Only Hope Chapter 6

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*Song for chapter: Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton*

Only Hope Chapter 6

Louis' Pov:

I stumbled in the apartment drunk off my arse. My vision was blurry and I was knocking things over causing a big ruckus. I muttered many curse words under my breath as I made my way to the stairs but I couldn't get past the living room couch. It was late and all I wanted to do was sleep. I grumbled and let out an angry huff. There was no way pass this drunken state. I was piss drunk and my mind wasn't clear. At first I thought I heard soft foot steps come down the stairs but then I thought I was imagining things so I continued stumbling towards the stairs. That was until I felt a hand on my tense back which instantly relaxed me.

I looked up surprise but was only met with a blurry face. "Louis?" They whispered. Their small hands cupped my face. "Harry?" I mumbled. The voice giggled and shook their head. "You know I don't like you drunk," the person scolded. "It wasn't my fault," my drunken voice huffed. "It was Brooke's." "Brooke's?" The person questions. I hummed in response. "Yesh," I slurred then laughed afterwards. "She is so stubborn that it drives me insane sometimes," I said as I sat down on the floor. The person followed my actions and sat next to me.

"Is that so?" They asked. I nodded. "Yet," I paused. "Yet what?" They asked. Their tone of voice was getting inpatient like they were getting irritated. "Yet I still love her," I shook my head and closed my eyes. "I love her so much but she doesn't love me," I murmured. "Yes I do," they whispered.

"No. No she doesn't. She much rather let me be with Dylynn then herself. She doesn't want me anymore," I ranted. "She wants to be just friends," I spat with a frown. I turned and face the young girl next to me. "You're a girl," I giggled before poking her nose. She smiled slightly before it faded. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my cheek which turned bright red.

I quickly got out of her grasp and stood up, almost falling over in the process. The girl looked up at me with hurt. "No. No. I can't do that. I will not cheat on my girl friend," I said. "I already cheated on Brooke once and I vow to myself I will not let some girl throw herself on me again. I already caused Brooke so much hurt. I can't hurt her again. I love her and only her," I said. I squinted my eyes at the person since I could barely keep my drunken eyes open. "W-What?" She gasp. "You heard me," I crossed my arms across my chest but was my shoulders instead.

She laughed and pulled my arms down to the side of my body. "I love you too Louis," she whispers before wrapping her arms around me. I again lightly shoved her arms off of me. "No," I strictly ordered. "Get away. I don't want Brooke to see," I shook my head.

She laughed and said, "She is here." My eyes widen in surprise and looked around the spinning room. "No. No. No. Please let her not see," I said. "She already did," the girl giggle. My eyes landed on the girl and frowned. "Stop spinning around," I demanded. "I'm not spinning. You're only drunk," she continued to laugh.

I huffed and sat back on the ground. She sat down next to me. "So tell me unknown person. How does a girl think? You must know Brooke if you're in here," I said. "Girls think very complicated stuff and I know Brooke very well. In fact we are so close that we think alike. I'm practically her!" She smiles. I chuckled humorously and shook my head. "No one is Brooke. Brooke is beautiful, kissable, lovable, kissable, cute, smart, funny, kissable, kissable, kissable, and... kissable." "So in other words you like kissing her?" "No," I shook my head, "I love kissing her." "Her lips are plump and pink. They are so soft and I could kiss them all day!" I exclaimed.

"What do you love about her?" She curiously asked. I looked around the room for Brooke so she wouldn't hear before motioning the girl forward. She leaned forward and I whispered in her ear. "Everything." She blushed and looked back at me. "But shhh," I pressed my finger to her lip. "Don't tell her about Dylynn," I giggled. She frowned and asked, "What about Dylynn?" "I can't say or she will get mad." "I won't tell her." "Well," I paused, "Dylynn was at the club tonight and I danced with her but don't worry, we didn't kiss but we did grind." "You what?!" She yelled. "Shh," I giggled and placed my index finger on her soft lips. "Don't tell Brooke."

"You sure know how to ruin something Louis," she spat. I frowned and said, "I was drunk." I hiccuped and sent her a sloppy smile. She only glared back at me. "It happened on accident but don't worry. It will be the last of Dylynn. I only want Brooke but she doesn't want me," I confessed, "she doesn't love me nor does want me. I want her so bad but she pushes me away. All I want is for her to love me. I fixed her broken heart and I'm waiting for her to fix mine." "She left me but who can blame her? She left me by myself with my fail, broken heart. If only she knew how much I love her."

She exhaled through her nose and looked up at me with red watery eyes. I shakily reached up and wiped her tears away with my thumb but she pushed my hands away. For some odd reason, my heart fell at her action. "How much do you love me?" She asked with a whisper. "I love Brooke with all of my heart. She is my world. My future. My first and last love. I see her in my future," I smiled. "Where do you see me in your future?" She asked.

I smiled at the thought of this. "I see her walking down the aisle of a church or on the beach in a beautiful long white dress. Her hair is perfectly French braided to the side with a long veil covering her beautiful face. I see her placing the ring on my finger and I doing the same to her. I see her saying 'I do' and I say the same. I see her having my kids and we have a big family with three kids living in a house out on the beach or in the middle of a flower and grassy meadow. We will be living away from the city and from everyone. I see her in my life until the day we die old together." I see only her.

"Nothing is ever a happy ending," she says. I shook my head. "But with Brooke. Everything is." She looked up from her lap and into my eyes. Her eyes were filled with tears that clouded her vision. I leaned forward and wiped them away with my thumb, gently. "I love you so much Louis," she whispers but was barely audible for me to hear as I was slowly starting to fall asleep. "Like I said before," I yawned. "I only have my eyes on Brooke. I love her."

"You're such a goof," she giggled. "I'm Brooke's goof," I grinned at her before I rested my head on her lap. She ran her fingers through my hair a few times with a smile on her face. "Never forget me," she pleaded. "Never," I breathed. My eyes fell shut and I drifted off to sleep with Brooke on my mind.

I could never stop loving her.

A/n: Another update and I wrote it all in an hour! The song for this chapter is on the side. My auditions for a speech went well today! I am very happy and all I need it to get it. Now enough of my outside life, how was tonight's chapter? Louis being drunk didn't notice he was talking to Brooke the whole time... Gosh I wish they were back together. Am I the only one? What do you want to see more of Brooke and Louis? Let me know in the comments!!(:

Updating schedule:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

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