Only Hope Chapter 7

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Only Hope Chapter 7

Louis' Pov:

A pang of distress struck my forehead and I groaned out in pain. I grasp my forehead and sat up from my position. I rubbed my forehead and opened my eyes only for me to shut them again from the sudden bright lights. A groan escaped my lips again. This time, I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see where I was. The sunlight irritated my eyes and made my headache worse. My eyes scanned the living room to see it was empty. I looked down at myself to see I was only in a pair of sweats with no shirt. Confusion flooded my thoughts.

I thought I was alone until a small snore startled me from besides me. My heart beat sped up thinking I might have made a huge mistake last night. I silently pleaded Dylynn was not next to me but when I saw a blonde hair, petite figure fast a sleep in a sitting position, I instantly relaxed. I smiled and pushed back a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. I leaned closer and kissed her forehead hard. Then I kissed her lips. "Beautiful," I whispered. Even though I didn't know what happen last night, I knew something good had happened.

I stood up slowly and walked into the kitchen to grab an aspirin from the medicine cabinet. I made sure to be quiet so I wouldn't disturb the others and not to irritate my headache even more. My hands found the small white pill bottle and pulled it down. I twisted the cap off and shook a pill in my hand before placing the bottle back in the cabinet. I grabbed the open water bottle next to me and took the pill them taking a gulp from the water and setting the drink down.

A thought came to mind that I should make breakfast for everyone. By everyone, I mean Brooke. The others can make their own breakfast. I grabbed a pan that hung on the wall and placed it on the stove. I grabbed the eggs, sausage, bacon, and bread for her breakfast. I first began by placing the toast in the toaster then began cooking the eggs, bacon, and sausage in different pans. The frying of the bacon and sausage made sizzling noises as the smell drifted off through out the apartment.

I scrambled the eggs with salt and pepper. As the food was cooking, I took out two plates and placed them on the kitchen table along with a fork and knife. Then I went back to the cooking. Once in awhile, I would flip the sausage and bacon over as well as the eggs. I made sure not to burn the toast, too.

I heard soft footsteps behind me causing me to jump in surprise only to relax realizing who it is.

Brooke's Pov:

The smell of eggs; bacon; sausage; and toast filled my nose, waking me up in the process. My eyes fluttered open and I was blinded with the sunlight. I shaded my eyes and sat straight up, my back cracking along the way. Sleeping against the stairs was not comfortable at all especially against the wooden railing.

I looked in the direction of the kitchen to find a half naked tan body in the kitchen. I smiled seeing the loving and caring boy. Memories of his behavior last night flashed through my mind. As much as I hated that he wouldn't remember, it still made me smile. I stood up and quietly walked to the kitchen. I stopped in the door way and leaned against the frame with my arms folded across my chest.

He jumped in surprise and took a quick glanced behind him before looking back at his cooking. "Good morning," he says. I smiled and pushed myself off of the door frame. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his bare torso. My toes curled up as I stood on my tippy toes to look over his shoulder. "What's all this?" I asked. He smiled at me and said, "I made you breakfast. I thought it would be a nice way to say thank you for taking care of my drunken arse last night." I giggled and said, "You're welcome. You were a tad bit crazy last night."

His eyes widen in embarrassment. "Don't be embarrass. It wasn't too bad. In fact, it was actually kind of cute." "Cute?" He chuckled. "Cute," I winked before kissing his cheek and unwrapping my arms from him to walk over to the table and to sit down. He followed after with a pan and a spatula in his hands. He scooped some eggs down on my plate and his. He went back and grabbed a plate filled with sausage and bacon with our toast on the side.

He placed them on the table before sitting across from me. A smile fell on his face and he said, "Well, dig in!" We began to eat in a comfortable silence that didn't bother one of us. I was happy that he never brought up last night. I never bothered to remind him about his caring actions. Neither did I remind him about his big mouth telling me about Dylynn. I've never seen a clear picture of her but what I know is that she is here in London and I will waste no time on finding her.

For the next few days, I plan on finding this girl. I want to see the girl who puts a smile on Louis' face. Of course, neither do I want Louis nor Harry to find out. Louis would be absolutely furious with me and Harry, well Harry would want to tag along and I want to do this on my own. It should be simple and easy knowing she looks almost like me.

"Brooke?" A voice cut me out of my thoughts. I blinked a few times and looked up at Louis. He looked back at me with his face filled with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "You barely touched your food. Is something bothering you?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me anymore Louis," I whispered. He frowned and said, "Of course I do." I shook my head and looked down to avoid his eyes.

"Like hell I won't. I will always worry about you," he said. "No you won't Louis!" I snapped. I looked up at him to see his eyes went wide before turning into a frown. "Bloody hell Brooke!" He slammed his fist on the table causing me to jump in surprise and fear. "Why won't you let me in? I am always here for you. You will not change that. Neither you nor your words will change my mind," he sneered. "Please let it go Louis. I'm sick of arguing," I pleaded. "I'm sick of waiting for you to love me again," he whispered.

"I do love you Louis!" I yelled. "Why can't you see that I love you?" "That's because you're always shutting me out and saying we can be friends when I don't want to be. I want to be your boyfriend who will stick by your side and be able to kiss you. Not just your friend." "I only shut you out because I'm scared," I whispered. He groaned and rolled his eyes. "I know. You don't have to remind me again. I've told you before that I will catch you when you fall. You shouldn't be afraid to fall in love with me," he said. "Look where that ended up last time!" I exclaimed. "That was a mistake you over looked," he frowned.

I scoffed. My arms folded across my chest as we both stood up from our seats. "It still happened. You had hurt me when you promised to Harry and me that you wouldn't." Anger flashed through his eyes. "Don't you dare say that," he spat clearly angry as he gripped the wooden table with his large hands. I knew this was wrong of me but I couldn't help myself but provoke him more. It was great getting a reaction out of him. "You never loved me," I said. "I always will love you," he said. The anger rose inside of him. "Prove it," I provoked. Our faces became close, inch by inch.

"Prove it?" He asked. "Prove it Louis. Prove that you still love me. After all, how could I believe someone who has lied, broke my heart, cheated-" I was cut off with a pair of lips on mine. His hands cupped my cheeks as he pushed me up against the wall. I gasp in surprise by his sudden movements. As much I tried to resist the urge to kiss him back, I couldn't help myself and I kissed him back.

Our anger slowly faded from our bodies. My arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer to me. "Harry will be coming down soon," I murmured against his lips. "I don't care," he says. My eyes fell closed as his hands fell to my hips. "Louis-" I pulled back. "Just shut up and let me kiss you for one damn minute," he murmured and kissed me again. I felt myself smiling again as so did he.

No matter how much I can't be with him, I never seem to listen to it. I want to be with him but I can't and I won't. I don't want to hurt him even more. We are needy for love. Our hearts are broken and we are each other's only way of it not becoming broken again but either way, in the end he will be back to becoming heartbroken and I won't let that happen.

We pulled back gasping for air. A smile was clearly evident on his face and he was not afraid to show it. A sudden feeling of regret filled inside of me. He is slowly breaking down my walls I had around me and I couldn't let that happen. He is making me want him again. He knows it too.

"Louis," I whispered. "Yes, Brooke?" He smiled. I opened my eyes and looked back at him with sorrow.

"This doesn't change anything."

A/n: Hello! I'm sorry for the little and late chapter. This was just a filler and the next one will define fly be much better! Just a little hint that chapter ten will be crazy(;


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