Only Hope Chapter 17

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Only Hope Chapter 17

Third Person Pov:

"Harry, as if you haven't noticed it is three o'clock in the morning and I am extremely tired from yesterday with Dylynn so if you wouldn't mind I would gladly love it if I can go back to sleep and we can have our little chat some other time when it isn't three o'clock in the morning," Louis said.

Harry folded his arms across his chest in an X shape, cupping his elbows. "I don't think that's happening Louis. We need to talk," Harry said. "Why are you even up?" Louis asked, changing the subject. "And quit being so loud. Brooke is asleep."

As Louis and Harry bickered on the other side of Brooke's closed door, what Louis didn't know was Brooke was actually awake and was on the other side of the door listening to their conversation. Her ear pressed against the door and all she could hear were muffles but she managed to pick up their conversation.

"I heard a crashing noise coming from Brooke's room," Harry explained, shrugging his shoulders. "Oh," Louis mumbled, avoiding the intimidating stare Harry had on. "Why are you even in her room?" Harry asked. Louis built up the courage and took a quick glance at Harry before avoiding eye contact again. "I don't know. I just woke up and was bored so I decided to go in her room. I wasn't thinking," Louis admitted shamefully.

"What were you doing in there?" Harry asked. "I noticed I forgot something in there," Louis lied through gritted teeth. Brooke's heart dropped at his lie. She was awake the whole time and knew exactly what had happened. The light in the bathroom had woken her up when she heard the door opening and once she realized it was Louis who was opening the door she quickly closed her eyes and acted asleep. She felt his large hand caressed her face, making her heart flutter at his soft actions but once realizing what he did he removed his hand away causing her happiness to vanish.

"Then what was the crashing noise?" Harry asked, clearly not believing a single word coming form Louis' mouth. "What is with all these stupid questions?" Louis snapped with a hard glare. "Do you not believe me?" "No I don't," Harry said bluntly. Louis eyes soften and his body felt numb at his best mate's words. "I don't believe a single word coming out of your mouth Louis. I don't believe you or your actions because this Louis isn't the Louis a year ago," Harry said, pointing a finger at Louis.

"People change. They grow up I guess," Louis said, shrugging his shoulders. Harry shook his head, his curls falling down on his forehead. "You know what? Forget it. We don't need to talk anymore. Just go back to bed. I'm done trying. Just know the reason Brooke won't date you again isn't because of me," Harry said, a sigh escaped his pink lips. Louis was going to interject but hearing Harry's last sentence had shut him up.

Louis didn't say another word and left back to his room. Harry watched him until he saw Louis' bedroom door close shut with a soft slam. Harry ran a hand through his disheveled curly hair and rubbed his face before sighing. He closed his eyes shut to help calm his body. Brooke heard her brother sighing and knew something was wrong but decided to stay put in her spot.

"I know you heard," Harry's monotone voice said, causing her to jump back from the door in surprise. "I heard your heavy breathing on the other side of the door," he said. Brooke saw the door knob twist and the door being pushed open. She saw a head of messy curls come into the dim lighting of her bedroom. She saw the look of distress and tiredness wash over his features.

Her small figure made its way over to her brother. She wrapped her short arms around his torso. With her being five-foot-four, her head rested right on his chest. She heard his pounding heart beat against his chest and the sound made her instantly relax and to her to close her eyes.

Harry wrapped his arms around his sister, tightly like he was afraid to let her go. "I was going to try talking to him about you," Harry admit. "Please don't try to," Brooke pleads. "I know that you like him a lot-" "Love," Brooke corrected. Harry shook his head with a small smile earning a giggle out of Brooke. "Love... him but I don't know if I can ever approve of it. I can't let you both be heart broken if you two ever broke up again. Last time was miserable. I'm not trying to be a mean brother. I'm being protective," he explained. "I know Harry. I agree with you," she said.

"You do?" Harry asked, very surprise. Brooke nodded her head with a small yawn. Harry didn't reply but let the silence fill the room. Her breathing had calmed down. He soon heard soft snores coming from Brooke, knowing she had fallen asleep in the peaceful and quiet room. He chuckled to himself as he picked her in his arms and carried her to her bed. He lain her down and covered her with blankets.

As gently as he can so he wouldn't disturb her, he kissed her forehead and mumbled a 'good night' before retrieving. Just as he looked up he noticed something standing still on her bedside table. He noticed in a small orange bottle were prescription pills. His curiosity got he best of him as he leaned forward and snatched the small bottle. He crouched down by the bed and lifted the bottle in the city light peeking through the window.

In the dimmest light he managed to see in big bold letters, Riluzole.

A/n: Dun dun dun! Sorry for the short and later chapter :) I hope it was worth the wait!! Riluzole is a prescription in case you all were wondering but I won't say for what you will find out soon and I mean very soon!Everything will soon start to add up later on and all your questions will be answer very soon. School starts again on August 14th so I will try to get many update in by then but I also need to focus on starting Criminal and writing chapters for 1912 and The Dark Side. So until then!

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