Chapter 20 : I Don't Care!

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It was a rainy morning with grey clouds floating on the sky. Louis was rolling on his king sized bed wrapped in his soft white duvet. Only his fluffy caramel hair was visible from the blanket's burrito.

He rubbed his face on the soft pillow inhaling the fresh detergent smells. He popped his face from the duvet glancing at the alarm clock on his night table, 10 minutes after 8. He stretched his back relieving his sore muscles still lazy to wake up. He has woken up late for more than a week. He wanted to teach Harry.

"If you want to go to the office, wake yourself up. If not, serve yourself right." Louis mumbled to himself. He doesn't even prepared any meals for Harry, not even waiting in the living room for him coming home late everynight. Louis doesn't even talked or asked anything to Harry anymore.

When Harry was coming home late at night, he already wrapping himself in the duvet, lost in his dreams. Lately he has slept really well. When Harry's face was frowning confused of his unusual habits, he's just acting nonchalant. He doesn't want to ask for any apology from Harry anymore. Please!


"You have to teach him Lou. If he doesn't even care about you, you must do the same to him. Show to him of who you are. Let's play the game too." Zayn said to him when they were driving home from the mall.

Louis nodded his head. Little by little he agreed with what Zayn had said.

"One more thing I want to remind you, no need to be kind with him. What have you got? Nothing!" Zayn added.
"You said yourself that Harry and you doesn't have any relationship. So... you don't have to cook or iron his clothes for him. Let he do it himself. That is what he wants. Right?"

"But... aren't those are my job as a househusband?"

"Husband? Don't be naïve Lou, he never treated you like his rightful husband. He even yelled at you and scolded you! What kind of husband is that? If I was in your place, I would've ran away long time ago." Zayn was still ranting nonstop.

They stopped in front of Louis' house. Zayn huffed, "Remember what I said? You and him are just like housemates. He cannot control you and you don't have to be afraid of that jerk. Don't even ask for his permission if you want to do anything."

"Yes Zee. I'll try to do as you said. But..." Louis trailed.

Zayn lifted his right hand in front of Louis' face signed him to shut up. He continued again.

"Do you have any feelings for him?"


"Me? Have feelings toward Harry?" He hugged his pillow. Tight.

"There's no way I will like him!" he changed his position facing his left side. "Does he even like me?"

He changed his position again. Facing his right side. He was restless. He laid on his back, his eyes staring straight at the ceiling. He doesn't have the answer for Zayn's question. Suddenly Harry's face appeared in his mind, smirking evilly at him. Weird! He looked even more handsome! Louis was going crazy.

"Dear God! Please don't make me fall in love with him."


Harry felt long manicured fingers massaging his temples, caressing his hairs. An intense smells of perfume wafting into his nose. He can't hold his breath in anymore, his nostrils were about to burst. He quickly opened his eyes. Xander's face appeared in front if his face. His eyes were looking into his with a seductive manner. Harry jumped from his couch.

"Shit! What are you doing in my office?" Harry hissed at him. He glanced at his wristwatch, nearly 6.30 p.m.

"Darling... why are you getting angry?" Xander pouted not satisfied. "You hasn't come to my apartment for a long time. When I come to meet you, you even scolded me."

Harry sighed. Slowly he approached Xander. His hand was caressing Xander's face before he kissed his forehead.

"No. I'm not angry honey. I'm sorry okay?" he kissed his forehead again.
"It's just... well, has anyone saw you coming in here? Any staffs?

"No. There's no one outside when I arrived here. You worry too much." Xander's hand was playing with Harry's tie.

Harry just smiled. He slowly stood up walking towards his mini fridge. He grabbed two bottles of orange juices.
"Have a drink." He offered a bottle of juice to Xander.

Xander smiled taking the bottle of juice.

"You know... I have a new film. The shooting is next week," he told Harry. "It's a romance theme... but this time I will play a role as a seducer."

Harry yawned. "Hmm... boring!" He doesn't know why lately he doesn't have the mood to have a conversation with Xander. But he forced an interested face listening to Xander's talks.

"Hmm... so this time you don't get a main role again. Why? Do you have a fight with the director?" Harry teased before drinking his juice.

Xanded pouted sulking. "My role is the most challenging one. Only an actor like me can carry that role perfectly. I want to test my ability. But most of the scenes requiring me naked. Erm... bed scenes. You don't mind right? He caressed Harry's cheek.

Harry sighed. "You know I won't allow it right?"

"Darling, I have to follow the script." Xander whined tried to plead.

Harry huffed. "Next time just refuse if you get a script like that. What kind of film are like that? That's an exploitation. Don't tell me you don't know their intentions." He snapped.

Xander grew silent. His face flushed red listening to Harry's lecture.

"Okay, I promise I'll talk to the director maybe to change a little bit of the script." Xander moved closer to Harry tried to hug his waist.

"Look I know I don't have the right to control you. But one day when we will get married I don't want people to view my future husband as a cheap actor. You know their intentions right, just to get publicity." Harry tried to convince him.

Xander nodded his head. Shit! He pulled a long face furious towards Harry. Lately, he always criticized him. Everything he's done that Harry are okay with before was not allowed now. Hell! They were not even married yet and he already wanted to control him. Problem!

Xander started to worry.


Hallo my beautiful people 😘

I hope you guys have a nice day 😆

Till then... daaa XOXO Adya 🤗

You Are The Only One (Larry Mpreg) *Editing*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin