Only Hope Chapter 25

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Only Hope Chapter 25

Brooke's Pov:

The tears streamed down from my glossy green eyes. I cradled myself in my cozy bed as I felt my heart shatter to millions of little pieces. It was impossible to move on from the heartbreak suffocating me. I wanted to cry endlessly until I run out of tears in my system.

Everyone suffers from pain. Pain is meant to be in our lives. But how can someone handle so much pain- both mentally and physically- at once until they break?

My weak body reach forward and across the empty spot, next to me, to grab my phone which laid on the bedside table. The bright screen blinded me for a moment, and I had to blink to adjust my eyes until I was able to see clearly. Lit up in green, was a message from an unknown number that awaited for me to reply back. A simple sentence said: Meet me at the park. Tonight in ten minutes -D.

D. . . Dylynn. There was no doubt in my mind it was her who has sent this text. The question was: Should I go? I want to know why she sent me this and how she received my number (it must have been Louis' phone). With all of my energy left in my body, I stood up and slipped in a purple Oxford hoodie and some old, dirty Chuck Taylor's and I was on my way to the lift; it was downstairs left open.

I made a discreet move as I tip toed past Harry's closed bedroom door. The carpet covered floorboards beneath my feet creaked and squeaked, but I managed to make it past and downstairs. Before I made it in the lift, a voice startled me from behind. The voice I recognized was the person I was dreading to see- Louis Tomlinson.

I turned around to see him in only his black briefs with nothing else- no shirt or pants. His hair was sticking up in almost every direction and his eyes were half open and half close. A small yawn escaped his slightly parted lips; he rubbed his eyes out of tiredness. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Are you awake?" I asked. He shot a look of 'are you serious right now?' kind of look. "I think I'm sleep walking actually." His voice dripped with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my breast in a X.

"I am going somewhere." "Where?" "That is none of your business!" "I caught you red handed! I am involved now. Are you going to go see that piece of trash you call Jack?" "First: he is not a piece of trash. He is smart and has a good education. Second: you will not be involved with anything that I do anymore. And third: I am not going to see Jack." He eyed me suspiciously as he did not know whether or not I was speaking the truth or fabricating to him.

"What's going on?" another voice asked from the stairs. Louis and I looked at the top of the stairs to see Harry standing there with closed eyes; his hands rubbing his eyes. I sighed and shook my head. "I'm going out," I said. "Where?" Harry asked, suddenly awake. "I'm only going to the lobby to pick up our mail," I explained. "Our mail?" Louis asked. I shot him a look but still gave him a nod. "We forgot to pick our mail up," I said. He narrowed his eyes at me and was going to object but Harry said, "Brooke, go ahead."

"Thanks, Harry." He nodded, and went back to his room with a final wave and a yawn. "Bye, Tomlinson." He mimicked my voice, but I ignored him and went inside the lift. With a press of a button and the doors closing shut, I felt myself being lowered to the floor, and I was in the lobby in minutes and walking to the park.

I walked along side of the empty concrete sidewalk. My eyes concentrated on the tiny cracks that my feet will step on. The little rhyme- the one every kid use to say- my stepmom use to tell me came to my head as I stepped on the cracks. Step on a crack and you break your mother's back. My mind continued to repeat the rhyme until I reach the dark, mysterious park. A figure stood by the familiar tree which stood across from the swing set. The sky above twinkled and shined bright from the moon and stars. The cold nipped at my cheeks and nose, and turning them red.

My feet continue to wander until I reached the figure. And to answer my thoughts, Dylynn was leaning against the tree- mine and Louis's tree- with a smirk across her lips. "How did you get my numbers? And I want to know now." "Simple. Louis' phone." "Stalker much?" "Obvious much?" I rolled my eyes and examined my chipped nail polish. "I didn't expect you to come," she said.

"Listen. . . Why am I here? Why did you want me to come?" "We need to talk." "About?" "Louis." "I am done with him. Have him for all I care," I said, speaking with no interest. "Ah ah ah! I'm not done yet," she said, her devious smirk growing wider. "What?" I asked. "We still need to discuss about your little issue- disease," she said. I took a step back and I shook my head. "There is nothing to discuss," I whimpered. "You know nothing!"

"Oh but I know every detail that you hide in your mind. I know the deepest, darkest detail of your disease. I know you have Lou Gehrig's. I know Louis is the only one who does not know. I know there is no cure. And I know you are going to die and suffer in the most painful way," she snarled. "Stop!" I screamed. "Shut the hell up! Do not tell me something about my disease that I already know about. I know what I have. I know Louis is the only one who doesn't know. I know there is no cure. And I know I am going to die! What you say is nothing new."

"Pathetic," she spat. "You're a pathetic sick girl-" I shoved her, causing her to stumble back. "Shut that filthy mouth of yours. You are pathetic. You are a sick, twisted-minded person who torments and plays with the feelings of people. You are pathetic! You're a lier, a coward, fake, cruel, and a bitc-" "Brooke!" Another smirk fell on Dylynn's lips as she stared at me. I didn't have to look back to know who was standing behind me. All I wanted to do was hide and crawl in a ditch, because now I look like the bad person.

"Do not start, Louis. I know-" "Will you shut up? I had enough of you and your harsh words," he growled. I turned around to face a livid Louis who looked like he was going to blow up in rage and anger at any second. "You calling my girlfriend hurtful words! How dare you? Do you have something better to do than do this? Apparently not," he spat. "She is the bad person, Louis! Why can't you see that? If you were here before-" "Here before? No. I saw plenty. I saw the shove and you calling her horrible words. You are the pathetic one for stooping so low. You are cruel. Get that mind of yours figured out before I am completely done with you."

He said no more and neither did I. He placed a hand on Dylynn's lower back and guided her away without another glance back at me. I was left alone with no one but myself and the silence that surrounded me. He was corrupted by Dylynn. Louis was blinded by a girl who was only lying to him and using him for her own good.

I wasn't going to cry. No way! Not after this. He is stupid. Stupid to not realize what was going on. He does not care and will never. My love for him is slipping away; little by little my heart for him is breaking away. If he keeps this up, then my love for him will be crushed and no longer there. It would be as if it never existed.

A/n: So, you all/most of you should know that ten of my future chapters are gone and I feel like crying! I guess I will have to rewrite until I get to the point where they were suppose to be. This time I'll make it better. Luckily two are saved, but I have to revise them. Hopefully I may get them back. If not, then I will make it better! One you will love though ;) Until then, I will try working on them and make them greater and better than ever!


This chapter was bleh :( next one will be better!

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