Only Hope Chapter 48

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Only Hope Chapter 48

Brooke's Pov:

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Harry roared. "Harry-" "Shut up, Louis. Brooke, tell me what is going on," Harry demanded. "Why is Louis in only briefs and you are in his shirt? And why are there clothes scattered?"

"Isn't it obvious, Harry?" "What is? And don't bullshit me. I want the truth. Okay?" "And I will give it to you. Louis came yesterday and stayed the night. This morning he came in here to check up on me because I had a nightmare last night. He sleeps in his briefs so that's why he is only wearing briefs. He came in moments before you did," I explained. "Then, explain his clothes on your floor and his shirt on you," he spat.

"I tried on many of his shirts and the ones I didn't like I tossed on the floor. And I love wearing his shirts because they are big and cozy, and I hate wearing tight clothes when I'm on my period-" "Okay! That's enough. I get it. It was a big misunderstanding. Too much detail. I'm sorry I accused you guys of sex," Harry said, causing me to laugh. "But. . . uh. . . Did you guys?" Louis and I both shook our heads vigorously. "Harry, we are only friends," Louis said. Harry looked a bit unsure until I nodded.

"Well, okay then. Anyways,surprise! I'm here early. And, Louis, I will like to talk to you at some point to discuss what happened last week," Harry said. Louis awkwardly nodded. "Oh! And happy birthday, Lou." Harry walked out, closing the door behind him.

Louis sighed and walked over to me, hovering above me and kissing down my neck. "Where were we?" he mumbled. I shook my head and slipped out from underneath him. He pouted and fell back on his elbows.

"Did you not witness what happened?" I asked. His eyes went wide. "You're on your period?" he asked. "What? No. I said that to save your ass," I said, laughing. He sighed in relief and asked, "I don't understand. What just happened?" "One word: Harry."

He rolled his eyes. "He won't bother us," he said, crawling over and hovering above me. "I have protection." I played with the hair on the back of his neck and shook my head with a smile. "Tonight," I whispered his ear. He smirked. "Oh yeah? Where at?" he asked. I shrugged and trailed kisses down his chest and back up. "You can choose," I said.

He hummed in response and fell besides me. I cuddled in his body as he wrapped an arm around me. "I have a few places," he teased, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed and kissed his jaw before resting my head on his bare chest.

"What are we going to do about your ring?" he asked, playing with my curls. "I don't know. Maybe he won't notice," I said. "What if he does?" he asked. "I'll say Gemma bought me it for an early Christmas present," I explained. "When should we tell him?"

He thought about it for a moment before groaning and burying his head in the crook of my neck. He let out a loud sigh and shook his head. "I know I want to tell him before we leave," I said. He nodded and wrapped both of his arms around my body.

I wrapped my arms around him and began to scratch his upper back with my long nails. He hummed and smiled in pleasure. "That feels good," he said. "I love you." "I love you too." "We should be getting down there," he said. I slowly nodded.

He rolled off of me and stood up, walking over to pull on his pants. I pulled off his shirt and tossed him it. "Actually. . . Maybe we should stay up here," he said. I giggled and shook my head before grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head and through my arms.

I entwine our hands together and made our way downstairs, but letting go as we reached the bottom. "Hey, Brooke. Uh hi, Louis. . ." Niall said. Louis rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around my waist, guiding me to the kitchen. I sent Niall an apologetic smile and waved at the rest of the lads in which they returned. Louis let go of me and walked into the kitchen alone.

I saw Harry and he raised an eyebrow at the gesture Louis gave me. "He is only be protective over the news he found out. It's only a friendly gesture. Nothing is going on," I assured him. He nodded and walked away as I walked into the kitchen where Louis was, leaning against the sink, looking out at the window. His hands gripped the counter tile, and his muscles were tensed.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him from behind, and I rested my head against his back. His shoulders relaxed from underneath my touch; and he turned around, wrapping his arms around me. My head laid on his hard chest and his head rested on top of mine.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. He shook his head and his hold grew tighter. "I don't want you to die," he whispered. I sighed and gave him an assuring squeeze. "Let's not think about that. It's youre birthday," I said. "When are we?" he asked. "We have to at some point." "Just not today. Today is about you and I don't want it to be about me. Okay?" He nodded.

"Plus we have other things to worry about," I whispered in his ear, standing on my toes. He smirked as his hands lowered. "Oh yeah? Like what?" he asked in amusement. "Like. . . how tonight is going to go and where it is going to go," I said. "I have a few ideas," he said, lowly. "Please enlighten me with those ideas," I said.

He boosted me up onto the kitchen counter and stood in-between my legs; my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands gently grasped my thighs. "There. . . is. . . the car, the shower, your room, my room, and. . . we can get creative." I playfully punched him in the bicep and he let out a quiet laugh.

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips, but just as his lips met with mine, a voice startled us apart. "Ah ha! I knew it," Niall whispered. Louis rolled his eyes and turned around in-between my legs. "What is it, Niall?" Louis sneered. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around Louis' neck.

"What crawled up your ass?" Niall asked. Louis began to ponder before saying, "I don't know. Gee, maybe it was that you lied to me and betrayed me." "You're not past that?" Niall asked. Louis shook his head and held my hands on his chest. "Why would I be?" Louis spat.

Niall raised his hands in the air before back out. Louis muttered curse words under his breath and his body tensed again. "This was suppose to be my day with you and, now, I have to deal with them on my birthday," Louis muttered.

"We can still have time together," I said. "Oh yeah? When? I have to deal with them following us around and- you know what?" He pulled out of my grip and stormed off into the other room. I jumped off of the counter and sprinted after him.

Louis' body shook with anger as he stood in front of a very confused Harry. "Harry! I had sex with your sister and I proposed to her; her answer was yes. There is nothing you're going to do about it!" Louis shouted.

And in that moment, you could hear my heart pounding and the sound of glass breaking from a shocked Liam, Niall, and Zayn. While Harry choked on his drink and stared up at Louis with wide eyes.

A/n: Hello everyone! Sorry for the wait but I finally got it up (that's what she said)! Another cliff hanger and a surprise in the next chapter ;) You won't want to miss it.

Hint: Fighting

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