Chapter 36 : The Apology

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Harry was laughing to his heart's content. Louis didn't know what was so funny to him.

It was a Thursday night. After they finished their dinner, Louis wanted to go upstairs into his bedroom when Harry asked him to accompany him watching a movie. Louis wanted to reject him but Harry gave him his puppy eyes.

Louis sighed softly. So there they were watching Runaway Bride, Harry's suggestion. His mind was not on the movie. He was deep in his thoughts. He was thinking about their marriage. "Will Harry change at all? Is there a chance? What if I got pregnant from that night?" He unconsciously rubbed his flat tummy. But he didn't feel any changes on his body. His thought was interrupted by Harry's rants.

"When will they get to marry?" he sighed. "They keep running around 24 hours. What were they afraid of? Just get married already." He turned his face looking at Louis beside him who was blinking confusedly.

"Lou... when we were about to get married, before the wedding was you nervous like that?" Harry asked trying to start a conversation. He not so subtly flung his arm on the coach rest behind Louis' shoulders.

Louis grew anxious. His heart was beating quicker. He was not comfortable with Harry's arm behind him.

"I was thankful that you didn't run away like that bride." Harry motioned towards the actress. "If you ran away, I would've regret it for my whole life."

"Why did you say that?" Louis asked looking straight into Harry's eyes. "Aren't my present ruined your relationship with Xander?" He snapped.

Louis smiled cynically looking at Harry who was blinking dumbly. "Huh... you don't need to sweet talk with me. Serve your right." He scolded Harry in his head.

"Lou... are you still angry with me about Xander? I promise you, he and I was over, nothing." Harry swallowed his saliva, "Now, only you Lou..."

Louis scoffed at Harry's answer before he focused his sight back on the TV. Suddenly the movie was muted by Harry.

He was shocked when Harry was kneeling in front of him. "What are you...?"

"Lou..." Harry took both of his hands holding them in his own. "I'd like to apologies. I cannot express how sorry I am for all my mistakes." He kissed his knuckles. "I know I've break your heart many times. But... I am really sorry. I... that night."

Louis flinched before he tried to pulled his hand back. But Harry held onto them tighter.

"Lou... please listen to me. I am really sorry about that night. I... I lost my control. I was jealous of Liam. I let jealousy control my rationality. I can't control my anger and I lashed them to you. I am really... really sorry." His eyes started to gloss.

"Did I hurt you? If that so, you can hurt me back. I don't mind, just hit me, slap me, kick me as much as you want Lou if by that means you can forgive me." His watery eyes stared straight into Louis'.

Louis sighed heavily. "Do you think that I can forget it just like that? I have feelings too..." his voice was shaking.

Harry frowned. He didn't want Louis to be sad anymore. He knew he was the one at fault. He knew he had hurt Louis' heart who was loyal to him for too many times. He swore to himself, he didn't want Louis to cry because of him anymore. He wanted to make Louis happy and he wanted to have a family with him. His heart was about to burst from affection and love that he felt for Louis.

"I know I had done many sins to you." he lowered his voice. "I am so sorry..." he whispered, stray tears was rolling down on both of his cheeks.

Louis' eyes grew wide. Harry Styles was crying while asking for an apology from him? He froze. He didn't believe his eyes. That man, who was packed with ego and pride... was crying. Only if he had his phone with him, he wanted to record a crying Harry and play it to show to everyone that Harry Styles could cry too.

Harry was waiting for any answers from Louis' mouth but Louis was just blankly staring into his eyes. He rubbed his cheeks onto his arms without letting Louis' hand go, feeling shy.

"Lou... but I want you to know. What I said that night... I meant it deep from my heart. What do you say?" Harry asked him hopefully.

Louis threw his look outside towards the dimly lighted pool that was visible from their living room's glass door. "What? What did you say that night?" Louis asked him.

"Lou... please look at me..." Harry pleaded him. He sounded like a hurt puppy in Louis' ears.

Louis sighed before he shifted his sight towards Harry face. The light that was reflected by the pool water was illuminating his face. He could see the jade green eyes were glossy.

Harry swallowed his saliva. His words were stuck in his throat when Louis' blue eyes were gazing into his.
"That night... I said that I love you. Lou... I think that I've fallen in love with you." He confessed to Louis.

Louis was frozen. "Did Harry just confessed that he love me?" The truth was that night, he barely could hear anything that Harry has said to him. He was in a difficult situation at that time. He didn't know what to say but he knew that he wanted to torture Harry a little bit.

He stared into Harry's eyes, looking for a trace of sincerity. Harry was looking at him with shiny eyes, waiting for him to say anything. Louis blinked his eyes.

"Huarghhh...! He yawned loudly. He pulled his hands from Harry's before throwing his arms in the air, stretching his body.

Harry was lost. He knew that Louis wanted to play tug of war with him. He just looked at Louis lithe body who was stretching to his left and right.

He sighed before mentally reminding himself that he still have another time. "Sleepy?" he asked Louis softly.
Louis nodded his head. He lifted his arse from the couch.

"Okay, let's sleep!" Harry said standing up from his kneeling. "Where do you want to sleep tonight? Yours or my room?" he asked.

"Huh?" Louis was shocked. He twisted his neck looking at Harry. "Who does he think he is, asking for this and that?"

"I'm going to sleep in my room, and you have your own room." He quickly said. He walked away towards the stair leaving Harry alone standing in the dim living room.

Harry was frustrated. "Lou, we're husbands. It's not wrong if..." Harry words stopped. He looked at Louis with hopeful eyes.

"It's not wrong! But I don't want between us become too close." He climbed up the stairs, leaving Harry alone who was dumbly blinking his eyes.

Harry sighed helplessly. He ran his fingers through his curls. He felt like he has heard that sentence before! But where?


Hello lovelies 😘😘

So... I don't really know how to play with words. I wanted to make the apology scene as real as possible but that's all I afford of 😂. Please forgive me.

Thoughts babes?

Daaa 😍😍😍

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