Only Hope Chapter 45

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Only Hope Chapter 45

SOC: With Arms Wide Open by Creed

Brooke's Pov:

Yesterday, I had a blast. It has been so long since I've had a day like that, and it was quite amusing to experience. Now, the fun is all over and it was back to reality. In two days I will be seeing the lads again and I wanted to pass out at the thought of it. I missed them all, but Louis is still mad at all of us and I was expecting him not to show up at all. I have no idea if he will or not. All I had to do is wait and find out.

I skipped down the stairs and jumped down from the last one. My converse squeaked against the wood floor as I walked into the kitchen to see my mum cooking a dinner roast for tonight.

"Good evening, my beautiful mother," I said, kissing her cheek. "No I will not let you taste the food," she said. I poured and jumped on the counter. "Darn," I muttered, letting out a giggle.

"Where is Gemma?" I asked as she stirred the dinner. The front door opened and Gemma's voice hollered through out the house. "I'm home!" she yelled. "At the door," my mum said.

I jumped off of the counter and jogged into the kitchen, but without sneaking a bite of meat. My mum scowled at me and pushed the pot away.

Gemma sat down on the couch and turned on an episode of SpongeBob. I walked around the couch, carefully because of my aching muscles, and sat down besides her.

"How was your date with Kyle?" I asked. She turned her head and smiled. "It was fun," she said. "Where did he take you?" I asked. "To the movies to see the movie I've been dying to see," she said. I raised an eyebrow and gagged. "You're so raunchy. It's disgusting," I joked, faking a gag. "Hey! I never said what the film was," she said.

"But I have a very good guess on what it was," I said. "It was a comedy," she huffed. "It wasn't Fifty Shades of Grey because that doesn't come out until two months. . " "You're so obsessed with the series." I shook my head. "What? I can dream," she said, laughing.

"Then why don't you become Anastasia?" I asked. She gasp and pointed her finger at me. "You know her name! You've read the books!" she exclaimed. My cheeks turned bright red. "No!" She smirked and said, "I now know your dirty secret. I'll keep it." I blushed harder. "Okay. . . Maybe I've read the first book," I confessed.

"You have your kinks," she teased. "I do not. It was dirty and gross. There were things I didn't know that were possible. How can you like reading that?" I asked. "It brings a girl's fantasy to life," she said. "Not mine," I said, gagging at the thought.

She burst out into a fit of laughter and. I could help but laugh along. Seeing her laugh made me want to join in. Our eyes filled with tears of joy and our faces were bright red from laughing so hard. Our eyes were squinted and our heads were thrown back.

Then, my muscles in my stomach and arms began to cramp again, and my chest felt tighter than usual. It was difficult to breathe and panic shot through me. My whole body shot electrifying pulses of pain from the soles of my feet to the top of my head.

I tried gasping for air from the lack of air I received, but it wasn't useful. Gemma thought I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard but it was the complete opposite and I so badly wanted to tell her, but didn't, so I shook the thought away.

My coughing and choking soon calmed down after a minute and I was able to breath once again. My breathing came back to normal and I didn't notice I was clutching onto my chest in fear until afterward.

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