The Art of Asking

Start from the beginning

"Hey where are you going Emma! I didn't mean it!" i don't listen to him. "I was just teasing you!" he sounds angrier now.

"Goodbye Liam!" i shout at him as i hit the sidewalk. He doesn't come after me.


"Waliyha! Stop talking to your friends and let's fucking go!" i shout at my little sister from down the hallway. She looks at me over her shoulder and rolls her eyes before hugging her mass of friends goodbye.

"You don't have to be so cruel." Waliyha says as she walks up to me.

"I wouldn't have to be if you were ready when i first called." she doesn't respond. She's right though. Especially when i have to ask for her help. I shouldn't be so awful to her. "Fine. I'm sorry." i mutter under my breathe.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" she teases covering her mouth in mock shock.

"I'm. Sorry." i repeat through my teeth.

"Well somebody get me a camera, Zayn actually is apologizing for being a fucking tool. Thanks big brother. Apology accepted." she reaches up and ruffles my hair. She's the only one brave enough to do such a thing.

"Hey!" i bark out but make no move to fix it. Waliyha rolls her eyes.

"Let's just get home." We head towards my old beat up truck. The only thing our ungrateful father left us before he ran off. It get's good mileage and runs pretty well despite how old it is. I open up the passenger door for her as i climb into the drivers side. That door was always sticky.

"Are we picking up Safaa?" she asks pulling her seat belt across her.

"No mum's friend got her." i think that's what our mother said before we left.

"You're sure?" Waliyha asks raising an eyebrow. Shit. She could always see right through me.

"Fine. We'll fucking stop by her school it's on the way anyways." i mutter running a hand through my hair as i rev the engine. I pull out of the parking space while the engine rumbles lowly. I'm about to peel out of the parking lot when a girl steps out.

"Zayn!" Waliyha shouts. I slam on the brakes.

"Fuck!" i shout. The girl jumps about four feet in the air.

"What the hell Zayn!" Fuck it's Emma. "You almost fucking ran over me!" i lowly let out a string of curse words before putting my car in park and getting out.

"Well what the hell are you doing stepping out like that!" i shout at her.

"Whatever Zayn i don't fucking need this right now!" she shouts in my face. I groan inwardly as she begins to storm away from me.

"Hey! Hey wait!" i shout grabbing her wrist. She's scowling and glaring at me. "Are you ok? I didn't hit you?" i say slowly stroking her cheek with my other hand. She doesn't respond at first. I think she was trying to determine whether or not to yell at me some more or answer me civilly. She sighs and the tension in her shoulder drops.

"Yeah I'm fine Zayn. You didn't hit me." she mumbles rubbing her forehead with her hand.

"Ok good. What are you doing? Doesn't Liam take you home?" i ask tucking her hair behind her ear. She shrugs her shoulders.

"I got pissed at him. I'm walking home." she says looking up at me.

"No. I can take you." i reply immediately. She raises an eyebrow at me confused.

"Umm your sister is in the car." she reminds me. I look back up at Waliyha who looks completely confused by this exchange.

"I can kick her out." Emma bursts out laughing and i smile along with her.

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