Chapter 12 : Hell No!

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Harry was angry.

His steps accentuated with force. He opened his office door aggressively before he threw his coat on the couch.

He plopped down on his plush chair. The blasted air conditioner cannot cooled his burning heart down.

Not long after, Niall rushed in. He sat down without asked to. He tapped his fingers onto the table, trying to arrange his words.

"Harry, what the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked.

Niall was not satisfied. That morning Harry came to the office and making a scene out of nowhere. He has scolded a couples of the workers who was talking and not doing their work. It's normal because it's still early in the morning.

Harry gritted his teeth.

"Fuck off Niall. You're just the same with the other people. Talking behind my back about my relationship with Xander." he snapped.

Harry was really angry. He went to get himself a glass of water when he heard Niall's and a couple of his workers talking in the pantry this morning.

"Poor Xander Ritz."


"That famous new model, Mr. Styles's boyfriend!"

"Oh, I forgot. What about him?

"Don't you see his instagram? He went to Italy on the time of the wedding."

"Maybe to find some peace. Well you know with unapproved relationship like that.

"Ooh, poor them. That's why Mr. Styles has been in bad mood lately."

"Their relationship is what we called modern Romeo and Juliet."

"Loving each other but cannot be together?" He heard Niall's voice.

"Yes, yes that's what I mean."

"Oh my God." Niall said.

And then Harry heard all of them erupted into laughter.


Harry slammed his fist on the table.

He felt irritated. People talked about his life like they knew him themselves.

"Okay, okay. I don't think you'll become this angry. I'm just joking. I'm sorry!" Niall offered his right hand to Harry for a handshake but Harry was not moving.

Niall tensed. "Shit! Where is your sense of humour Harry? Since when you become sensitive like this!"

There's no reactions on Harry's face at all. Even though he felt angry, he think he has exaggerated the whole situation. After all, Niall was his best friend, he's just joking and don't mean any harms.

"Just forget about it okay?" Niall said while stretching his back.

"Can I say something?" Niall asked, without waiting for Harry's permission, he continued.

"Why don't you went to the honeymoon? You can relax from London and works for a while. I mean your father has been really generous to offer that. But instead, you choose to work." Niall said.

Harry huffed.

"It's just a waste of time. And there's no way I'll go to a vacation with that boy. Why should I spend time with someone I don't even love?" he shrugged.

Niall just shook his head, "Whatever you said Harry. Excuse me, I have some works to do.

Harry fixed with his decision, he won't go anywhere with Louis.

Actually he was thankful when Louis agree with his lie. So like that, his parents can't do anything about it.


"Lou, this is the right time for both of you to go for a vacation. Or maybe travel around the world with Harry," Anne said while holding Louis's hand.

"If just in England, you can go anytime, go somewhere else. Use this honeymoon to enjoy yourself and to relax before Harry back to work." Anne added.

Louis stilled. He lifted his head looking at Harry who seems restless with his parents suggestions.

"Your mom's right," Des said, "Both of you can use this honeymoon time to know about each other."

Harry felt stressed. He thought about his parents requests with distaste. First, they asked him to get married, then they asked him to go to a honeymoon. No way man!

He cleared his throat, "It's not like we don't want to go to a honeymoon, but our company needs my attention now. The financial is unstable and affected the company's progress. This is all my fault, so I want to fix all these problem before we went anywhere."

"I've already promised Louis I'll bring him to a vacation once all these problems settled. Aren't that right Lou?" Harry lied.

Louis just smiled, "Harry's right. I don't mind mom, dad," he said softly, "Even if we don't go anywhere, it's okay.


Harry's thought train interrupted by Niall. He don't even realise he's been standing in front of him all these times.

Niall flicked his thumb and index finger grinning widely, startling Harry.

"Heyy... it's just 9 a.m and you're already daydreaming. Or... you've been thinking about your first night?" Niall laughed before he quickly closed his mouth with his palm.

Harry was not smiling at all. There's a crease between his thick brows. He looked serious.

"Okay, okay." Niall lifted his hands up. He knew his joke is not funny for Harry.

"So... just tell me. How was he? Come on you don't have to keep a secret from me." Niall said.

"He's fine." Harry leaned back on his plush chair.

"Damn it!" Niall pouted, "You know that's not what I mean right. Was he great? In bed, I mean."

"We don't sleep together." Harry said lowly.

"What?" Niall's eyes grew twice bigger. He's staring at Harry intently to make sure Harry was not joking. He seems serious.

"I don't love him. There will come a time I'm going to release him. I'm not that mean to ruin his future. At least he will stay pure." Harry exclaimed.

"Have you lose your mind?" Niall exclaimed, "I mean, look at his body... he's hot mate."

Sometimes, Niall doesn't understand Harry. In his eyes, Louis looked perfect. A package.

Harry glared at him, "I'm not like you," Harry said cynically, "Don't think I don't know what you've done behind Barbara multiple times before."

Niall smiled sheepishly, "Well... my friend, that's normal you know. That time, I was in an on off relationship with her, but now I promise, I've been loyal to her."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Shut up!"

"Frankly speaking Harry." Niall spoke slowly, nearly whispering, "You need to be careful. I'm afraid you'll fall hard.

Harry lifted his shoulder. "You mean with that boy, Louis? Nah man, I don't think so."

Harry laughed loudly. He felt like he have been tickled. Funny! There's no way he will fall in love with that poor boy.

"We'll see." Niall smirked.


Holler my beautiful people 😘

Their marriage's life just started.

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Till then...daaa XOXO Adya 🤗

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