Only Hope Chapter 10

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Only Hope Chapter 10

Brooke's Pov:

My anger over powered the amount of hurt I had inside of me. How could Louis be so blind to not realize that Dylynn was the girl back at the restaurant? She caused all of this in the first place and here he is hanging out with her.

My eyebrows furrowed in anger. I looked down at his out stretched hand. He waited for me to take his hand but I pushed it aside and stood up. I wiped all the mud off of my bare legs and arms. The mud would eventually come out of my clothes but that was the least of my worries. Dylynn's silhouette was seen in the darken park but I could still be able to see the smirk that was evident on her lips. I wanted to smack it off of her but I didn't want to look like the bad person in this situation. Especially in front of Louis.

"Hey baby- uh Brooke. Are you okay?" Louis asked from besides me. He inspected my arms and legs for any cuts and bruises. He stood in front of me and placed two fingers under my chin to examine my eye. I ignored him and continued to glare at the mischievous girl behind him. His gaze followed the direction I had my eyes locked on and landed on "Dylynn", if that was her real name. "Brooke baby what is wrong?" He asked. I turned my attention on him and glared at him.

The moonlight reflected on him making him visible for me to see. I looked at Louis in disgust. He looked in pain at the reaction he was getting from me. He knew he did something wrong but didn't know what. I scoffed angrily at the two of them. His eyes flashed a pain of hurt. "I don't even know where to begin but let me tell you this Louis Tomlinson. You had messed up big time! This is the worst you have done," I said. "Brooke baby girl please tell me what is wrong," he pleaded.

I rolled my eyes and pointed a finger at him. "First of all: do not call me baby girl. I told you that before. I am not your baby girl anymore," I said. "Second of all: Don't act like I didn't see what happened with her," venom dropped off of my tone of voice as I pointed behind him to the awkward yet pleased girl. His lips parted in shock. "Brooke-" I raised my hand to stop him. "It's okay Louis. I understand you moved on in only a few hours," I sneered. "What was I suppose to do? You told me to move on. It just so happens that I did and now you don't want me to," he frowned. "Not with her!" I screamed. Their eyes went wide in surprise at my sudden outbreak.

"You don't know who she is-" "I am not stupid Louis. She is Dylynn," I cut him off. "Will you stop cutting me off?" He argued. "Would you stop being a self-conceited arse?" I argued back. "Me? Me being a self-conceited arse? Please tell me how I am being so," he sneered. "Well let's see, you moved on from me no longer than two hours later. You already moved on by kissing another girl after we had an argument which clearly is being a bit of an arse in my opinion. Don't get me started about you knowing you can instantly get Dylynn to fall for you if she hasn't already," I said. He glared down at me like I was a little bug that could be crushed any minute.

"Dylynn would you give us a second?" Louis asked, never taking his angered eyes off of me. "Sure," she whispers awkwardly before walking away. After she was out of view, Louis let out a frustrated groan. He raked his fingers through his disheveled hair before his eyes met mine. "I love you," he blurts out. "I don't love you," I said. "Yes. Yes you do but you are too afraid to admit it. You're too blinded by heartbreak," he said.

"You're too blind to see what's in front of you," I whisper. "What was that?" He asked. I kept my eyes off of him. I knew once I look into those blue eyes of his, I would instantly fall back in love with him. It was like he has me under a spell like in those fairy tales. But fairy tales aren't real.

"Please look at me," he pleads. I avoided his gaze. "I love you," he whispers. His hand gently pushed back a strand of hair behind my ear and made me look up at him. I was instantly locking eyes with the blue eyes I fell in love with. A small gasp left my slightly parted lips. He leans in and rests his arm against the tree that was behind us. "No matter what we go through. I will always love you," he says as he begins leaning in closer.

My heartbeat quicken its speed as he leaned in closer and closer. Just as he was about to kiss me, I moved out from under him. He looked at me in pain like he has been shot by a piercing bullet. He pushed himself off of the tree and turned towards me. "Please don't kiss me," I pleaded. "Brooke-" "I mean it Louis. I can't have you keep doing this to me. Go be with some pathetic, lying, scumbag of a girl you have waiting for you," I snapped.

He frowned. "She isn't what you think she is," he argues. "No, you don't. Louis this has to end and I mean it. You are too blinded by her lies that you don't see the truth behind them," I frowned. "What are you talking about?" He asked. I scoffed in response. Of course he wouldn't know what I was talking about. She is hiding behind a fat lie. She caused our relationship to go south in the first place. If only he would believe me if I ever tell him, that is.

I sighed. "Goodbye Louis," I said. I turned around but before I could begin walking, an arm grasp my bicep and pulled me back in their chest. Louis held a firm grip around me. My emotions got the best of me and I knew I had fallen in love again with him. "I love you," he says again. I shook my head. The tears fell from my once happy filled eyes. He cradled me in his arms and I couldn't help myself but wrap my arms around him and cry on his chest. "I love you," he murmurs in my ear.

"Please let me go Louis. Let me move on," I beg. "No," he shook his head. "I don't love you anymore," I lie. "I never did." "Yes you do. Stop lying to yourself. I won't let you leave until you tell me you do," he said. "Why do you do this to me?" I cried. "You make me hate you one minute but then you make me fall back in love with you, the next."

"Please, I just want to hear you say it once more. Let me here you say I love you," he says. "I know you still do." My grip on him tighten, my arms were wrapped around his torso and my head was buried in the crook of his neck. "Please," he whispers.

"You know what they say, when you love someone, set them free. If they are yours then they will come back," I whisper with my voice cracking at the end. "What are you saying?" He asked. I pause before speaking out. "I'm letting you free Louis because I love you." I look up to see his eyes were filled with love and heartbreak. "Don't do this," he says. A tear fell from his solemnly, lost eyes. "I'm sorry," I said as my heart broke even more at the sight of him. "I'm letting you go."

I stood up on my tippy-toes and placed my lips on his to kiss him goodbye. It was a quick and gentle kiss. Before he could react and kiss me back, I had already pulled away and began walking away from him. It hurt more than anything to do this to him but it was for the best. He had hurt me too much and I know I will hurt him in the end. I might as well save him from the heartbreak later on.

I love him so I'm setting him free.

A/n: I updated!! Woohoo!! Keep in mind I have finals this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) and I will be a busy bee so no updates this week. Not until Friday (possibly Thursday night) and then I'm free! Only 7 school days left :D woohoo!! Then I can update when ever!!! Wish me luck for my finals!

Only Hope (Conclusion) | Louis TomlinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora