard his explanations. 

"Dad, what responsibility are you talking about? I'm married to Louis, my only love and responsibility is him and our soon to be born baby." Harry said.

You Are The Only One (Larry Mpreg) *Editing*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα