Only Hope Chapter 5

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*Song for Chapter: Heartache On the Big Screen by 5 Seconds of Summer*

Only Hope Chapter 5

Louis' Pov:

I awaken from a deep slumber with back and neck pains. I moaned in pain as my body ached. My body rolled over but I fell flat on my stomach with a jolt. I sat up and stretched my body before looking around at my surrounding. My eyes fell on the familiar view of the park. The night sky shined brightly from the many stars up above.

I rolled my neck around before standing up. My back cracked releasing the pressure in my spinal disks and nerves. I pulled out my phone to see I had many miss calls and text from the lads but none of them were from Brooke. My lips let out a desperate sigh before dialing the number I knew forward and backwards. Brooke's.

I placed the phone up to my ear and heard it ring before it went straight to voicemail. I decided back and forth whether or not I should leave a voicemail but it was too late. The voicemail beeped and I spoke. This time with honest words.

"Look Brooke, I am so sorry for what I said. I never meant to hurt you with my harsh words. You know I love you and when you agreed with Harry, I was hurt. My mind took over my heart. I let my head get to me," I cried out to her. "Please let's talk about this. I promised you I will never give up on you and I won't but if not being with me makes you happy, then so be it. We can always be friends." It was hard for me to say the word. I could never just be her friend.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I will never lie to you when I say 'I love you.' Believe me. If you want to be just friends, again, then I guess I will be okay with it. But know I will always love you," I felt a tear fall from my eye but I quickly wiped it away and let out a shaky breath before my anger took over me. "You know what? Forget everything I said. If you truly cared for me then you will be calling me. I've done my part and now I'm waiting for yours. I am done with your shit. I will be waiting for you to stop acting like the Brooke I found. The lonely, broken, scared, lost girl." I hung up without another word.

"I need a drink," I muttered with a shake of my head. I wrapped my arms around myself and began walking to the nearest club. I knew I shouldn't be coming here but I needed to. Brooke has came into my life only for me to be left miserable. We are stuck in one time period in our "relationship" which is heartbreak. She caused me pain in my already frail heart. It is getting to the point where I am questioning my love for her. Of course I love her but now, I don't know if she loves me in return.

The loud, booming music blared down the street and I could already hear the club music from a block away. I felt the vibration of the club from underneath my feet. By stepping foot inside the club, I knew hell would break loose. Stepping in the night club only to end up drunk will result in something I would regret later on but now, I could care less. I could care less if I ended up with some girl who isn't Brooke. After all she did tell me to move on and she doesn't want to be with me. That is what I am going to do. My wrath took over. With the angry thought in my mind, I walked inside the club. I walked in with my head held high and not having a single care about Brooke.

I pushed past the sweaty and grinding bodies in the crowded dance floor as I made my way to the bar. In only a matter of minutes, I will be in a drunken mind. I will be let loose without Harry or anyone to stop me. I am finally free from this nightmare I call Harry and Brooke.

A smirk fell on my lips as I caught a brunette staring at me. Her blue eyes widen in humiliation and surprise. She blushed and quickly looked away when she noticed I was looking back. I sat down at the bar and ordered up a shot. When it was placed down in front of me, I took no hesitation to take a large gulp from it. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and my heart rate picked up. The smirk plastered on my lips grew knowing the alcohol kicked in. Shot glass after shot glass I began to feel tipsy and my drunken mind took over. I was chatting amongst others who I didn't know and as I was talking, I couldn't help but keep catching the brunette's bright, rounded blue eyes.

It even led to the point where I began walking over to her and her friends. They giggled amongst themselves and continued to look my way. When I reached them, I took no time to chat her up. I sat down in the booth next to her and wrap my arm around her small shoulders. The small shot glass was set on the table. Her friends giggled and walked away. "I happen to have catch your eyes babe," I whispered in her ear. "You're eyes are the bluest eyes I've seen. I could get lost in them." She giggled and placed her lips by my ear. Her thick British accent rung through my ears. "You will have to try harder than that, Tomlinson." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I watched her walk away with a sway to her hips.

She knew who I was and I didn't know her but that could be based off of my blurry vision and drunken mind. Curiosity of this girl got the best of me. I followed after her through the crowded dance floor and to spot her across the way, dancing with her little group of friends. She wore a tight and little black dress that reached mid thigh along with red heels and matching red lips. I pushed my way through the crowd. Her friends noticed me and left the mysterious girl not knowing. I snuck up behind her before grasping her hips and pulling her close to my body. She let out a small gasp. Her body was tensed until she realized it was me.

A small yet devilish smirk formed on her red plumped lips. "You're back," she whispered. She turned to face me yet I still couldn't recognize her. "How do you know me?" my voice let out a low and raspy whisper. "I'm surprise you don't notice me," she said. I let out a loud and boisterous laugh before she began to grind her hips with mine. "I'm drunk. What do you expect?" I asked. "Is it because of a certain girl?" She asked. Brooke flashed across my mind. Her innocent smile and her contagious laugh. Her sparkling green eyes and kissable lips.

I shook the image out of my mind and looked down at the blurry girl. "No," I muttered. A knowing smile reached her face but she dropped the subject. We continued to grind along to the music with a few make out sessions here and there. I must admit, she is a great kisser but for some odd reason it felt like I've kissed those same lips before.

"You're heart is aching. I can feel it," she whispers in my ear. "Some tragic moment with a girl?" She asked. Her words felt like knifes. It caused me pain to talk about this. "You're at the one point of a relationship where it is constant arguing. If I were you, I'd leave before she really hurts you." "It's too late now," I whispered against her snowy white bare skin as I let my eyes fall close. "Leave her," she whispers. "I can't." "But you must." "But I can't." "Then try."

I open my eyes to find the room spinning around me. I felt it hard to breathe to find myself falling apart. My body stumbled back out of the girls arms. She looked up at me with a visible smirk. "I will be seeing you much more later," she winked before disappearing in the crowd. Then in that moment it hit me when I realized who she was. She looked the same but instead, she had a British accent. Instead of anger rising inside of me, I grinned. I felt happy realizing who she was and I don't care if Brooke hates it. I was not guilty for the actions I did with.


A/n: Hello hello!! Like I promised, here is an update!! Excuse me for the shortish chapter. I hope everyone enjoyed it! One thing left to say... Dylynn is back. Don't hate!! (: how will Brooke handle this? Btw, how is the new cover? A little hint for everyone, look very closely at the picture and tell me what you see in the background.(; bigger picture is on my twitter or the side.

Updating Schedule~

Monday, Wednesday, Friday


The Dark Side will be on hold for a little bit(: Sorry!

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