Only Hope Chapter 28

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Only Hope Chapter 28

Louis' Pov:

I flinched at the loudness of Harry's voice as it bounced off of the walls of the vehicle. Vulgar, rude words were being shouted out of his mouth and aimed at me. His face was bright red, his fists were clenching the collar of my shirt as he yelled in my face, and his eyes were gleaming with hatred and anger. Niall was trying to pry Harry off of me but Harry kept a firm grip on me. Zayn and Liam were outside of the van while Niall, Harry, and I stayed in. Jack was off to somewhere, probably going to see Brooke.

"You're a bloody idiot! Do you know that?" Niall yelled to me over Harry's controlling and intimidating voice as he tried yanking him back. Niall wasn't mad. He wasn't mad at all. But I can tell he was annoyed and frustrated by the commotion. He only wanted peace, but peace coming between this group was like rain coming in the desert- it was impossible.

"What is your deal? Damn it, Louis! You made her run away again. I oughta teach you a lesson for being a shithead and treating her like she is some pet," Harry roared, shaking my body with his white fist. "Harry!" Niall hollered, but Harry ignored him as he tighten his grip on me to where I was almost choking.

"H-Harry-" "No! Shut the hell up and let me talk. I had enough of you and your big mouth going off on my sister. No man should ever treat a women with disrespect! You don't know what she is going through. You don't know shit!" Harry screamed with glistening tears streaming down his watery eyes. "You don't know." His grip loosened on me and he let out sobs with his shoulder shaking. "You don't know anything," he cried, burying his head in his arms as he turned around in his seat.

Niall's hold on him had fallen and his hands were dangling by his sides. We watched our emotionally, unstable best friend of ours cry his poor heart out. "You don't know anything," he repeated with loud sobs and sniffs, "you're as clueless as a deer caught in headlights. You will never know. You don't deserve to know either!"

He lifted his head up and glared at me. He glared at me until I felt pain, because I knew my best friend hated me. He hated me with passion and every ounce of feelings he had in him. I wouldn't blame him. . .

"I want you out of my face. I want you to fuck off and go hang out with that filth of yours. You two deserve each other. I don't want you around Brooke ever again. I don't want you to talk to her, to see her, or to think of her. And I swear if I ever see you go near her again I will personally hurt you. You've caused enough damage with her and it's about time you feel what she feels," he spat in a venomous tone of voice, causing me to flinch and to look down.

"Harry-" "Shut up, Niall," Harry growled at the scared blonde. Harry kept his narrowed gaze locked on me. "That was a bit harsh-" "I said shut up, Niall!" Harry yelled. Niall jumped in surprise before nodding and looking away. "And as for you, Louis. . ." I looked up to meet Harry's livid eyes. "You don't deserve to be my best mate anymore. You don't deserve Brooke. You don't deserve to be in this group as long as you keep up with this attitude while you're with Dylynn. Now, leave. I can't stand to be around you."

I nodded; guilt rose inside of me and it was eating me alive. All his words were true. It had hurt like hell, but they were true. Honest words hurt the most.

I opened the van door and stepped out. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I saw Harry's shoulders fall and his features soften for a split second before hardening again. "I said fuck off," he snarled. I nodded and closed the door. My body pushed past Liam and Zayn; I ignored their hollering after me as I continued to walk back in the opposite way Brooke had went.

If that is what Harry wanted, then so be it.


Dylynn laid besides me with her head rested against my naked torso after our intimate activities. The thin blanket covered her bare body, besides her arms, as she typed away on her phone.

"You know. . . I would like to take you out tonight. I want tonight to be special," I whispered, only to receive a glance before looking down at her phone. "Eh," she mumbles before giggling from a text she received. I sighed. "I think it would be fun since we have been together for awhile now. How does dinner sound?" I suggested. She let out an annoyed sigh as she shook her head.

"I don't want to go out," she said, clearly not interested. "Why don't you want to go out?" I asked, slight hurt. "Because I don't want to," she said in a boring, monotone voice. Her eyes never left the small screen of her lit up phone. "How about I take you to the fair? Or the movies? What about the drive in movie theater?" I suggested with a smile. She shook her head and said, "Eh. . . No."

I sighed and stood up from the messy bed; I pulled on a pair of black boxer briefs before sitting back down on the edge of the bed. "Is there anything you want to do?" I asked. She continued to type away on her phone; she ignored me while she texted some friend of hers with a smile. "Hello? Are you even listening to me?" I asked. "Huh?" She looked up from her phone and scrunched her nose in confusion.

"Sorry, Louis. I need to go. Maybe some other time, yeah?" She stood up and quickly pulled on a comfy outfit before walking out of the door and out the front, without letting me give her a reply.

I sat, stunned to her sudden mood of change. It was like she didn't care about me at all. But I shouldn't let those thoughts corrupt my mind. I was only over thinking it. I am having a bad day and I was only over thinking this situation. Right? Right.

A/n: I updated!! A two year celebration of FFY is coming up. Do you guys have any suggestions to what I should do? It can be about anything- the trilogy, questions about the book that I will answer, a sneak peak of the last chapter, anything just name it! Another sneak peek is below!!

Sneak peek:

"Where do you think you're going? I wasn't finished talking to you. You and I both agreed on this. I love Dylynn and that's it. If I believe I should take the next step in our relationship, I should! If I want to marry her, I should! If I want her to be with me for the rest of my life, then let her! You have no say in this. It seems to me that you're becoming closer with Niall. You might as well date him," he snarled.

"This isn't about Niall! This is about you and Dylynn. I am being honest with you because I can't take it anymore. She is the girl who ruined our relationship. She is the waitress. Why can't you believe me? Please. . . believe me," I whispered, my lip quivered as my eyes filled with tears. "I can't believe you because you keep things from me. Why should I believe a lying, jealous ex-girlfriend?"

"Damn it, Louis! Fine, I am jealous. I am jealous because she is the one who gets to kiss you while I have to sit back and cry to myself. I am jealous because we used to be the 'it' couple. I am jealous because I am in love with you and I know you will never feel the same way." By now, the tears have fallen and I did not try to hide them. The amount of pain filled inside of me and it all came exploding out. "You're right, though. . . I will never feel the same way about you."

Only Hope (Conclusion) | Louis TomlinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora