Only Hope Prologue

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Only Hope Prologue

Louis' Pov:

This past year of traveling across the world was the most craziest, most hectic, most eventful time in my life. I traveled from London, to New York, to San Francisco, to Los Angeles, to Las Vegas, to Hawaii, to Juneau, to Miami, to Rio de Janeiro, to La Concha, to Hong Kong, to Tokyo, to Moscow, to Rome, to Venice, to Dublin, to Paris, then to Sydney and I've finally found the one I've been looking for. Brooke Allen Styles. The most amazing, beautiful, perfect girl I've ever laid eyes on.

I remember the first day we met; dated; kissed; and the most eventful day of my life, her running away. Let me tell you something, never in my life have I ever felt so alone and heartbroken. All I ever wanted was for us to be together again. I swore to myself that I would do anything to find Brooke, even if it means to travel across the world in search for her. I remembered that I was done with girls after my break up with my previous girlfriend before Brooke. The last thing I ever thought was to fall in love again. I never thought I would fall in love with Brooke who is my best mate's sister.

When she left us that note, I remember feeling my heart being ripped into two and my world fall apart. I was filled with regret ever since she left and I was determined to find her and bring her back home. I missed her touch, kiss, embrace, and her in general. She was my everything. Yes, you've read that correctly. Was.

Something terrible has happened once I've found her. She wasn't the same. She was... different. I didn't like it but soon she had warmed up to the lads and me again. It took some time but I've finally made her love me again. I knew she still loved me after everything. I could see it in her eyes but I knew she was still heartbroken and couldn't trust me. I was willing to change that and I did.

During her time back, we had an eventful time together. There was much more drama with her brother and the lads. We even ran into someone that caused even more drama in mine and Brooke's relationship. What was the drama you may ask? Well, I can't spoil anything now could I? You will have to continue on with our story. Our story of lust, heartbreak, and surprises.

A surprise had struck the group and I. It wasn't a good surprise either. It was more of a nightmare once we found out. We were all in tears when Brooke told us. I was the first she told (or so I thought I was) and I had to watch her walk away. What she told me had broke my heart. My happy ending with her had vanished. I thought once I've found her, everything will go back to the way things were but sadly I was wrong. I was way off from a happy ending. This is no fairy tale. This is reality.

What may the horrible surprise maybe? The nightmare that caused our group to be heartbroken and miserable? Well, that's something I can't spoil. You wouldn't want me to spoil anything now would you? That's what I thought. But, I'll give you a hint. It is not cancer so do not let that get in your head. Do not worry. Mine and Brooke's story isn't that depressing. Well, maybe but it's not like that.

This isn't your typical cliché love story. This isn't some fairy tale or a happy ever after. Along the way, you run into problems and that so happens to be with Brooke and me. We had to deal with her overly protective, stubborn brother Harry; the psychotic waitress that ruined my relationship with Brooke; Dylynn; Brooke running away; my hallucinations that I hope are over and done with; and don't forget that awful surprise I was telling you about earlier up above.

Now, back to the search frantic. It was one of the most miserable life experience I've been through. I vow to myself that I will not let my love one run away again. I will not hurt her or lie to her ever again. She means too much to ever let that happen again. I went through hell and back in search for her. When I find her, it better have been worth it. I expected to have her run in my arms and we would cry in each other's arms. Not the complete opposite.

After searching for her, I didn't expect to see someone totally different. She wasn't the same girl I once fell in love with. She was someone different and I didn't know whether or not if I liked it. I wanted to cry because of the pain I had when I realized I was the one behind it. I caused her to change but I plan on changing her back. I missed the Brooke I fell in love with. I want my old Brooke back.

Now, I believe I explained everything. Am I correct? I haven't explained what will happen. I mean, I can't ruin anything and spoil the surprise now can I? Exactly. No, wait. Sorry, there is one more thing you should all know.

I, Louis Tomlinson, never thought I'd see the day where I would be heartbroken over a girl I love. I would watch her slip from my fingertips and never to be seen again. Who knew she would take me on a journey of life and hope.

This is our story.

We are each other's Only Hope.

A/n: IT IS UP EVERYONE!! Woohoo!! I am super excited for this story. Now I'd like to warn you for future events on this story. This story will contain some heated, lustful contents (aka some brief sexual content) but not bad. It will still be PG-13; some brief language; and cliffhangers(; you have been warned! Now, please enjoy this crazy yet romantic story!!


This chapter is dedicated to @suvico for the amazing cover!(: thank you very much hun!

Only Hope (Conclusion) | Louis Tomlinsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें