Only Hope Chapter 26

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Dylynn is to the side or up top - - ->

Only Hope Chapter 26

Brooke's Pov:

"Good morning to you! Good morning to you! And good morning to you! Rise and shine sleeping beauty," a cheery, yet annoying voice spoke with delight. The curtains above my head were pulled open and the sunlight was brought in, shining bright on my closed eyes.

"It is time to get up. We need you downstairs and outside for a quick minute. And then I will be taking you out. Or shall I say Harry, Jack, Liam, Zayn, and I will." My eyes opened halfway, and I peered through my half open eyes at the blonde hair boy who stood in front of me. "Niall. . . I hope you realize that this better be important. I hate being disturbed in my sleep. Sleeping is my only escape from reality," I said, groaning in aggravation. "Eh who cares? Come on. You will love it!" he exclaimed before making his way out of my room.

With a groan and another yell from Horan, I was finally out of bed and riding down the lift with Niall in my blue Scooby-Doo pyjama bottoms and a simple black t-shirt.

"You're going to love this," he said through the silent atmosphere. "Does it involve with me getting hurt?" He shook his head. "Me getting wet?" "First of all: that's what she said," he said, giggling. I rolled my eyes. "Second of all: it does not involve you getting wet. It involves me," he said, gleaming with excitement.

"Why would you want to get wet in a weather like this? It's cold out! Are you crazy?" "I'm crazy enough to do something that will make you smile," he said. "By the way, it was my idea." He winked at me before the doors opened and he walked out. I stood in the empty lift for a moment, processing his words, before quickly following him outside of the apartments.

The icy air nipped at my skin, sending shivers through my cold body and forming tiny goose on my skin. My body shuddered and I held my arms tightly around my waist. "Oh here. I know you're dying for a jacket," he said, smirking before shrugging off his coat. "Too soon, Niall. . . too soon," I said, giggling, earning a smile from him. "But seriously, thank you for the coat," I said. "Eh it's no problem," he said. "You say 'eh' too much," I commented. "Eh I know," he said. I smile and playfully pushed him.

"Will you two quickly come over here before we start without you!" Zayn yelled. "We are right next to you! No need to shout!" I yelled back. "Doof!" "Weird-o!" "I'm sorry to interrupt your silly banter, but is Niall going to speak or what?" Liam asked. "Spit it out, Niall," I said, turning my attention to him. "Hey! Hey! Hey! No need to be abrupt," he said and raising his hands in defense. "Continue on, Niall," Jack said. "You're boring us," Harry said, then faked a yawn in a joking manner.

"Brooke, I want you to take a look up above. Look at the second floor of this building. What do you see?" I obeyed Niall's commands and I took a look to where his finger is pointing. Up on the second floor and at the fourth balcony view was a neighbor standing there with three other people with a large, blue bucket in their hands.

"What is this?" I asked, looking back at my three best friends (excluding Harry who is my brother). Their faces broke out with a goofy grin. Harry was filled with glee the most. His face lit up like a firework show on Fourth of July in America.

"Lately, videos have been going viral. And we so happened to have been dealing with the issue behind the reason of the videos," Niall said, then glancing at Harry for him to continue. "Brooke, we want to show our support to you and donate money for ALS."

I covered my mouth from letting out sobs from the tears falling from my eyes. Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn took their places and faced the building. "Three. . . Two. . . One!" they shouted. The neighbors above dumped the buckets filled with water and ice; the water fell in mid-air and the chunks of ice stayed within the regions of water until it splashed all over the people I love.

The smack of water and ice hitting the solid ground made me run over to my friends as they jumped up and down from the cold liquid and air. They each let out a scream from the water biting at their skin. I pull all of them in a hug as I cried on their wet chests. Their strong arms wrapped around my tiny, weak frame and held me tight as if they did not want to let me go.

"I love you all so so much," I sobbed. I let the tears go. They streamed down from my eyes and glided down my cheek, soaking in with their shirts. "You are absolutely amazing. I do not know what I would do without you," I cried harder. "We love you too, Brooke. Like we said before: we are family," Liam whispered. "Through this hard time in our lives, dealing with your sickness, we want to show you we will support you and that we will always be here for you through the way," Zayn spoke with gentleness in his voice.

"And we cannot ask for a better friend than you because we love you. We will always be here for you. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will bring down our friendship. Not even the killer," Niall said. I smiled at their kind words. With the killer - my disease - slowing killing me from the inside-out, I will always know that my family is here. "I love you so much, Brooke. I love you so so much. Without you, my life will be hell. There wouldn't be a life without you," Harry said. I snuggled in more with on chest. "I love you too," I whispered.

"Now, how about we get some of that man you call Jack and let's have some fun!?"

A/n: Short. . . But a cute chapter. Sorry I haven't been updating much. It's hard with my school and classes. Homework is literally eating me alive! Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to the lovely @ThemWafflez for giving me the idea to post a chapter about the ALS ice bucket challenge since Brooke is dealing with the disease. Thank you so much! I hope to have another update soon.

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