Chapter Twenty: Failed Attempt

Start from the beginning

Sasuke, you are to crazy.. what if that was actually Kakashi sensei?

"Ah he just got blasted by shuriken! Are you out of your mind Sasuke? You went to far!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke from his now revealed hiding spot.

Seeing Kakashi being replaced by a log and vanish as I hear the tress rustling over where Sasuke once was.

Time for my plan of action.

Jumping out of the tree I was hiding out of I quickly run over to Naruto. "Hey Naruto! I'll cut you down from there, but hey let's work as a team okay? That way we can get the bells together and help out Sakura and Sasuke too. I mean they are our team mates." Shooting him a quick smile I throw a kunai at the rope as he lands on his head. Quickly standing up from his landing with a slight bump on his head he smiles at me.

"Thanks (Y/n) for helping me out the tree, but I seriously need to do this on my own as a future hokage would! Believe it!" Quickly Naruto walks away from me searching for Kakashi sensei. Sighing in annoyance I lift my hand and rub my temples.

Sakura should be getting in the gen jutsu some time.

Hearing a blood curling scream and the birds flock away my head quickly lifts in that direction. Using my sensory skills I pinpoint Sakura and run quickly over to where she is. Finding her laid out on the grass I immediately make my hand sign to release her from the gen jutsu.

"Release!" I say quietly to make sure Kakashi didn't know I was here.

"What-what happened?" Sakura asked her eyes barely open as she looked at me.

"Kakashi Sensei was just here and he-" not even being able to finish my words before she cut me off standing up abruptly her eyes widening. "Sasuke no, you've got to survive, please!" She screamed holding her hands clasped together in front of her chest.

"Sakura just wait a minute why don't we work together to help Sasuke and Naruto. We are a team after all!" I say placing a hand on her shoulder lightly shaking her.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but I have to go find Sasuke!" Running away from me I follow a little ways behind her. Running out of the woods into a little dirt area I see Sakura passed out on the ground. Turning my head to my right I look to see Sasuke's head sticking up from the ground. Feeling my cheeks puff up, tear rolls down my face as I let my laugh slip through.

"Oh my god, how do you let him do the headhunter jutsu on you! It's so old!" Laughing I see his face twist in one of embarrassment as he stares at me.

"Just get me out of here." He mumbles as an embarrassed blush grazes his cheeks.

"Okay, okay." Focusing my chakra in my right fist I look at Sasuke hesitantly. "This may or may not hurt a little bit." Seeing his eyes widen I punch the ground right in front of his face and a giant crack appears in front of him. Just enough to let his body slip out of.

"Since I got you out, let's work together to get a bell from Kakashi. We still have a few minutes so let's do it together- as a team."

"Your not on my level, so no. I'll take a bell my self before noon, I don't need a loser like you to help me." Immediately Sasuke dusted off his outfit and made his way to Sakura before shaking her awake. Leaning over her body waiting for her to wake up so he could leave.

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