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avalyn sparrow

I dreaded the flight home because I wasn't sure what I was walking into. If I wasn't with Justin during the flight, I would've cried the entire way. I'm not a crier but I was genuinely afraid and despite noticing how uneasy I was, Justin did me the pleasure of not asking.

He dropped me off at Elena's house and I told him it was because she needed help with something. I didn't tell him I would be staying with her family until I could find an apartment. I wanted to stay here as short as possible, but it all depended on me finding affordable housing.

When Justin and I got back, he was a lot more busy than before. That was expected considering he was gone for a week and I understood he had an album coming out. It worked out perfect because it meant I could apartment hunt without taking time away from him or feeling like I was lying to him about something. We hadn't done much talking. Our last real conversation was on vacation with the exception for our small conversation about Christmas. I hadn't spent any nights at his penthouse because I felt like it was important to give him space.

Grabbing my bag from the locker in the staff room, I waited for Elena before we left the store. We weren't closing which was good because we were going to go to my parents house to pack my things. Hopefully my mother didn't throw a tantrum and throw my things out.

"Christmas is in two weeks and I have no idea what to get Justin. And he says he wants me to come with him to Ontario because that's where his family spends Christmas. If I go then I have to think of gifts for his mom, his mom's boyfriend and his grandparents," I informed her on our walk along the sidewalk.

This Christmas season was going to be a lot more stressful than previous ones. This year I have more than three people to buy gifts for, and I was supposed to be finding an apartment to rent. Money is more tight than ever but thinking about it further would only stress me out.

"My mom is inviting my grandparents and uncle Jim over for that week. Last time Jim was at our house, he farted every night in his sleep. I don't think I can take those fumes again," she groaned and I couldn't help but laugh. I remember two years ago when I visited her house for a week and it smelt like rotten eggs. Not only does he have a farting problem but he loves beans.

When we got to my parents house, my parents were thankfully absent. We tried to pack my things into boxes as quickly as possible. There wasn't much to pack. Mainly clothes. As much as I would love to take the furniture in the room, my parents would never let me.

"This is cute," Elena held out the black coat with my other winter things. I kept quiet, not wanting to tell her where it was from. If I told her Justin bought it for me, it would only further her theory that things between Justin and I is founded on his money. It's not true. I couldn't care less about his money.

I walked down the stairs, struggling to open the front door. Elena got permission from her mother to borrow her car for my move.

"You're moving?" Seth got out of his car. I set the box in the trunk of the car then looked at him.

My heartbeat quickened as I watched him come up to me. It wasn't bad. It was in a relieved way and I didn't know why. Maybe it's the confused emotions with everything going on with Justin. Or the fact that I've known Seth for almost ten years and this is the longest I've gone without seeing or talking to him.

"Yeah," I nodded and his face was emotionless.

"I'm happy for you," he expressed, his chest rising from the large breath he took in. He looked like he had a lot he wanted to say but didn't know where to begin. "I miss you, Avalyn. I was dying not knowing where you were. I was so worried."

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