Chapter 50 : Too much.

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Moans and grunts could be heard from the dimly lighted bedroom. Pillows and blankets were scattering on the carpeted floor. Xander and Richard were lost in their sexual excitement. They were lying on the bed tiredly after almost an hour of sexual activities. 

Xander laid his naked body on top of Richard. He was satisfied with the pleasure. He was feeling aggrieved because only Richard was available to fulfil his wish. Xander didn't dare to make a public appearance because he was afraid of the paparazzi attack. He just waited for a suitable moment to appear in the public and play his card.

Richard was gently caressing Xander's exposed skin. He rubbed his palm on Xander's protruding belly. He was proud because his seed was growing excellently budding into their baby. He couldn't wait for the baby to born. "Honey, maybe this is the right time for us to discuss about our matters." Richard suddenly voiced out.

Xander who was lost in his thought suddenly froze. His sleepy eyes opened widely. He hated it when Richard wanted to talk about their matters. "What else should be  discussed about? I think that you already know what I want." He snapped.

"But what you wanted before was the same with what I want," Richard replied mockingly. He remembered the whining Xander rubbing on him needily asking for a sex. 

"You mean, I'm the one who's desperate for you? Like that?" Xander's raised his voice. He picked his satin robe from the floor before wrapping it on his naked body.

"You've mistaken Richard!" Xander  snapped.

Richard laughed lightly. "You sure are hypocrite!" He spat. 

Xander pulled a sour face. He walked to his vanity dresser sitting on the small tool. He grabbed his cigarette box before retrieving one of the nicotine sticks. He lit it up before he inhaled the death smoke. He blew a ring of smoke, making the room a bit cloudy.

"I'm serious Richard," he said firmly. "I always know what I want!" Xander 
smirked satisfied, he could see the glory. "I will make a full statement tomorrow. I know that the press couldn't wait to write my story. Since I gave the pictures to Sarah, she was hunting me down. Very curious."

"You're flying too high Xander," Richard snickered. "She won't write a story just based from the pictures only."

"Aha, she already did!" Xander cut him. "And I want to see for how long Harry can stand it all. Sooner or later he will have to take care of my baby. I'm sure that Louis will force him to. That boy is so naa...iive!"

Richard jumped out from the bed. He wore his jeans back. He flicked the main light on. The dim light mixing with the smoke was suffocating him. Xander's eyes squinted because of the bright light. "And you think that I'll just watch? Hmm?" Richard asked sharply. "That baby is mine, and we'll take care of him or her together."

Xander rolled his eyes, "We've talked about this thing for so many times Richard! Don't you get it yet?"

"I've told you for so many times before that I didn't like your stupid plan, but you're stubborn. You don't even thinking about my feeling!" Richard shouted full with emotions. He pulled on his hair like a mad man.

"Mental!" Xander jested in his mind. "Who do you think you are Richard? You don't have the characteristics of my dream man. Being rich is not enough sweetheart. Have to be 
damn rich! Sorry not sorry, but you're not the one. I need someone like who have name like Harry Styles who can give me everything I want. What can you give me? Nothing! Just this bastard." He muttered the last part while glaring on his belly.

Hot blood were rushing through Richard's veins heading to his head. He slowly stepped approaching 
Xander like a predator. His hands were shaking. Too much! Xander had gone too far. He wanted to rip Xander's proud face apart. He wanted to slash that pretty face until he was satisfied.

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