Only Hope Chapter 39

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Only Hope Chapter 39

Louis' Pov:

The wind blazed through the loose strands of hair that fallen in my face. My arm rested on the window while the other gripped the steering wheel. The air was chilly and aroused goosebumps on my skin.

I came to a stop light and waited patiently for it to turn green before I can go; and once it turned green I made a left, pulling up to a school and parking in an open parking spot. I shut off my engine and stepped out of the vehicle before walking down the side walk to the entrance of the school.

The wet, chilly air of Doncaster nipped at my tan skin as I waited patiently for my little sister, Phoebe, to come running out of school. For a twenty-two year old guy from living in England, I should be used to the cold weather but it never seems to surprise me that I have not become used to it. The weather in the U.K. is unpredictable.

The school bell rang through out the campus and, soon, the kids came running out of the doors and gates. Eventually, I saw my little sister come running out in her pink coat and fuzzy, brown hat.

And when she saw me she stopped in her steps and looked at me with wide eyes. "Louis?" her soft voice whispered. "Hey Phoebe!" I exclaimed, crouching to my knees and opening my arms. She ran into my arms and engulfed me in a hug.

"You're here!" she exclaimed, pulling back slightly. "You were suppose to call." Her small lips formed into a pout; and I let out a chuckle. "Sorry, Phoebes. I've been busy. A lot of stuff is going on," I said, my smile fading. "Does everyone know you're here?" she asked, I shook my head.

She squealed with delight and hugged me with a tighter embrace. "Phoebe! Get over here," Lottie exclaimed from behind us. "You know not to go near strangers." Phoebe looked behind me with a huge grin on her face; she burst out in a fit of giggles. "Lottie! Look who surprised us," she said. I picked my little sister up with one arm and turned around to face my oldest sister.

"You're still as strict as can be," I teased with a humorous smirk. Her eyes lit up with glee as she ran over to me and pulled all three of us in a hug. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked. I let out an awkward laugh before saying, "I ran in a bit of issues back in London." She raised an eyebrow and pulled out of the hug. "Knucklehead, what happened?" I shook my head. "Oh. I see. The lads giving you a problem?"

"Eh. In a way," I explained. "Is curly, Irish, Zaynie, and Lee here?" Phoebe asked. "Not this time, pinks," I said, ruffling her hat. She pouted and wiggled in my arms before wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Let's get going. Everyone will be happy to see you," Lottie said. "Yes Ma'am," I said, saluting my sister. She rolled her eyes and walked to the car with her keys jiggling in her hand. I followed her with Phoebe now on my shoulders.

The ride back to the house took longer than I expect. There was a lot of traffic along the way home. We took separate cars, and I arrived seconds after my sisters did. As I parked my car out front of my childhood home, my nerves began to kick in. It was an odd feeling, because I was never nervous coming to my home.

I picked up my phone from the back seat and turned it back on to see I had many missed calls from the lads, but none from Brooke. I should make the boys pay for not telling me about the situation by not telling them where I went, but I knew it was best that I tell them.

So, I dialled Harry's number and waited until he picked up. There was a click and Harry's voice boomed through the phone. "Where the hell are you? You've been gone for three hours! Are you a dumbass? Get your ass back home," he screamed.

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